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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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10 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

I wonder how many other jurisdictions on this planet, currently struggling with the pandemic, would give their eye-teeth to "only" have a population of 84k on an island surrounded by a minimum of 20 miles of water to sort out?

Well Jersey have a 125k population & Guernsey 65k in much smaller islands and have issued plans to open borders fully at end June so doubt they would be jealous of us!

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22 hours ago, quilp said:

"he had every right to do so"

Does he? I can't believe you've written this but in itself it speaks volumes. For "smuggery" see contempt and disdain.

His body language, tone of voice, condescending manner, dismissive attitude, high-handedness with the media. If you can't see it you're definitely part of it.

Voice of Reason my arse. 

I have to say you appear to be very ungrateful for everything that has been done for you and the Island as a whole.

You may not like HQ’s body language, what you call his condescending manner, high handed -ness with the media whatever etc etc. But over the last year we have fared better than our near, and not so near, neighbours.

I prefer to concentrate on substance over style so I’m happy to be part of it (whatever “it” may be)



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1 hour ago, Banker said:

Well Jersey have a 125k population & Guernsey 65k in much smaller islands and have issued plans to open borders fully at end June so doubt they would be jealous of us!

The only reason they may be opening up earlier than us is that they screwed up before us by a couple of months.

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1 hour ago, Banker said:

Well Jersey have a 125k population & Guernsey 65k in much smaller islands and have issued plans to open borders fully at end June so doubt they would be jealous of us!

I know you told us at 9am 11.00am midday 4.27 post meridian 5.04 pm and just now - stop bleating about the Northern French Islands - they are 250 miles away with no other relationship to here than Tax schemes.

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21 minutes ago, Mr Helmut Fromage said:

I know you told us at 9am 11.00am midday 4.27 post meridian 5.04 pm and just now - stop bleating about the Northern French Islands - they are 250 miles away with no other relationship to here than Tax schemes.

Well cheese head , tell your mate Howie as he loves comparing us to them or he did until very recently

of course now they have no cases & a clear & simple exit strategy he would rather not be compared to them😂

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1 hour ago, The Voice of Reason said:

I have to say you appear to be very ungrateful for everything that has been done for you and the Island as a whole.

You may not like HQ’s body language, what you call his condescending manner, high handed -ness with the media whatever etc etc. But over the last year we have fared better than our near, and not so near, neighbours.

I prefer to concentrate on substance over style so I’m happy to be part of it (whatever “it” may be)

Our own director of public health has described some of our previous circumstances as “lucky” on repeated occasions. 

Luck by definition suggests “success or failure brought by chance rather than one’s own actions”. 

So, maybe you’re right, and we should focus on style over substance. 

Take for example the notion of border testing, something we deferred until we’d had high risk on-island transmission over Christmas. We had even had fore-warning late in 2020, when somebody in November passed it on post isolation, leading to a small cluster. This was when we moved to the rule of whole households having to isolate together. Our Health Minister used to quite publicly wonder why people would willingly subject themselves to a test as it is an unpleasant process. 

Even the administrative side seems to struggle. 111, for all the good work they do, were not prepared after the 23:45 press release on New Year’s Eve. If you called before a certain time the next morning, you were offered a test, after that, you were told to be vigilant. Given we had had 6 months of COVID-free life, you’d expect that the scripts, contingency plans and testing strategies would already have been prepared. Note, they then went on to call this surveillance testing, but on stage, decry the utility of proper surveillance testing because it is only a snapshot in time.

In summary, action often seems more reactive than proactive, which, given the stakes and fluidity of the situation, can all too easily leave one on the back foot. 

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8 hours ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

Our own director of public health has described some of our previous circumstances as “lucky” on repeated occasions. 

Luck by definition suggests “success or failure brought by chance rather than one’s own actions”. 

So, maybe you’re right, and we should focus on style over substance. 

Take for example the notion of border testing, something we deferred until we’d had high risk on-island transmission over Christmas. We had even had fore-warning late in 2020, when somebody in November passed it on post isolation, leading to a small cluster. This was when we moved to the rule of whole households having to isolate together. Our Health Minister used to quite publicly wonder why people would willingly subject themselves to a test as it is an unpleasant process. 

Even the administrative side seems to struggle. 111, for all the good work they do, were not prepared after the 23:45 press release on New Year’s Eve. If you called before a certain time the next morning, you were offered a test, after that, you were told to be vigilant. Given we had had 6 months of COVID-free life, you’d expect that the scripts, contingency plans and testing strategies would already have been prepared. Note, they then went on to call this surveillance testing, but on stage, decry the utility of proper surveillance testing because it is only a snapshot in time.

In summary, action often seems more reactive than proactive, which, given the stakes and fluidity of the situation, can all too easily leave one on the back foot. 

Our leaders always maintained large scale testing was folly.

Wrongly (unless their position was to hide case numbers).

Their flip-flopping is breathtaking.

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Reading about Texas who have had back their results of cases since dropping restrictions, surprised it's not getting more coverage.

Day one was March 10th when they had a 7 day average of 4889 cases and yesterday their 7 day average was 3902.

Dropped nearly a thousand cases in ten days with absolutely no restrictions. 

yet on the andrew marr show yesterday there was a scientist on saying restrictions in Britain could last for years. 


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3 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

Reading about Texas who have had back their results of cases since dropping restrictions, surprised it's not getting more coverage.

Day one was March 10th when they had a 7 day average of 4889 cases and yesterday their 7 day average was 3902.

Dropped nearly a thousand cases in ten days with absolutely no restrictions. 

yet on the andrew marr show yesterday there was a scientist on saying restrictions in Britain could last for years. 


Good news on Covid is not for sharing fella.

I think it’s nearly time for a new variant.

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7 minutes ago, Nom de plume said:

Good news on Covid is not for sharing fella.

I think it’s nearly time for a new variant.

Have a word with Brazil. My former neighbour in Switzerland married a Brazilian lady, moved to a coastal area outside of Santos. I'm in daily contact with both - the situation is very grim there, so no matter had bad it is on the rock it could be one hell of a lot worse.

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20 minutes ago, Nom de plume said:

Our leaders always maintained large scale testing was folly.

Wrongly (unless their position was to hide case numbers).

Their flip-flopping is breathtaking.

I think their position was that mass testing of asymptomatic individuals was not helpful, particularly when the prevalence of disease in the community is low (such as last summer/autumn on the island). There is evidence from places like Liverpool, where mass testing was undertaken, that supports that view.

That is different to surge testing, where increased testing of asymptomatic individuals in specific areas and at specific times (i.e. during an outbreak or cluster) can be helpful. Here, they tended to refer to that as surveillance testing.

Mass testing can also be helpful, to an extent, in specific settings such as healthcare or Universities.

As with many things, the answer isn't black and white, but requires a nuanced approach. Unfortunately, with many issues relating to the pandemic, people often adopt extreme positions such as 'Mass testing is a good thing and we should do it all the time' or 'Mass testing is a waste of resources and doesn't work'.

In that sense, flip-flopping can be a good thing provided that there are sound principles underlying the decisions taken at any particular time. One person's flip-flopping is another person's nuanced approach.


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48 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

Reading about Texas who have had back their results of cases since dropping restrictions, surprised it's not getting more coverage.

Day one was March 10th when they had a 7 day average of 4889 cases and yesterday their 7 day average was 3902.

Dropped nearly a thousand cases in ten days with absolutely no restrictions. 

yet on the andrew marr show yesterday there was a scientist on saying restrictions in Britain could last for years. 


Are they still doing the same amount of testing?

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