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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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2 minutes ago, Apple said:

Do we have anything for treatment guidelines for IOM does anyone know ? If not, should we by now ?


I think it safe to assume that an equivalent level of medical professionalism is being exercised over here, through generally-accepted guidelines, much like the ones you reproduced above. We're not treating covid cases any differently than anywhere else are we?

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2 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Who is feeding you this stuff apple, and what is their motivation?

I was tempted to say Howard but really it was from another post.

This stuff is important - we have had this virus for well over a year a for almost every other clinical condition there is a treatment pathway or guidance. They are almost universal and what clinicians are encouraged to follow in certain circumstances.

That s why GPs often have their eyes focused on the computer when you go and see them - they are following a recommended pathway and their questions and treatments are mostly based around that.

When patients die or suffer adverse consequences the families often enquire as to what was done and why. We need as much information as possible to promote the best care and treatment available is given. 

What is wrong with that?



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46 minutes ago, TerryFuchwit said:

I just commented that I driving past this afternoon and noticed myself.  Stop being a fucking clown.

..but, having been alerted to the situation in the morning you should not have been surprised  at the the full car park in the afternoon, as you pertain that you were!

You either, do not or pretend that you do not understand the psychology of lock down and the follow on effects and reactions of the masses who will be attracted by the prospect of a take away on a damp seat at Glen Helen or other such.

Rather than reading a comment and wondering 'How should I counter this' in a dismissive fashion, why not put your responses to a construcive addition to the debate?


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Forgot to add - I have seen far too many patient complaints about treatments and care just to assume the right thing is being done for the right person at the right time (clinical governance).

Some of the medical staff there are excellent but I advocate patients and families have a right to know what is being done too them and why.

I think knowledgeable people with the ability to work together with good clinicians who explain things as they go along provider and actually produce better clinical outcomes. Surely we all want that.

It is about time we asked what the evidence based best preferred treatment and care is. We should have enough data.

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1 minute ago, Apple said:

I was tempted to say Howard but really it was from another post.

This stuff is important - we have had this virus for well over a year a for almost every other clinical condition there is a treatment pathway or guidance. They are almost universal and what clinicians are encouraged to follow in certain circumstances.

That s why GPs often have their eyes focused on the computer when you go and see them - they are following a recommended pathway and their questions and treatments are mostly based around that.

When patients die or suffer adverse consequences the families often enquire as to what was done and why. We need as much information as possible to promote the best care and treatment available is given. 

What is wrong with that?

What you say there is correct of course, and it is right to wonder. My concern is with things like that chart you've just posted which contains some untruths.

I've spent a bit too much time on conspiracy/anti-vax stuff I guess, I'm kind of used to spotting it. An awful lot of toss is generated by the American religious right. Where's that chart from?

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47 minutes ago, horatiotheturd said:

Ha yeah right.  My business like lots of others is based on me being able to easily get on and off the island.

Massive increase in demand lol.

Its ace that I have a huge backlog of work most of which I could be doing perfectly safely.

Its ace that suppliers still want paying for stuff they have delivered but which we can't invoice for because its not installed yet.

Mega paying for storage to keep things we can't take to peoples houses.

Cant be arsed trying to show you how massive the impact of this is to some others when you clearly aren't impacted in anyway at all.


What's the company? Might have some work 

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1 minute ago, Kopek said:

..but, having been alerted to the situation in the morning you should not have been surprised  at the the full car park in the afternoon, as you pertain that you were!

You either, do not or pretend that you do not understand the psychology of lock down and the follow on effects and reactions of the masses who will be attracted by the prospect of a take away on a damp seat at Glen Helen or other such.

Rather than reading a comment and wondering 'How should I counter this' in a dismissive fashion, why not put your responses to a construcive addition to the debate?


What ARE you wittering on about?

What someone said this morning is irrelevant.      I actually was surprised at that comment as I wouldn't expect that to be the case.

I drove past mid afternoon and  it was surprisingly absolutely packed.  I just made the comment on what I'd seen.

There isn't ever going to come a stage in my life where in answering to a pensioner clown like you  🤡 

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1 minute ago, Apple said:

I have seen far too many patient complaints about treatments and care just to assume the right thing is being done for the right person at the right time (clinical governance).

But surely you assume that everyone is trying their best under very difficult circumstances? The systems and people must be under huge pressures.

That's what I don't get about so many people seemingly playing a blame game. It's surely really difficult to get all of this right. It doesn't help if people start treating it like a consumer rights issue.

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1 hour ago, Cassie2 said:

To answer your two points Horatio: 1. Yes but not to the extent of poverty or I would likely be passing around a begging bowl rather than writing this. 2. You are right of course and if anyone is in real financial need and is not receiving the support to which they are entitled from the various IOMG schemes / DHSC then he or she needs to get hold of the relevant MHK, Minister and Citizens Advice and demand action.

We are now very clearly in a race between Covid19 and the vaccinations and it can be won if our DHSC and we all do what it takes. The DHSC has not covered itself in glory with the absurdly late starting (5 Jan vs 8 December) and an almost endless parade of inexcusable delays, opaqueness, stupidity, glitches and errors. We should be furious with them for all of that and we should all demand a fully independent inquiry and reckoning later. But in the here and now all the key aspects needed for a successful mass vaccination scheme are at last in place and vaccinations are ramping up. 

It could be much worse for the island and by extension for us - including economically for the longer term  - if we do not do what it takes for a while longer. I am a frequent very harsh critic of the IOMG and like so many of us I am convinced that the situation that we are in right now is entirely down to them. But it has happened and with this lockdown they are doing the best thing out of a set of only unhappy options. Across the globe that is what every significant country would do too no matter its political make-up.

Let's hope that everyone behaves as they have been asked to do so as to minimise the extent of this lockdown and hopefully we can all possibly be out of this by mid April. 

I am adding my pennyworth not to start or join an argument but only to try and help to unite us. IOMG gets away with so much unacceptable and extreme incompetence (the Prom for just one of endless examples) because we the people are divided. Let's try and unite for our own sakes and sod the bad guys!


Very well put - indeed.

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Just now, horatiotheturd said:

"Its day 11 in the lockdown hoose.

Pongo and Kopek have been drinking at the damp picnic table since mid morning.............."


I want to say that I hope things work out ok. They will. And I don't want me trying to be positive (above) to sound shitty.

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1 minute ago, pongo said:

But surely you assume that everyone is trying their best under very difficult circumstances? The systems and people must be under huge pressures.

That's what I don't get about so many people seemingly playing a blame game. It's surely really difficult to get all of this right. It doesn't help if people start treating it like a consumer rights issue.

The systems are under a pressure that has been entirely predictable and expected for many months.

The government have budgets to work with that most private businesses (and other governments) would never dream of.

To be caught out and not able to process bookings for a vaccine, track and trace effectively etc etc with almost limitless resources and money is a total disgrace.

We all knew COVID was coming back and key workers still can't send their kids to school because there wasn't a sufficient plan in place for if COVID got into schools on an island that probably has more separate school premises, head teachers etc than pretty much anywhere else.

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