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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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7 minutes ago, Meoir Shee said:

Why is there this ongoing narrative that the private sector is oh so much better/efficient/productive than the public sector?  Does no-one in the private sector ever ring in sick, work the system, pull a fast one, nip out for a fag, turn up late, get caught with their hand in the till, fiddle their expenses, delay payment to suppliers, fleece customers, rip off old dears, sell dodgy goods, short change customers, mis-sell insurance, mis-sell warranties, pay below minimum wage, pay excessive bonuses, avoid tax, falsely claim subsidies, launder money, insider trade, break the banking system, I could go on.  The public sector isn't perfect, but we all need it really, despite what the most ardent free market advocate would believe.  To claim the private sector is so much better is somewhat narrow minded, why is UK health spending about 40% per capita of US health spending if the private sector is so efficient?  Please put a different record on.

What’s that got to do with the totally inadequate support schemes causing families to struggle to pay rent etc whilst the public sector is on a cushy number?

The support schemes need increasing and it should be paid for by cutting cost of public sector eg freezing pay for most, capping pensions , reducing capex on grandiose schemes like railway bridges for cycling etc

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38 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

There are things in our control and there are things out of our control. We are aware of the things out of our control and we are also aware there is nothing we can do about it. Spending time saying the same thing over and over again about the things that are out of our control is a waste of energy. What exactly is it you would like to happen - that everyone develops the same 'it's not fair' attitude that you have?  How's it going for you? Making you feel good?

It's also the tedious, continual accusations that certain posters work for government for no reason other than they disagree with opening things up immediately etc. It's childish. So is the name calling. Did I mention tedious?

Banker, have you communicated your opinions as to the unfairness of the situation to your MHK? The Chief Minister? The Finance Minister? Have you sent emails to anyone in the HoK/CoMin/LegCo who is in a position to do something about it? Or do you just bang on about it here? 

Might be a better use of your time and energy rather than brow-beating us with it day after day after day. Sheesh. 


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20 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

No one is arguing that the public sector is not needed. Just that here -  it is overstaffed, overpaid (compared to UK counterparts), overpensioned (expecting the taxpayer to pay the bills), overbudget and late on most, if not all, major projects.

Moreover, there are people in government not being furloughed when they clearly cannot do their jobs in a lockdown - and the taxpayer is picking up the tab for that also - and expecting to have to pay more tax in future to cover the budgetary shortfalls. That amounts to £millions across this year.

All this, when those requesting support are being paid a pittance compared to UK schemes and those govt workers not furloughed that should be. 

If there's one area that IoMG excels in, it's looking after its own and their terms and conditions, without fail. Wagons are circled and criticisms deflected, regardless of the validity. It's the one area where the much-complained-about "silos" don't exist and everybody pulls together.

The one thing that's not cognisant is what's paying for it, where the money is coming from but it always seems to be found or supplied in the end. It may be something to do with the fact that there are a considerable number of votes across the public sector.

Whatever the cause, you can guarantee that even if lockdown was extended another 6 months, the PS would all still be on full pay, regardless of their employment status because the Govt won't want to upset its own.

Edited by Non-Believer
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2 minutes ago, Utah 01 said:

mooted - pedantic, I know.

Maybe he was implying that our leaders stuck their fingers in their ears while singing "la la la can't hear you!" anytime NZ pay cuts were being discussed. 

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1 hour ago, Banker said:

WTF are you on about you idiot, if you don’t realize there’s a lot of people struggling on the island with the pathetic support schemes whilst others are doing very well you are more stupid than you appear 

Of course I realise certain sectors of the population are struggling, it is a given and something most people are aware of and have empathy for. What I'm objecting to is you and your fucking negative, unnecessary and repetitive bleating about those apparently more fortunate. We don't need reminding of the plight day after day thankyou very much. It's obvious that it's just shallow virtue-signalling on your part, bigging yourself up on the misfortune of others. 

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2 minutes ago, quilp said:

Of course I realise certain sectors of the population are struggling, it is a given and something most people are aware of and have empathy for. What I'm objecting to is you and your fucking negative, unnecessary and repetitive bleating about those apparently more fortunate. We don't need reminding of the plight day after day thankyou very much. It's obvious that it's just shallow virtue-signalling on your part, bigging yourself up on the misfortune of others. 

It’s not actually as I am involved with several charities as a volunteer where it’s becoming very evident that the last 2 lockdowns have caused immense hardship for many families.

The complete lack of mental health provision is also causing real issues.

Government needs to do more

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2 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

I have him and the rest of the ultracrepidarians on ignore. it's a far more pleasant experience without them. And then someone goes and quotes them - it wasn't you, was it?

That's why I don't bother putting anyone on ignore, you see them quite often anyway. Well, that and I'm nosey as hell and end up clicking on the "show anyway" button. 

TJ is the only posted here I ever put on ignore, but that was years ago now and I've chilled out a bit since then. 

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