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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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Coastguard launch an appeal to stop idiots riding their bikes in stupid places during lockdown having been called out three times.

They really need to implement a ban on idiots trekking all over the island while we are meant to be staying home.


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49 minutes ago, quilp said:

That's not exactly true though is it? Outside of this forum, it appears that the Headmaster, the Head Boy and Girl have a lot of support in the general public. Only on here have I found their style and delivery come under critical scrutiny, I've heard the views of many who feel they've been doing a sterling job at keeping us informed and never read between their lines. The idiosyncratic tendencies of the briefings and the confusion over the figures released would never be criticised by the vast majority, I would say.

Surely being a politician is also vocational, in that there's a will to serve, and doing what's best for the people they represent, in much the same way as police, carers and other such professions so the pay comes secondary to the job. Not everyone is obsessed with the money as you seem to be. 

Unfortunately the vast majority of our Island are as thick as pig shit & cannot see beyond anything they are told.

They don’t have the ability nor intelligence to analyse or question.

Hence a granny farming election candidate who pops in for a cuppa with Vera will always do well.

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8 hours ago, TerryFuchwit said:

Yes but if everyone knew you simply would have kept them off school regardless.  I have kids.  I work with people who have kids.  9 between us.  No one had an issue and no one was bleating about it either.

No one had an issue because there wasn't one "that everyone knew about ".

People who were concerned simply couldn't take their kids out of school because they would have to have taken time off work. Everything stems from that ridiculous decision not to lockdown that weekend. In fact everything stems from not putting any precautions in place when it became obvious the situation was getting out of hand.

The speed of this spread just shows what would happen if we opened the border up now and had multiple points of infection with the Kent variety. The hospital and the Island would be, for want of a better phrase, fucked.

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And now we the general public are to blame.


Not that low risk venues, not the return to school on the 1st March. not the slow return on genomic testing to show it was the kent strain. No the reason why is peoples behaviour.

It like good cop,bad cop. Howard tells us we are brilliant and Ewart tells us we are stupid and Terry fuchwit tells us they are both right and wonderful.

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5 minutes ago, Holte End said:

And now we the general public are to blame.


Not that low risk venues, not the return to school on the 1st March. not the slow return on genomic testing to show it was the kent strain. No the reason why is peoples behaviour.

It like good cop,bad cop. Howard tells us we are brilliant and Ewart tells us we are stupid and Terry fuchwit tells us they are both right and wonderful.

To be fair, she does say it may also be due to the longer infection period of the Kent variant.  So, what is being done to address that?  Wider testing along with quick genomics would help,  would they not? 


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6 minutes ago, Holte End said:

And now we the general public are to blame.


Not that low risk venues, not the return to school on the 1st March. not the slow return on genomic testing to show it was the kent strain. No the reason why is peoples behaviour.

It like good cop,bad cop. Howard tells us we are brilliant and Ewart tells us we are stupid and Terry fuchwit tells us they are both right and wonderful.

Dr Ewart said that there were two possible reasons for the slower than expected drop in unexplained cases. Either the virus is behaving differently to previous variants, or peoples' behaviour is different. I don't think she was specifically trying to blame people, but she is correct that either of those two things could explain the difference this time.

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6 minutes ago, Holte End said:

And now we the general public are to blame.


Not that low risk venues, not the return to school on the 1st March. not the slow return on genomic testing to show it was the kent strain. No the reason why is peoples behaviour.

It like good cop,bad cop. Howard tells us we are brilliant and Ewart tells us we are stupid and Terry fuchwit tells us they are both right and wonderful.

The truth is somewhere between your two extremes. I think the mistake was not realising that something was breaking when the SPCo infected person was in the community and spreading it everywhere. 

With hindsight we could have started some precautions then. It was bound to be the Kent variant as that's everywhere now ( don't need genomics to tell us that) so we should have known it would spread. Comin were brave and we tried to track and trace and contain it. Clearly we didn't.  No mistake there but now we know it was an impossible battle. It was here and running rampant. 

Of course lockdown was needed urgently and the situation now shows us lockdown was a bit late but it could have been far worse. 

We can't hide forever though and we'll probably never eradicate it now so might as well accept we move forward with ever lessening restrictions as the number vaccinated increases. 

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4 minutes ago, Gladys said:

To be fair, she does say it may also be due to the longer infection period of the Kent variant.  So, what is being done to address that?  Wider testing along with quick genomics would help,  would they not? 


You are starting to sound like a broken record again. 

