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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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8 minutes ago, wrighty said:

I think they’re quarantining some mail - seriously, I suspect they’re leaving it sat there for 48 hours incase early delivery spreads corona. They might start doing that at the other end now. 


I knew something was wrong. My Viz only got delivered yesterday but it was in the newsagents on Thursday. That'll be the CWU at their best!

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10 minutes ago, wrighty said:

I think they’re quarantining some mail - seriously, I suspect they’re leaving it sat there for 48 hours incase early delivery spreads corona. They might start doing that at the other end now. 

I think you're right. I got it just before Xmas, they were busy.

But even now I've got Special Delivery items that are supposedly guaranteed next day that are still taking 3 days. Problem with this is that it leads to refund guaranteeds from Royal Mail / Post Office. They must be losing a lot of cash.

If I were an ecommerce firm, Id be sending everything via Special Delivery right now. You'll probably end up getting refunds on 95% of it.

Edited by jaymann
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Unemployment down in February which is no surprise as we were out of lockdown, will rocket in March to a very high level.

Theres going to be more unrest between those struggling on the low support payments & the vast army of public sector workers on full pay whether working or not


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7 minutes ago, quilp said:

Why can't you just give it a rest about government workers, teachers and all those you've developed a grudge against? FFS... 

WTF are you on about you idiot, if you don’t realize there’s a lot of people struggling on the island with the pathetic support schemes whilst others are doing very well you are more stupid than you appear 

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After the all round criticism of his exit strategy, except from Pongo, Howie is moving the following 

Chief Minister to move –
That Tynwald:
Receives the report Exit Framework: Long Term Approach to COVID-19 March
2021 dated March 2021 [GD No 2021/0017] and welcomes continuing consideration of it and work on it; and;
1. is of the opinion that Council of Ministers should:
a. seek further external input;
b. publish all the evidence relating to the Exit Framework journey being used
to inform the Council's decision-making;
c. publish information on the health, social and economic impact of the
transition from elimination to mitigation;
d. provide details of incremental mitigation strategies to include but not be
limited to household bubbles, incremental opening of lower risk
environments, and surveillance testing.
e. identify dates or pre-conditions (indicators) that should be considered to
enable changes to occur;
f. develop a communications plan to incorporate awareness around residual
risk post vaccination and behaviours to assist with reduced risk of transmission; and
2. Notes that Council of Ministers will report back to Tynwald at the April 2021 sitting of Tynwald for approval of a simplified version of the Exit Framework strategy document and a corresponding delivery plan.

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11 minutes ago, Banker said:

WTF are you on about you idiot, if you don’t realize there’s a lot of people struggling on the island with the pathetic support schemes whilst others are doing very well you are more stupid than you appear 

I don't think anyone is arguing that there will be some in IOMG who are milking it... it's the fact that you keep going on about it. You saying this day after day isn't going to change things. You've made your point (several times) and it's wearing a bit thin. 

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7 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

There are things in our control and there are things out of our control. We are aware of the things out of our control and we are also aware there is nothing we can do about it. Spending time saying the same thing over and over again about the things that are out of our control is a waste of energy. What exactly is it you would like to happen - that everyone develops the same 'it's not fair' attitude that you have?  How's it going for you? Making you feel good?

What I’d like to see happen is a lot more support for those struggling, more realistic support schemes eg 80/90% of normal wages , pay freeze for all public sector except frontline health to help pay for it.

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Can some please explain to me, what is a Government  Independent review.

I am not sure what the CM is saying, as I  believe he is saying

a independent review of government, is a review done by government on government about

government, holding government accountable or not accountable to government , finally to

be put before government for government final say on government.

Have I got it right.





Edited by Holte End
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58 minutes ago, Banker said:


Theres going to be more unrest between those struggling on the low support payments & the vast army of public sector workers on full pay whether working or not


Why is there this ongoing narrative that the private sector is oh so much better/efficient/productive than the public sector?  Does no-one in the private sector ever ring in sick, work the system, pull a fast one, nip out for a fag, turn up late, get caught with their hand in the till, fiddle their expenses, delay payment to suppliers, fleece customers, rip off old dears, sell dodgy goods, short change customers, mis-sell insurance, mis-sell warranties, pay below minimum wage, pay excessive bonuses, avoid tax, falsely claim subsidies, launder money, insider trade, break the banking system, I could go on.  The public sector isn't perfect, but we all need it really, despite what the most ardent free market advocate would believe.  To claim the private sector is so much better is somewhat narrow minded, why is UK health spending about 40% per capita of US health spending if the private sector is so efficient?  Please put a different record on.

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5 minutes ago, Meoir Shee said:

Why is there this ongoing narrative that the private sector is oh so much better/efficient/productive than the public sector?  Does no-one in the private sector ever ring in sick, work the system, pull a fast one, nip out for a fag, turn up late, get caught with their hand in the till, fiddle their expenses, delay payment to suppliers, fleece customers, rip off old dears, sell dodgy goods, short change customers, mis-sell insurance, mis-sell warranties, pay below minimum wage, pay excessive bonuses, avoid tax, falsely claim subsidies, launder money, insider trade, break the banking system, I could go on.  The public sector isn't perfect, but we all need it really, despite what the most ardent free market advocate would believe.  To claim the private sector is so much better is somewhat narrow minded, why is UK health spending about 40% per capita of US health spending if the private sector is so efficient?  Please put a different record on.

No one is arguing that the public sector is not needed. Just that here -  it is overstaffed, overpaid (compared to UK counterparts), overpensioned (expecting the taxpayer to pay the bills), overbudget and late on most, if not all, major projects.

Moreover, there are people in government not being furloughed when they clearly cannot do their jobs in a lockdown - and the taxpayer is picking up the tab for that also - and expecting to have to pay more tax in future to cover the budgetary shortfalls. That amounts to £millions across this year.

All this, when those requesting support are being paid a pittance compared to UK schemes and those govt workers not furloughed that should be. 

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