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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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12 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Compared with huge swathes of the world we're doing pretty well. If you managed to lose everything in 8 weeks and have to sell your house then there was probably something already wrong.

Yes, I'm concerned about the cost of beer in pubs too....

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5 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

Mr Cyclical tries again.  Neither foul mouthed or angry either. Those seem to be your consistent default claims when you don't like being challenged as you can’t actually back up what you have said. 

What is it about the IOM approach that you are actually complaining about Mr Angry?

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3 minutes ago, pongo said:

What is it about the IOM approach which you are actually complaining about Mr Angry?

As I said neither angry or foul mouthed. But no doubt this will be a cyclical claim as per usual that you use on any poster who challenges you. I’m just disagreeing with your claim that many people aren’t suffering financially. Unemployment is over 1,100 (up from under 400 before covid) and 2,000 people are on MERA. They are clearly suffering as a direct fallout of lockdown. Have you spoken to any of them? I have. 

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3 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

As I said neither angry or foul mouthed. But no doubt this will be a cyclical claim as per usual that you use on any poster who challenges you. I’m just disagreeing with your claim that many people aren’t suffering financially. Unemployment is over 1,100 (up from under 400 before covid) and 2,000 people are on MERA. They are clearly suffering as a direct fallout of lockdown. Have you spoken to any of them? I have. 

why are you in such a rush to open up the borders? As it stands, we are now 70+ days covid free. Places on the island are open. Staycation is having it's best year to date so why jeapordise this?

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20 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

Yes, I'm concerned about the cost of beer in pubs too....

I've pretty much given up going to the pub. Been to the sidings a couple of times just cos they were good in lockdown and deserve a bit of support but that's about it.

The Sultan is obviously completely over the top but underneath his posting style there is a valid point. The lockdown savaged my finances, but that's partly my fault for living virtually paycheck to paycheck. But on the other hand there do seem to be a lot of people who seem to have saved, there is an awful lot of home improvement going on suddenly. I don't know anyone in the trades who are short of work now.

Edited by TheTeapot
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1 minute ago, TheTeapot said:

I've pretty much given up going to the pub. Been to the sidings a couple of times just cos they were good in lockdown and deserve a bit of support but that's about it.

The Sultan is obviously completely over the top but underneath his posting style there is a valid point. The lockdown savaged my finances, but that's partly my fault for living virtually paycheck to paycheck. But on the other hand there do seem to be a lot of people who seem to have saved, there is an awful lot of home improvement going on suddenly. I don't know anyone in the trades who are shirt of work now.

Me too. Sampled the 40p increase and largely empty Houses and decided that I hadn't been missing anything over 3 months. Watching tv now with a tinny.

I wonder how many of those who "saved" though are Govt employees who got paid right through? And are now spending freely?

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5 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Too many...

Everyone who is salaried would have been paid each month, no matter if private sector or public. It is a yearly income, not weekly , which carries little weight and can be stopped very quickly.


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10 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

Me too. Sampled the 40p increase and largely empty Houses and decided that I hadn't been missing anything over 3 months. Watching tv now with a tinny.

I wonder how many of those who "saved" though are Govt employees who got paid right through? And are now spending freely?

It's mostly the Government employees who are ok and had a 2.75% pay rise during lockdown when inflation was 0% so they're now spending as can't get to holiday homes.

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16 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

The Sultan is obviously completely over the top but underneath his posting style there is a valid point. The lockdown savaged my finances, but that's partly my fault for living virtually paycheck to paycheck. But on the other hand there do seem to be a lot of people who seem to have saved, there is an awful lot of home improvement going on suddenly. I don't know anyone in the trades who are short of work now.

That pretty much all I have said before attempts were made to blow it out of context and start ranting on about the border opening again. There are many many people already affected and there are many many people still to feel the full extent of this. The trades have come back on stream as you say and some shops, bars and some restaurants are seeing trade picking up. Many are still closed. Many won’t be opening their doors again either and once MERA stops many owners won’t have any cash. There is nothing wrong with pointing that out as it’s true. Again Pongo was trying to make out that pointing that out is being critical of governments approach. It isn’t. I haven’t really criticized anything government has done so far other than it clearly being constrained by trying not to upset too many paranoid moaners who want to sit in a bunker for years. Its a matter of simply trying not to gloss over the message that we are out of the wood on all this. We aren’t. In fact the big problems are only just coming. The last quarter of this year is going to be a financial bloodbath for many. 

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Let me understand, does that mean that quarantine on return to the island is reduced to seven days? It is not explained precisely whether the reduced period has already been introduced and due to be reviewed at the end of August; or if it is at the end of August that it may be introduced. It would be a game changer, because one week is much more manageable than two.

The problem with leaving the island for any extended period of time is that one cannot know for sure what the policy will be on return. The government should offer a guarantee to those who need to stay away for a while for a justifiable reason, that on return the regime will not be stricter than at the point of departure. That would provide peace of mind that one doesn't end being locked out of the isle later on.


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