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6 minutes ago, Newbie said:

Dr Ewart said that there were two possible reasons for the slower than expected drop in unexplained cases. Either the virus is behaving differently to previous variants, or peoples' behaviour is different. I don't think she was specifically trying to blame people, but she is correct that either of those two things could explain the difference this time.

Listen to the last bit of the recording.

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18 minutes ago, Holte End said:

And now we the general public are to blame.


Not that low risk venues, not the return to school on the 1st March. not the slow return on genomic testing to show it was the kent strain. No the reason why is peoples behaviour.

It like good cop,bad cop. Howard tells us we are brilliant and Ewart tells us we are stupid and Terry fuchwit tells us they are both right and wonderful.

Julie Edge us asking why schools remained open allowing a massive spread , this was when Comin knew about cases & Tynwald met remotely to protect themselves 


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1 minute ago, Banker said:

Julie Edge us asking why schools remained open allowing a massive spread , this was when Comin knew about cases & Tynwald met remotely to protect themselves 


Hindsight is a ......but yes the fact remains. This is what has undone us. 

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2 minutes ago, Holte End said:

Listen to the last bit of the recording.

I think she is talking about possible explanations. Are you suggesting that everyone is observing the lockdown absolutely and that there are no breaches? What about the cases where people have gone in to work with symptoms, or the younger people gathering in Nobles Park etc. etc? I appreciate that there are numerous reasons why these breaches have occurred, and some people may feel they have no choice, but they are breaches of the lockdown nonetheless, and as such, could in part explain the slower drop in unexplained cases. Are you suggesting that Dr Ewart should ignore that when explaining the figures?

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23 minutes ago, Holte End said:

And now we the general public are to blame.


Not that low risk venues, not the return to school on the 1st March. not the slow return on genomic testing to show it was the kent strain. No the reason why is peoples behaviour.

It like good cop,bad cop. Howard tells us we are brilliant and Ewart tells us we are stupid and Terry fuchwit tells us they are both right and wonderful.

I think you must be smoking something .

I would say this though - I'd listen to Dr. Ewart before I'd listen to you.  Actually, I'd listen to my five year old more than you too:thumbsup:

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Just now, Newbie said:

I think she is talking about possible explanations. Are you suggesting that everyone is observing the lockdown absolutely and that there are no breaches? What about the cases where people have gone in to work with symptoms, or the younger people gathering in Nobles Park etc. etc? I appreciate that there are numerous reasons why these breaches have occurred, and some people may feel they have no choice, but they are breaches of the lockdown nonetheless, and as such, could in part explain the slower drop in unexplained cases. Are you suggesting that Dr Ewart should ignore that when explaining the figures?

Yes that's correct. It's a fact that if there was no person to person contact it would be gone in 3 weeks. No debate. 

Is it realistic though? and if the variant is so easily transmissible, unless we totally lockdown it's not going away. 

Personally I don't think it's going to be possible and even if we beat it, will it be back in weeks or even days? making the whole local elimination plan an impracticable dream and something that is not sustainable. 

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3 hours ago, Holte End said:

And now we the general public are to blame. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/kent-variant-and-behaviour-blamed-for-slow-drop-in-covid/

Not that low risk venues, not the return to school on the 1st March. not the slow return on genomic testing to show it was the kent strain. No the reason why is peoples behaviour. It like good cop,bad cop. Howard tells us we are brilliant and Ewart tells us we are stupid and Terry fuchwit tells us they are both right and wonderful.


Surely it could not have anything to do with the stupid and endlessly announced lists of ''low risk venues'', nor anything at all to do with mandating the return to school on 1st March, nor the glacially slow returns of results on genomic sequencing (because they refused the world-class on-island facilities and even tiny Guernsey (with which they were so fond of comparing us for a long time), is building one from scratch now, nor the huge delays in vaccinations starting and then the vast stockpiling of vaccines and so on and on.

No, obviously the sole reason why this catastrophe has occurred is exclusively because of people's behaviour. If the people's ''Leaders'' act so imperiously, so ignorantly, so dangerously, so glacially slowly and so pathetically then is it any wonder if that all causes enormous confusion for people and obviously many of them then act in an unsafe manner.....

As for blaming the Kent Variant they knew all about this since last December and that Children were as susceptible to infection by the Kent Variant as adults (Roxanne has kindly copied a snippet from Daisy stating exactly that in her post 2 pages on from here) and that it it was rapidly heading for a massive take-over as the main type in the UK. 

The ''Leadership'' is beyond pathetic and now instead of apologising (and resigning) they are doing all they can to try and ensure State Control of information and the media.

You could not make it up. Orwell is turning in his grave.

Edited by Cassie2
Additional wording.
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