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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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From Manx Radio: People not staying home main reason for continued unexplained Covid cases

We need more than this. Highly experienced contract tracers should be able to tell us more. Did these people not staying at home catch the virus from walking past people in the street, maybe they were cycling in a pack, maybe they went to Tesco.

At this stage of the game we should know more. "Not staying at home" is as meaningless as it is obvious.

We should have found out more by now. The data should be there. Act on it. It is not rocket science.


Edited by Barlow
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2 hours ago, Numbnuts said:

Nice one I have a mate and his missus is working from home and the two of them are climbing walls being in that close proximity for so long 

Don't the bubble rules allow them to swap partners with another couple for a few days?

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31 minutes ago, madmanxpilot said:

It's hardly obsessing. It's the key to me and others being able to start doing the things we miss and seeing our family again, for that reason, many of us have a very keen interest in it. For example, I had a relative die here this week, and unless we start seeing zero soon, I'm not going to be able to attend his funeral.

If you aren't that bothered about that particular stat, then just ignore it. 




Terry, there has to be a parameter for ending lock down, last time, 21 days free of bugs was used, the Govt have to use something similar lest they are accused of   

a.  waiting too long last time   or 

b.  opening too early this time?

Brick and hard.......for them, tho I'm sure DA will be able to waffle thu an explanation!!!

It could be that 21 days of 'unexplained' could be used this time? They say they have a handle on the source cases.

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40 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

We are in the mitigation stage now. Obv they can't say that, lest we blame them rather than the great manx public. The first phase of mitigation stage always had to be don't say we are in the mitigation stage.

The trouble is that both Guernsey and Jersey are now effectively down to zero cases, it's a bit difficult to pretend that elimination is somehow now impossible.  They can blame the Great Manx Public and lock up Christopher Christian as often as they like, but people are going to point to those in charge.

And all those who have been babbling for 'mitigation' and 'living with the virus' will soon come to dislike the reality when they realise it's just what the UK has been doing for the last year - an endless succession of confusing lockdown of variable severity.

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1 hour ago, Banker said:

Yes waffled a lot said he’d been speaking to Guernsey who say July & we’re August he said, He then quickly passed it over to Ashford!!

Guernsey are planning to be fully open 1st July with Jersey sometime June, Comin have been told to return with a simple, clear plan for Tynwald sitting 

I was surprised, given that his comments represent a significant departure from the previous mantra of vaccinating the old and vulnerable being the key, and that now he is bringing the under 50's into the equation, represents a massive moving of goalposts, that another journo didn't follow up on this line of questioning. He was clearly caught cold and struggling, it was a fine opportunity for one of them to extract some honesty out of HQ. 

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