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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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34 minutes ago, Nom de plume said:

That Quayle’s exit framework bears no semblance to the vaccination programme in terms of dates / reduction in risk.

CoMin is being called out & its music to my ears.

It would simply be easier to open the borders completely at the end of June.  No restrictions.   No quarantine requirements.

That way everyone can plan.  Businesses. People.

By the end of June anyone who critically  needs vaccination will have been done, both jabs.  Everyone else who wants one will have had at least one jab.  Probably two.

The days of stopping people coming and going and locking down are numbered.  


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1 hour ago, madmanxpilot said:

A couple of decades back, the CAA started  allowing airlines to take a greater role in regulating themselves in regards of operational safety. The airlines obviously had to commit to follow stringent protocols and accept frequent audits and inspections. These checks done by CAA inspectors have significant consequences poor compliance.  Extrapolate that scenario to the IOMSPCo. IOMG apparently issued a direction notice to the IOMSPCo that was either poorly written, misunderstood or ignored. IOMG failed to audit and inspect the compliance with the said direction notice, which in effect meant they needn't have bothered issuing one in the first place. Now there's been a plane crash and the people who were supposed to ensure compliance are saying they want to just learn from it and move on. 

People have died, the economy is being trashed and all because some didn't do their jobs properly. We will move on, but there must be accountability.

So they didn't even have a meeting.

Unrucking believable.

Well, the results of that dreadful and arrogant omission certainly speak for themselves...

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1 hour ago, Roxanne said:

I’ve been thinking for a while Now that this is the back door approach to getting everyone vaccinated.

The IOM gov. and the U.K. gov have been banging away about choosing to have the vaccination is down to personal choice, knowing full well that outside agencies would, through their own volition ensure that a large proportion of the population would have to comply should they wish to travel.

Sneaky move?

What could they do differently? They have no influence on other countries policies in the same way we wouldn't want anyone telling us how to run our border. And you always have the right to refuse a vaccination, hell I've not taken a flu jab before but I probably should have. But I made up my own mind and consented to the Covid vaccine.

If I didn't then I'd have to live with the consequences whatever that might be. The same as choosing to travel to another country, you tacitly accept the local law and customs there.

Hardly sneaky, in fact the opposite ~ it's all out in the open and has been for a long while. After all the quarantine rules for returning travellers don't distinguish between vaccinated and non-vaccinated do they? 


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10 minutes ago, TerryFuchwit said:

It would simply be easier to open the borders completely at the end of June.  No restrictions.   No quarantine requirements.

That way everyone can plan.  Businesses. People.

By the end of June anyone who critically  needs vaccination will have been done, both jabs.  Everyone else who wants one will have had at least one jab.  Probably two.

The days of stopping people coming and going and locking down are numbered.  


I wouldn't hold your breath. Allison said again "everyone vaccinated" which is what Quayle said at the briefing and Baker just said vaccination programme complete. 

That is different to Guernsey. We are being bullshitted. 

Are we there yet? No we don't think we are that stupid. All we need is information

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2 hours ago, P.K. said:

Surely last year IOMG sat around a table with the SPCo and the air carriers and together thrashed out robust SOP's that protected crew and passengers while delivering the service?

We will find out in due course. Unless you are invoking the Dr Who clause ~ let's all jump in a time machine and go back and do it right this time round.

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4 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

I wouldn't hold your breath. Allison said again "everyone vaccinated" which is what Quayle said at the briefing and Baker just said vaccination programme complete. 

That is different to Guernsey. We are being bullshitted. 

Are we there yet? No we don't think we are that stupid. All we need is information

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Edited by Banker
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7 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

I wouldn't hold your breath. Allison said again "everyone vaccinated" which is what Quayle said at the briefing and Baker just said vaccination programme complete. 

That is different to Guernsey. We are being bullshitted. 

Are we there yet? No we don't think we are that stupid. All we need is information

STEP1 data required.

STEP 2 data required.





Yes Guernsey looking to open borders 1st July with easing of some restrictions early May.

Jersey releasing borders plan Friday but they expect all adults to have had at least one jab by 30/05 so looking at similar to Guernsey or earlier.


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3 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

Its quite obvious what happened at the steeampacket. Blind eyes were turned to save a few quid. They almost got away with it too, but to think it came as a surprise is a bit naive. 

Don’t know if this has been posted before, if it’s legitimate or not, superceded, etc, but if I was a SPC worked I wouldn’t think I have to isolate. 


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2 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

Sneaky, I suppose, in that the government can stay out of this one while quoting 'personal choice, knowing full well that vaccine deniers will be forced into it by other means.

Sneaky implies underhanded. What exactly should the government being doing differently? Forcing everyone to have the vaccine whether they want it or not? Sneaky would be putting it in our water supply (if that worked) and not telling us about it. Vaccine deniers have a choice.  Choices have consequences. You factor that into your decision. It's what adults do.

For some countries you are advised to get vaccinated against things like Yellow Fever or Typhoid before  travel. If you don't then you've made a choice and go elsewhere or go and take the consequences. 


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4 minutes ago, The Old Git said:

Don’t know if this has been posted before, if it’s legitimate or not, superceded, etc, but if I was a SPC worked I wouldn’t think I have to isolate. 


Exhibit No. 1 m'lud & the DNA slam dunk.

SPCo. crews off the hook.

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