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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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3 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

I was just trying to get to the bottom of your original post. It’s no clearer now.  

The Government provide  an enormous amount of relevant information and facts on their website and the briefings. What information do you feel you are missing? I would seriously like to know.

Re your third paragraph I do believe the Government is doing a good job in disseminating information to the public. Again, what more do you want?

I repeat, Government bashing for the sake of it.

Where do I start?

Confusing statistics,

Lack of information about hospitalisations (from or with covid, vaxed or not, yet it is OK to say that case one last year was someone returning from Spain),

Dismissive responses to press questions (remember PM and the SP, and the lovely smile?),

Adherence to the most peculiar data protection regulations (leading to the shredding of a letter that had served its purpose, apparently), 

Some funny dealings on software and the treatment of Dr Glover, meanwhile Guernsey is setting up a genomics facility as a vital tool in the fight against covid,

Wishy washy justification for the cost of the vax hubs.

I could go on, but not one single  satisfactory explanation of the above.  Not one.

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1 minute ago, Gladys said:

VWhere do I start?

Confusing statistics,

Lack of information about hospitalisations (from or with covid, vaxed or not, yet it is OK to say that case one last year was someone returning from Spain),

Dismissive responses to press questions (remember PM and the SP, and the lovely smile?),

Adherence to the most peculiar data protection regulations (leading to the shredding of a letter that had served its purpose, apparently), 

Some funny dealings on software and the treatment of Dr Glover, meanwhile Guernsey is setting up a genomics facility as a vital tool in the fight against covid,

Wishy washy justification for the cost of the vax hubs.

I could go on, but not one single  satisfactory explanation of the above.  Not one.

Confusing statistics? Not to those with a modicum of intelligence 

Lack of information about hospitalisations? Don’t think so. It’s OK to say that one case was someone returning from Spain. They weren’t named.

Dismissive response to press questions? Piers Moulton is lucky to still have accreditation after the way he behaves. Don’t give it if you can’t take it

Adherence to peculiar data protection regulations? I’ll perhaps give you that one but done with good intentions 

Funny dealings on software? Not aware of that.

Treatment of Dr Glover? Your not going to like this but she bought in on herself. We are using genomics from a well proven world regarded source.

Cost of the vax hubs? These cost what they cost. It may seem a lot to the layman but it is what it is.

Go on if you want but I’m sure whatever you say can easily be rebuffed.




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Below is just part of the problem I have listening to HQ's pronouncements. Given these speeches are written in advance I can only assume thye are paid by the word.

HQ: There are possible explanations about the tail we are seeing that are connected to the Kent variant and its behaviour. [20]

English: The Kent variants characteristics* might explain the current tail. [9]

(*give HQ make a change from statishtix)

HQ: Our Director of Public Health will of course be able to explain far better than I can so let me hand over to her on this and any other points she may wish to update us on. [37]


Here is the Director of Public Health to tell us more. [11]

So in the space of two sentences I got the word count from 57 to 20.  Or roughly a 1/3rd of the bloated twaddle they spout. This is why people don't trust these things because it feels like we are being baffled with bullshit by some snake oil or used car salesman.




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4 minutes ago, CallMeCurious said:

Below is just part of the problem I have listening to HQ's pronouncements. Given these speeches are written in advance I can only assume thye are paid by the word.

HQ: There are possible explanations about the tail we are seeing that are connected to the Kent variant and its behaviour. [20]




English: The Kent variants characteristics* might explain the current tail. [9]



(*give HQ make a change from statishtix)

HQ: Our Director of Public Health will of course be able to explain far better than I can so let me hand over to her on this and any other points she may wish to update us on. [37]




Here is the Director of Public Health to tell us more. [11]



So in the space of two sentences I got the word count from 57 to 20.  Or roughly a 1/3rd of the bloated twaddle they spout. This is why people don't trust these things because it feels like we are being baffled with bullshit by some snake oil or used car salesman.




The Director of Public Health will explain (7 ) 

Beat you!

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23 minutes ago, ellanvannin2010 said:

Thanks.  The odd thing then is that they no longer appear on the Isle of Man News front page, where they did before, but instead on the dedicated Coronavirus News front page.  Which would be fine, except that most (but not all) of the Coronavirus items that appear on that are also posted on that main news front page.  You'd assume that they would separate off all such stories (as 3FM did last year) or put all of them in both places.  It's a very confusing way of working and means you have to check both.

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"We know a third of the people switch off the minute we go to the questions"

That is not true.

It is just not true.

The figures watching the Facebook link usually peak a few minutes into the broadcast and hold for a short while. Today they peaked at 6.8k at 4:11pm. From there they dropped off almost linearly  to 4.8k at start of questions at around 16:28. From there it was a gradual drop-off to around 4.5k over questions.

Anyway, all this is a distraction, and one I suppose has been pushed by all the hacks and hackettes now in the comfortable employ of the Cabinet Office Spin Doctor machine.



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1 minute ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Confusing statistics? Not to those with a modicum of intelligence Not when there are several versions issued in one day and there is no date stamp on the stats - the reporting period is 24 hours, but which 24 hours?

Lack of information about hospitalisations? Don’t think so. It’s OK to say that one case was someone returning from Spain. They weren’t named. No, they weren't. But legitimate questions are being asked about whether the hospitalisations are due to covid or with covid.  This has been an issue for those watching the stats over the last year. However, that information cannot be given on the grounds of patient confidentiality, yet we can still hark back to a traveller to Spain as the first positive case last year.  I bet all the straw donkeys have been long burned.   

Dismissive response to press questions? Piers Moulton is lucky to still have accreditation after the way he behaves. Don’t give it if you can’t take it He takes it quite well actually, and has asked some searching questions which have revealed a few, shall we say, " misunderstandings".  Who gave him and will take his accreditation away?  Interesting perspective. 

Adherence to peculiar data protection regulations? I’ll perhaps give you that one but done with good intentions Frankly, if you can find good intentions in that pitifully obvious charade, then this exchange is pointless. 




1 minute ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Funny dealings on software? Not aware of that. Not aware that one of the issues Dr Glover has reported is the unauthorised use of her software?

Treatment of Dr Glover? Your not going to like this but she bought in on herself. We are using genomics from a well proven world regarded source. She went nuclear on Twitter after the expertise she could offer was rejected AND made worse when DA didnt even know the basis on which her services were being used. Yep, nothing wrong with Liverpool genomics I am sure, after all it isn't a race.   

Cost of the vax hubs? These cost what they cost. It may seem a lot to the layman but it is what it is. Yes, it is, but did it need to be? 

Go on if you want but I’m sure whatever you say can easily be rebuffed. Rebuff away.  If you aren't concerned by those issues, then you are either stupid or wilfully blind. 





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