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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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5 minutes ago, Newbie said:

I think she is talking about possible explanations. Are you suggesting that everyone is observing the lockdown absolutely and that there are no breaches? What about the cases where people have gone in to work with symptoms, or the younger people gathering in Nobles Park etc. etc? I appreciate that there are numerous reasons why these breaches have occurred, and some people may feel they have no choice, but they are breaches of the lockdown nonetheless, and as such, could in part explain the slower drop in unexplained cases. Are you suggesting that Dr Ewart should ignore that when explaining the figures?

Three things are blatantly obvious.

Holte End is the usual type and is best ignored.

People are definitely ignoring lockdown.  Both the rules and the spirit of the rules.  You only have to venture out to see that.

Finally, stacks of people working and mixing when they don't need to from an office perspective. 

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1 minute ago, Newbie said:

I think she is talking about possible explanations. Are you suggesting that everyone is observing the lockdown absolutely and that there are no breaches? What about the cases where people have gone in to work with symptoms, or the younger people gathering in Nobles Park etc. etc? I appreciate that there are numerous reasons why these breaches have occurred, and some people may feel they have no choice, but they are breaches of the lockdown nonetheless, and as such, could in part explain the slower drop in unexplained cases. Are you suggesting that Dr Ewart should ignore that when explaining the figures


I think you will find it is called passing the buck.

1 minute ago, Happier diner said:

Yes that's correct. It's a fact that if there was no person to person contact it would be gone in 3 weeks. No debate. 

Is it realistic though? and if the variant is so easily transmissible, unless we totally lockdown it's not going away. 

Personally I don't think it's going to be possible and even if we beat it, will it be back in weeks or even days? making the whole local elimination plan an impracticable dream and something that is not sustainable. 

So with such a great track and trace team, could allowing people to work be the reason.

Allas we will never know. GDPR.

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1 hour ago, quilp said:

That's not exactly true though is it? Outside of this forum, it appears that the Headmaster, the Head Boy and Girl have a lot of support in the general public. Only on here have I found their style and delivery come under critical scrutiny, I've heard the views of many who feel they've been doing a sterling job at keeping us informed and never read between their lines. Nowhere else do I see or hear the idiosyncratic tendencies of the briefings and the confusion over the figures released being criticised by the vast majority of locals who lap it up unquestionably.

Surely being a politician is also vocational, in that there's a will to serve, and doing what's best for the people they represent, in much the same way as police, carers and other such professions so the pay comes secondary to the job. Not everyone is obsessed with the money as you seem to be. 

Obsessed with money you say? Lol.  There speaks someone sat in the comfort of a government pay cheque and pension locked up.

I dont see much confusion over the figures.  Seems clear enough to me.  I'm not sure people hugely care about getting bent out of shape over not being able to reconcile one number to another that might be one or two out.  What's the "confusion"?

As for an MHK being a vocation - for some i'm sure it is.  For many it's a job that pays beyond their normal abilities (as has been criticised on here numerous times) and they wouldn't be doing it if it paid what carer etc gets paid.

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11 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

No, it cannot be ignored, but compared to the incompetence shown by the government in not locking  down earlier and, incredibly, sending children back to school when they knew children were spreading the virus, is NOTHING compared to the odd person not sticking completely to the rules.

This whole thing has now become a covering of arses exercise and that is a dangerous standpoint for any government to govern from as the arse covering will always take precedent over public safety. And then, in the end, the public get blamed anyway.

If this was a toxic relationship (and it is) then this would be described as gaslighting (which it is). 

Lol. Gaslighting.   A woke 2020's saying if ever there was one.

Plenty of hindsight experts.   The data that weekend didn't support an instant lockdown.  They didn't KNOW children werre spreading it.  Sigh.

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16 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

No, it cannot be ignored, but compared to the incompetence shown by the government in not locking  down earlier and, incredibly, sending children back to school when they knew children were spreading the virus, is NOTHING compared to the odd person not sticking completely to the rules.


That may or may not be be the case, we really don't know at this stage whether the slower than expected drop is a product of the initial government response, the behaviour of the virus, or peoples' behaviour (quite possibly a combination of all three). But Dr Ewart's job in the Press Briefing was to explain the current figures, not critique the Government. She gave the likely explanations for the slower than expected drop, and is now being castigated for 'blaming the public'. 

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16 minutes ago, TerryFuchwit said:

I think you must be smoking something .

I would say this though - I'd listen to Dr. Ewart before I'd listen to you.  Actually, I'd listen to my five year old more than you too:thumbsup:

I don't part take in that recreational activity, and would never think I am so righteous that someone with a different view point other than mine, must be on drugs.

And I have never listened to your five year old, but if she opinionated like her dad, god help her in the future.

