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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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3 hours ago, reptar said:

All three of them, you know who, smarmy, smug, evasive and total fucking arseholes.

As a follow up point to this, and I think I need to start with the disclaimer that I am following the rules as I am a responsible individual and it's important that we all follow the rules so that we can get through the other side of this as soon as possible.

However, if anyone is looking for specific reasons why there are far more people out and about this time than previously, and loads of people not bothering with the rules, then there are three specific, useless, incompetent, amateur fuckwits of reasons with starring roles in almost all of the clips in that video.

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1 minute ago, Gladys said:

Would seem so.  Wonder if it is the Kent variant, or another? 

More cases of variants found in UK on news tonight, further Brazilian case and two cases of a new variant from the Philippines.

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1 hour ago, Nomadic Raptor said:

I don’t think the plan was ever really to be out of lock down by Easter easier to keep us all locked up until after...maybe set sights for first may bank holiday 

Realistically I have always thought we would be locked down until mid to late April, with gradual easing of restrictions beforehand. If memory serves me right, at the start of this mess, HQ said that if the outbreak was a month later the response would have been different. Well by then it will have been over a month on from the initial outbreak and the over 50's will have hopefully had a first jab. I honestly do not think that we will go back to elimination again. I just hope that schools and sports get going again as part of any gradual reopening of our economy.  

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8 hours ago, Meoir Shee said:

Why is there this ongoing narrative that the private sector is oh so much better/efficient/productive than the public sector?  Does no-one in the private sector ever ring in sick, work the system, pull a fast one, nip out for a fag, turn up late, get caught with their hand in the till, fiddle their expenses, delay payment to suppliers, fleece customers, rip off old dears, sell dodgy goods, short change customers, mis-sell insurance, mis-sell warranties, pay below minimum wage, pay excessive bonuses, avoid tax, falsely claim subsidies, launder money, insider trade, break the banking system, I could go on.  The public sector isn't perfect, but we all need it really, despite what the most ardent free market advocate would believe.  To claim the private sector is so much better is somewhat narrow minded, why is UK health spending about 40% per capita of US health spending if the private sector is so efficient?  Please put a different record on.

Well said

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37 minutes ago, Banker said:

Considering hardly anyone sticks to the rules in UK, they all seem to visit parents/friends etc they are doing extremely well.

Bollocks. The  vast majority in the UK are doing their level best to stick to the rules. It's not as if we don't have an incentive, there's three dead from this fekkin' virus on our street alone since Christmas. It's coming down here because that vast majority have stuck to the rules, and latterly because some genius took a punt on a range of, what were then, unproven vaccines, because the idiot Boris let the NHS get on with the vaccination programme instead of palming it off to his private sector buddies and because some other genius got it through the idiot Boris' thick head that there's no easy way out of this and that it will take a long time for us to be able to coexist with coronavirus.

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1 minute ago, Expat. said:

Bollocks. The  vast majority in the UK are doing their level best to stick to the rules. It's not as if we don't have an incentive, there's three dead from this fekkin' virus on our street alone since Christmas. It's coming down here because that vast majority have stuck to the rules, and latterly because some genius took a punt on a range of, what were then, unproven vaccines, because the idiot Boris let the NHS get on with the vaccination programme instead of palming it off to his private sector buddies and because some other genius got it through the idiot Boris' thick head that there's no easy way out of this and that it will take a long time for us to be able to coexist with coronavirus.

Well I and my family know plenty who don’t including friends in UK who seem to think that as they are only visiting close families & friends and they’re all working from home it’s ok as they couldn’t possibly have it. I have said to them it’s against the law etc but they said well everyone is doing it and no one ever gets caught or challenged!!

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