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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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24 minutes ago, madmanxpilot said:

 Hang on, you want the management to come along with a big stick and tell your members what they know they should be doing anyway?. Unbelievable, f**king unbelievable. The canteen shouldn't be open in the first place. 

Well if they can’t use the facilities they’ll either be wanting some sort of compensation or demanding another suitable canteen area be built, that seems to be the logic in these places.

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i would caution against celebrating anything from across the pond in the land of capitalism, none of the relaxation of rules in some states has got anything to do with whats best for the people, it's to do with making money,it's FU to the new administration in power (Texas being a republican state for example), battles between state and federal levels of gov and it's a further battle against science by the conservative right.

Don't get me wrong i want out of this as soon as the next person just not sure the yanks are the model to follow or celebrate.


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27 minutes ago, madmanxpilot said:

Gambling with more than money it seems. Mind you, some of the dives I've stayed at in Vegas, Covid wouldn't be the worst thing I'd be worrying about catching.

Haha there are some grim places but I was only in the room for about 2 hours a day, to old for that carry on now

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2 minutes ago, Annoymouse said:

Well if they can’t use the facilities they’ll either be wanting some sort of compensation or demanding another suitable canteen area be built, that seems to be the logic in these places.

Whilst I have a view, I really don't want to get into the industrial matters, it's the personal responsibility and blame shifting aspects which really irk me. We're not in normal times, everyone must make concessions. Some should remember that many of us (myself included) have lost their jobs because of Covid. As Jack said, 'ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country'.

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2 minutes ago, Dirty Buggane said:

Not entirely sure I have not missed this on this thread. But am I right that Howard Quayle (fbotp) Push to have the press gagged from asking them there pesky questions at the press briefings. Been kicked out and will still be the norm. And public question and answer run as a stand alone .

He wants the questions he wants. 

It's the way it's going. The Cabinet Office is bloated with media types and spin doctors on the government payroll these days. Similarly,  Andy Wint of the Manx Radio Mannin Line simply doesn't read out questions put to his programme, and those he does, are often amended/censored/changed.

There is a huge (certainly in terms of total salary) media machine in IoM Government, Cabinet Office. The shady spin doctors.

The pesky questions asked by some of the media at Covid Press Briefings does not help their cause.


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1 minute ago, Roxanne said:

Because it will rip through us and we will run out of space/beds/staff/equipment.

I don't know what happens in three months. No one does.

I get exactly where you are coming from, I do, this isn't how I want to live either, but right now we don't seem to have a choice. We're all pinning our hopes on the vaccination programme. Perhaps one day it will be OK - perhaps it will not - no one knows. All I do know is that right now too many are making decisions in their best interests and not for the Island as a whole. There's only one way to deal with that and I don't like it any more than you do.

I'm not sure decisions are being made in anyone's own personal interests. 

It's a balance and a hard one to strike.

The vaccinations will make a difference.   That's clear.   As will the number of people who have already had covid recently.


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4 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

Have you looked at the figures? Have you seen how many young people are infected right now, how many are isolating?

Yes mostly young people here have it which presumably shows the vaccinations are working for older residents, the article I posted was to show that very few people under 60 die of COVID unless other health issues and for the under 40s it’s minimal risk

Edited by Banker
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11 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

And here's the other side of the coin. Because the government hasn't said, "all canteens must be closed", BV has kept their canteen open. Who in their right mind would think it a good idea for 46 members of staff to go on buses serving the general public (screen or no screen) then mix with other staff in a canteen (who have also been exposed to the general public) before going home to their families and repeating the same behaviour for all the days that follow?  Who thought this would be a good idea and why didn't someone, anyone say, this is a huge risk here and we must mitigate the risk.

The goverment's handling of this may not be the best but the people running their departments aren't that much better.

It's slightly scandalous.

Perhaps someone in management should have taken the bull by the horns, but people who have the attitude of 'I'll carry on until I'm told to stop' are the first ones to complain when Government impose blanket rules and in effect legislate for the lowest common denominator. 

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1 minute ago, Roxanne said:

I would suggest there are a large number of people on this Island right now doing what they probably should not be doing, believing the rules do not exactly apply to them as they do for others. Extra shopping trips, kids meeting up,  extra exercise, visiting relatives and friends but standing outside 2 metres away, 'bubble' breakers, incorrect mask use... The list is endless. These are the people who are acting in their own interests rather than the interests of the Island as a whole. If you don't know, or haven't heard about them then take it from me, they exist.

Sorry, I was referring to decisions made at a political level rather than the personal decisions and choices of the general public. 

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20 minutes ago, Banker said:

Yes mostly young people here have it which presumably shows the vaccinations are working for older residents, the article I posted was to show that very few people under 60 die of COVID unless other health issues and for the under 40s it’s minimal risk

Well we don't know the effects of so-called Long Covid yet. Loss of of taste/smell may not be just a bit annoying for a few weeks. Lungs partly scarred and so a corresponding decrease in physical performance for rest of life. Or whatever.

Once the younger folk start to realize Covid-19 may have a direct impact on them too, we may see a change in behaviour. 

Edited by Barlow
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8 minutes ago, madmanxpilot said:

Whilst I have a view, I really don't want to get into the industrial matters, it's the personal responsibility and blame shifting aspects which really irk me. We're not in normal times, everyone must make concessions. Some should remember that many of us (myself included) have lost their jobs because of Covid. As Jack said, 'ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country'.

Well my old workplace in Lockdown 1 brought in a rule of only 3 people allowed in the canteen at any one time, so lunch time came around and the first 3 came in, all sat around 0.5 metres away from each and refused to move.

There really is people like that out there sadly and it wouldn’t surprise me if the likes of Bus Vannin was the same. 

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1 hour ago, Utah 01 said:

For goodness sake, engage brain-cells, assess 'the risk' and MAKE A DECISION!  Does everyone have to be spoon-fed by the State or is its control so complete after the past 12 months of total brainwashing that the population is incapable of thinking and making decisions for itself?


1 hour ago, Peter Layman said:

Sadly, the answer appears to be yes. Seems like mass stupidity continues to rise

Or maybe while people are completely capable of making personal health related risk assessments, they are less confident when it comes to making law related risk assessments when the guidance coming from government is so open to interpretation. 

We live on an island of curtain-twitchers. We're also world leaders in jailing people for breaking lockdown restrictions. Is it any wonder people want these things spelled out to a microscopic level? 

Enough with insinuating how everyone is so stupid for wanting to stay safe and on the right side of the law. Attitudes like that only serve to stop people asking questions. Knowledge is power, strong people ask questions. Like it or lump it.

Rather than denigrating a questioner, politely answer the question or stfu. Thanks. 

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2 minutes ago, Zarley said:


Or maybe while people are completely capable of making personal health related risk assessments, they are less confident when it comes to making law related risk assessments when the guidance coming from government is so open to interpretation. 

We live on an island of curtain-twitchers. We're also world leaders in jailing people for breaking lockdown restrictions. Is it any wonder people want these things spelled out to a microscopic level? 

Enough with insinuating how everyone is so stupid for wanting to stay safe and on the right side of the law. Attitudes like that only serve to stop people asking questions. Knowledge is power, strong people ask questions. Like it or lump it.

Rather than denigrating a questioner, politely answer the question or stfu. Thanks. 

what on earth are you gabbling on about. A question was asked and an answer was given. Sensible people don't look for loopholes to see how they can get around the guidance given. Sadly, we are living in an age where people forget how to act correctly. Rather than to err on the side of caution, they do exactly what they want to do and bugger the consequences. When that choice turns around and bites them on the arse, it is then somebody else's fault.

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