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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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3 minutes ago, Banker said:

To get this many unexplained cases still appearing, there must be some people either breaking isolation to meet people or household mixing with someone who’s asymptomatic. Probably need a few court cases to bring everyone back in line but people may use the misunderstanding defense now

Not necessarily, if low/high risk locations aren’t being shared then how is anyone going to know if they’ve possibly been in contact with a positive case or not? Asymptomatic cases will still be going into shops, still getting on buses/taxis and probably still preparing takeaways/deliveries/food orders. 

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3 minutes ago, immortalpuppet said:

Genomics would show where the cases came from and highlight any common denominators?

Easy to blame the visible external workers I suppose. 

It does seem busy out and about but not seeing hoards of people congregating 

Yes, it absolutely would, but we are not going down that route, sadly.  Probably so entrenched in lawyers' letters that there is no way out.  I would like to see one of the back benchers really get their teeth into it, particularly as Guernsey are setting up their own genomics facility. It would be a delicious irony if Dr Glover was assisting them. 



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13 minutes ago, Major Rushen said:

Next briefing  will close down a few more areas. All builders etc and maybe McDonald’s as well.

That's not going to happen, no risk at McDonald's as everyone is in a car and all staff have masks on. If you're working alone in a garden, empty house etc there is also zero risk.

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5 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

Absolutely true, I can see a steady stream of cars on the Mountain Rd all day. Where are they all needing to get to during a lockdown? People mixing and associating closely in the streets. The few who think they're still too hard (or exempt) to wear a mask.

Authorities need to get a grip, they've tried the softly approach (nothing wrong with that) but we're now in a worse position with rising numbers and hospitalizations. If it goes on, the lockdown will be extended and nobody wants or needs that.

I don't wear a mask when I am walking the dog. I have one with me. I cross over if someone comes the other way and put the mask on if it gets crowded. People who wear masks when they are miles from anyone else are a bit silly.

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Based on my Tesco experiences during this and the January circuit breaks, it seems that an awful lot of folk seem to believe that wearing a face covering means that social distancing isn't required. Perhaps even Tesco think this themselves as their one way system hasn't been reintroduced during either of these circuit breaks.

If these non identifiable source cases don't start tailing off this week, I reckon the elimination strategy will likely never reach it's goal again.

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5 minutes ago, Banker said:

That's not going to happen, no risk at McDonald's as everyone is in a car and all staff have masks on. If you're working alone in a garden, empty house etc there is also zero risk.

What about transmission via the food coverings? I believe the virus can survive quite a while on a surface. The customer will open the bag, touch the food and straight into the mouth. 

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2 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

I don't wear a mask when I am walking the dog. I have one with me. I cross over if someone comes the other way and put the mask on if it gets crowded. People who wear masks when they are miles from anyone else are a bit silly.

Totally agree. I carry one in my pocket when I'm out walking too, just in case I need to interact with other humans at close range.

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2 minutes ago, madmanxpilot said:

Based on my Tesco experiences during this and the January circuit breaks, it seems that an awful lot of folk seem to believe that wearing a face covering means that social distancing isn't required. Perhaps even Tesco think this themselves as their one way system hasn't been reintroduced during either of these circuit breaks.

If these non identifiable source cases don't start tailing off this week, I reckon the elimination strategy will likely never reach it's goal again.

Lots of people will now have had at least 1 vaccine, quite a lot have had both, so chances are they will care less about social distancing than people that haven’t.

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2 minutes ago, winnie said:

What about transmission via the food coverings? I believe the virus can survive quite a while on a surface. The customer will open the bag, touch the food and straight into the mouth. 

I've not seen or heard any evidence to support this claim although I know some who clean their shopping before putting it into cupboards etc

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3 minutes ago, winnie said:

What about transmission via the food coverings? I believe the virus can survive quite a while on a surface. The customer will open the bag, touch the food and straight into the mouth. 

Still got cash handling and people without contactless cards too, 

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