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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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3 minutes ago, Banker said:

All solo sports are allowed so golf, fishing etc , you can only play on own or with members of household 

Yeah. But come on.....fishing FFS. You get up, drive somewhere to get bait and some sarnies for the day,  then drive to a reservoir, then sit in a place where walkers are going past you all day. No exercise involved. How is that stay at home if possible. Just defeats me!

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2 hours ago, Cassie2 said:


Surely it could not have anything to do with the stupid and endlessly announced lists of ''low risk venues'', nor anything at all to do with mandating the return to school on 1st March, nor the glacially slow returns of results on genomic sequencing (because they refused the world-class on-island facilities and even tiny Guernsey (with which they were so fond of comparing us for a long time), is building one from scratch now, 


That's not quite true is it? https://guernseypress.com/news/2021/03/18/plans-afoot-for-local-variant-testing-facility/

"Director of Public Health Dr Nicola Brink confirmed that a document is being prepared to develop on-island genome sequencing and rapidly identify any Covid-19 mutations, such as the new Breton variant. Identifying variants would allow authorities to enact targeted safety measures."

There's a huge difference between setting up and "a document is being prepared".

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20 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

Yeah. But come on.....fishing FFS. You get up, drive somewhere to get bait and some sarnies for the day...

Not at our reservoirs or rivers. It's spinner or fly. Organics aren't allowed. Sarnies can be made at home...


then drive to a reservoir, and sit in a place where walkers are going past you all day... 

Out of the hundreds of occasions I've fished at any of the reservoirs very rarely have I known anyone come close at any time, let alone all day. There are days when you'll encounter no one except for another angler on the far bank...


No exercise involved. How is that stay at home if possible. Just defeats me!

There is the aspect of solitude, calm and being away from the numbers and nothing like a quiet day on the banks for contemplation, consideration and well-being.

And of course the feast of freshly-caught trout making one a happier diner.

Edited by quilp
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26 minutes ago, Out of the blue said:

The speed limit was one of the most contentious issues during lockdown 1. I recall it felt like a time in which time every government department seemed to feel that they had to come up with some petty, annoying rule or ban e.g. bonfire ban. All it did was irritate many people, who complained bitterly to their MHK's, serving only to distract from the main message. We are in lockdown 3, and heading for the phased exit form a known virus and with facilities in place. Different times, different measures required.  

Yeah the 40mph is just a red herring. Don't be out in the car in the first place.

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7 minutes ago, piebaps said:

That's not quite true is it? https://guernseypress.com/news/2021/03/18/plans-afoot-for-local-variant-testing-facility/

"Director of Public Health Dr Nicola Brink confirmed that a document is being prepared to develop on-island genome sequencing and rapidly identify any Covid-19 mutations, such as the new Breton variant. Identifying variants would allow authorities to enact targeted safety measures."

There's a huge difference between setting up and "a document is being prepared".

Yep indeed.

Isle of Man could have been all set up and running. 

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13 minutes ago, daisy said:

From December 2020

LONDON (Reuters) - A new variant of the coronavirus spreading rapidly in Britain carries mutations that could mean children are as susceptible to becoming infected with it as adults - unlike previous strains, scientists said on Monday.

Thanks for the post.

Unlike our government, the government of the Faroe Islands proactively tested 1,000 people per day. Anybody arriving into the Faroe Islands was, and stil is, tested on arrival, followed up by more tests later on. This policy has been in place in the Faroe Islands right from the start of this pandemic. Most importantly, in my view, this policy cemented a reciprocal, trusting relationship between the people and their government. The people complied. 

Given the size of our population, our government was in a position to do what the Faroe Islands' government did i.e., to heed the WHO's advice - to test as many people as possible. Instead, our government gave spurious reasons why this was not necessary here, including making references to incorrect and outdated scientific opinions that kids largely had 'immunity' to covid-19. It seems to me that they were more interested in making self-flattering (and ultimately irrelevant) political comparisons between ourselves and our CI rivals, than focusing on the wellbeing of Manx people. But we were, in reality, a 'Potemkin village', a 'village' which was only a superficial construction for external political consumption, a village whose sole purpose was to provide an external façade, something that spread the false message that we were faring better than we were: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potemkin_village

I agree with Ian Kermode that the latest lockdown was avoidable: http://www.iomtoday.co.im/article.cfm?id=61037&headline=Lockdown could have been avoided&sectionIs=news&searchyear=2021

In addition to the current lockdown being avoidable, if our government had behaved similarly to the Faroe Islands, I beleive the previous lockdown in January 2021 was also avoidable.

I suspect that our government did not want to spend (to 'waste' in their view) money on ('unnecessary') tests. Why did they go down this 'false economy' route and end up paying probably 100 times what those ('unnecessary wasteful') tests would have costed? Were they being nudged by Treasury to keep in mind the ongoing costs of the depleting Public Servants Pension Reserve Account, the never ending Douglas Prom, the woefully expensive Liverpool sea terminal landing, the replacement SPC boats, etc.. Let's hope the National Insurance fund has enough dosh to get us through all of these things too. In fact, I'm not even sure if raiding the NI fund to pay for the salary support programs was strictly legal, or was just another case of 'needs must'.  Perhaps Ian Kermode would like to share his 'legal and professional' opinion on this too? 

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50 minutes ago, Out of the blue said:

The speed limit was one of the most contentious issues during lockdown 1. I recall it felt like a time in which time every government department seemed to feel that they had to come up with some petty, annoying rule or ban e.g. bonfire ban. All it did was irritate many people, who complained bitterly to their MHK's, serving only to distract from the main message. We are in lockdown 3, and heading for the phased exit form a known virus and with facilities in place. Different times, different measures required.  


But everyone is not like you. Or me.

Out there, there be fuckwits. Always worth a repost. Lockdown 3:


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7 minutes ago, quilp said:

Not at our reservoirs or rivers. It's spinner or fly. Organics aren't allowed. Sarnies can be made at home...

Out of the hundreds of occasions I've fished at any of the reservoirs very rarely have I known anyone come close at any time, let alone all day. There are days when you'll encounter no one except for another angler on the far bank...

There is the aspect of solitude, calm and being away from the numbers and nothing like a quiet day on the banks for contemplation, consideration and well-being.

And of course the feast of freshly-caught trout making one a happier diner.

To be honest I couldn't give a flying fish wether fishermen fish or not. That wasn't the point. I was highlighting the point that's all. I am sure there is little risk as you say. But the point is, if we want elimination we need lockdown. Not lockdown apart from well.....fishing as well as other things. Doesn't bother me at all. I'm not an elimination fan, but I am struggling to see what course we are on.

Am I off the hook?

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Just now, Happier diner said:

Don't be out in the car in the first place.

Why not? A slow cruise around the Island and not leaving the vehicle would be much less risky than popping in to Spar for a packet of fags or bacon, or, god-forbid the guardian. Like fishing, sitting and looking around at the scenery, the greeness and fresh air can be massively beneficial to one's well-being after hours sat in front of the tv. 

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55 minutes ago, quilp said:

So this is somehow excusable behaviour? Not that he potentially could have endangered the well-being and possibly the lives of those he could have encountered should he turn out to be a positive case? He'd returned from Manchester, on arrival back here he would've been prompted to abide by the rules yet wilfully ignored them. It was my daughter behind the counter at the check-out. 

Not condoning it, just pointing out their potential rationale, in that they may have wanted to be arrested 

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