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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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23 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

I can't see that simply extending the lockdown under the current conditions is going to achieve anything more than it has. We've now been under the current "restrictions" for 3+ weeks and we've now got to +/- 20 new cases every day, some of which are regularly "unexplained".

As I appear to be the last person on the Island with a memory and a calendar, I have to point out that lockdown started on 00:01 on Wednesday 3rd, so it's only 2+ weeks.  I should have been 3 and 4 would have been even better, but it was 2.

As such we shouldn't really start to see any effect of lockdown till about now.  Cases haven't been dropping much, though they should from tomorrow.  It's not as fast as I would like, but that may be a reflection of how the outbreak was allowed to get out of control more than lack of sticking to the rules.

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18 minutes ago, ellanvannin2010 said:

A lot of bus drivers I see driving past are not wearing masks, even when they have pax on. Was the same in January.

Our drivers don't have to wear masks, here's why:

Protective screens are fitted to all of our driver's cabs for their, and your, protection

The drivers cab has its own heating and ventilation system which is completely independent from the rest of the bus

Wearing a mask behind a screen makes it hard for some out our passengers to hear what our drivers are saying, and some of our passengers need to be able to see our drivers faces to lip read what they are saying. Some of these messages are safety critical

We want our drivers to be able to do their job to the best of their ability, and to keep themselves and our passengers safe. Face coverings can affect a driver's ability to drive

All of our drivers have access to PPE including face masks, however it is their choice whether to wear them when driving. Normal recommendations on face coverings apply to our drivers when they are outside of the bus



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18 minutes ago, ellanvannin2010 said:

A lot of bus drivers I see driving past are not wearing masks, even when they have pax on. Was the same in January.

Yep, I agree as I've definitely seen lots of drivers without masks during this lockdown. 

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57 minutes ago, Whatnonsence said:

Nothing like sitting in the eye clinic this afternoon and see a Jurby prisoner walk in with two prison guards as escorts.

I am sure the midday radio stated that there were two reception staff been found with COVID.

 Fill you full of confidence sitting there in the same room with people from an accommodation that has had occupants with COVID  

Could I have done the same thing and gone to hospital if two in my house been found with COVID??


Is your house as big as the prison? And do you 100 percent segregate from people who live in the other parts of your house as has been widely covered in the news this week?

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23 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

As I appear to be the last person on the Island with a memory and a calendar, I have to point out that lockdown started on 00:01 on Wednesday 3rd, so it's only 2+ weeks.  I should have been 3 and 4 would have been even better, but it was 2.

As such we shouldn't really start to see any effect of lockdown till about now.  Cases haven't been dropping much, though they should from tomorrow.  It's not as fast as I would like, but that may be a reflection of how the outbreak was allowed to get out of control more than lack of sticking to the rules.

March 3rd to April 12 means 5 weeks and 5 days as a minimum for this circuit break to fully end. Every day after next Monday (22nd March) that an unexplained case is discovered will see that April 12th end date day pushed back by a day too. 

Edited by madmanxpilot
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5 minutes ago, Out of the blue said:

The logic is fine, I think the point was that it had to be gleaned via a question, coupled with the fact that it is incompatible with announcing a new release date as that cannot be predicted. All that needed to be announced was release would follow 21 days after last unexplained case.
Another way to look at it however is that mid April also coincides with the aged and vulnerable getting first doses, so maybe they are going to open up in phases anyway at that point regardless of 21 days but are loathe to admit it just yet, but got railroaded by the question.

The 21 days clear of non traced community cases before exiting lockdown  is however a elimination measure. I thought we’d we’d moved from elimination to mitigation?

Much better to announce a date, such as 30 April, with the possibility of bringing forward if things improve sufficiently.

Clearly there has to be a tie in with prevalence and vaccination.

I’m starting to get very confused about our delivery targets and dates. There are, very roughly, 70,000 adult. 16+. We’ve done 29,000 first doses. Last week, 7 days,  it was nearly 8000 doses delivered. So far this week, 5 days, it’s 6700. 

We’ve extended delivery interval to 12 weeks, from 10, from 3. Appreciating that delivery depends on supply, it should only take 5 or 6 weeks to deliver the rest of the first doses if we maintain 7,000 a week.

Are we then going to have a slow down, or even a gap, in delivery.

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2 hours ago, The Chief said:

so this is now the mickey mouse extending the lockdown week by week at short notice, you couldn't fucking write it could you.

sorry for anyone in the private sector trying to get their businesses back up and running.

Yep, it's like a slow suffocation as the light at the end of the tunnel recedes once more... never mind "we're alright jack"

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9 minutes ago, John Wright said:

The 21 days clear of non traced community cases before exiting lockdown  is however a elimination measure. I thought we’d we’d moved from elimination to mitigation?


The elimination strategy is in place until the transition phase of the exit plan starts, so that's May.

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The new measures allowing single people to mix with one household is another wooly 'rule' that is so open for interpretation also . I didnt see or hear a definative explanation on this but would appreciate if anyone did hear something thats clear and concise. I'm single , on my own and managing but struggling for a bit of interaction but if I cant safely then will just bite the bullet and carry on as now. Sadly this time around all is a bit obscure and left to how individuals see it and hence why we have so many cases .      

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37 minutes ago, Out of the blue said:

All that needed to be announced was release would follow 21 days after last unexplained case.

Covid is just as catchy whether or not a case is 'unexplained'. That's what got us in this mess.

Also govt is surely going to have to wait and see a bit re the Brazilian strain and the extent to which the vaccines delivered so far can be trusted to protect against it.

Edited by pongo
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1 hour ago, doc.fixit said:

Why can't they just be honest. Many of us have many more formal qualifications than they have and most of the population has more common sense so it's rather demeaning for them to suggest that we are incapable of understanding the ins and outs of their decisions.

If they can't just give honest answers then it's always suggestive of poor decision making and cover up.


Why do you think they are not being honest?

Many of us may have more formal qualifications than an MHK you say. I have a degree. I am not sure where that places me in the qualification stakes or how that would make me perform better than them. (Winston Churchill famously had little or no qualifications )
 “ Most of the population has more common sense”. Could you please explain how you arrive at that conclusion?

Similarly I have never heard “them” suggest that “we” are incapable of understanding the ins and outs of their  decisions . (Examples would be welcome)

Its just Government bashing for the sake of it.

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3 minutes ago, pongo said:

And masses of people not taking the rules seriously.

It's thanks to them that this lockdown is going to go on for so long.

I am not sure that is the case really.  I suspect it is more to do with the entrenchment of the virus in schools, its virulence and lengthier infection period.  It can be easily imagined how it would bounce back and forth in households with schoolkids.

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