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4 hours ago, TerryFuchwit said:

Plenty of hindsight experts.   The data that weekend didn't support an instant lockdown.  They didn't KNOW children werre spreading it.  Sigh.

I should resist the temptation to correct your nonsense but it flies so much in the face of the facts that I am responding.

You are totally wrong again. They knew all about this since last December and that Children were as susceptible to infection by the Kent Variant as adults (Roxanne has kindly copied a snippet from Daisy stating exactly that in her post on the next page) and that it it was rapidly heading for a massive take-over as the main type in the UK. . ANY idiot knew that. And Dr. Rachel Glover herself subsequently recommended that schoolchildren should be tested because of half-term.

This was all ignored. Why? Because a gentleman farmer, a public health expert who has failed to impress and a former barman / 'project manager' (the only one of the three with a quite polished presentational style) are always all totally sound and infallible?

Really? Yeah, right. Pull the other one.

Quite the reverse is true and so it has proved. 

And you have also failed to mention the crucial Steam Packet fiasco. 

I am sure that you have some useful, helpful and worthy contributions to make to this discussion board - it is just that so far I have not seen any of those.

Enjoy Saturday everyone. 



Edited by Cassie2
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13 minutes ago, Holte End said:

I don't part take in that recreational activity, and would never think I am so righteous that someone with a different view point other than mine, must be on drugs.

And I have never listened to your five year old, but if she opinionated like her dad, god help her in the future.

Slightly sexist there.  She?:)

Anyway, they do seem to have a bit of fight in them.  Which I'm happy about.



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2 hours ago, Holte End said:


1 hour ago, Newbie said:

I think she is talking about possible explanations. 


1 hour ago, Newbie said:

That may or may not be be the case, we really don't know at this stage whether the slower than expected drop is a product of the initial government response, the behaviour of the virus, or peoples' behaviour (quite possibly a combination of all three). But Dr Ewart's job in the Press Briefing was to explain the current figures, not critique the Government. She gave the likely explanations for the slower than expected drop, and is now being castigated for 'blaming the public'. 

We need something more concrete and intelligent/intelligence led from Doctor Ewart. She has access to all the data collected through track and trace.

If the pubs were open I could ask anyone for an opinion and it would be not dissimilar from what Dr Ewart is spooning us in teh above clip.

The "highly experienced track and trace team" (Dr Ewart's words) have collected the data.

So use the data. That data will tell - at least give a damn good idea - what is going on, and how to respond. But we just get some wooly maybes.



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10 hours ago, TerryFuchwit said:

He's probably demoralised and bored shitless by it all.  I'm amazed he bothers for the money. It isn't that well paid and he's loaded.

Terry lad, that one single post says so much about you and your thoughts about what is going on, politics...everything. On so many different levels.

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14 hours ago, ellanvannin2010 said:

So, if the driver chooses to wear a mask and has an accident, is bus vannin going to be saying “ nowt to do with us guv, it is the drivers fault for wearing a mask”?.

I think a lot of the bus men feel a bit powerless.

60+ guy on the bus last week...no mask...kissing (greeting) 2 women friends.

There are a lot of idiots about this time, whether it is lockdown fatigue, vaccine overconfidence or just really stupid people...I can see why we're struggling to get the numbers down this time.

Time the cops scanned some of the CCTV on buses and stopped a few...not to pressure the drivers...but protect the drivers and focus in on some of the absolute idiots they carry.

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57 minutes ago, TerryFuchwit said:

Lol. Gaslighting.   A woke 2020's saying if ever there was one.

Plenty of hindsight experts.   The data that weekend didn't support an instant lockdown.  They didn't KNOW children werre spreading it.  Sigh.

From December 2020

LONDON (Reuters) - A new variant of the coronavirus spreading rapidly in Britain carries mutations that could mean children are as susceptible to becoming infected with it as adults - unlike previous strains, scientists said on Monday.

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1 hour ago, Happier diner said:

We can't hide forever though and we'll probably never eradicate it now so might as well accept we move forward with ever lessening restrictions as the number vaccinated increases. 

That is exactly what is happening now. Vaccinations being doubled and the over 50's getting vaccinated by mid April, just in time for the phased release. A draconian lockdown was not imposed or enforced, to allow for a gentle, gradual easing to get the public into a 'mitigating' frame of mind. What is being said publicly about elimination, is not reflected within Comin. Elimination ended yesterday, just not officially. 

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Jersey have announced border restrictions starting to ease from 26th April with the traffic light system, similar to Guernsey system. Our shit exit policy mentions September, no wonder Tynwald told him to come back in April with something simple & clear with dates/data etc

yes we’ve got high infections at present compared to CI & UK but we still need a clear plan.



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