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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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2 hours ago, TerryFuchwit said:

I think people now though are possibly being a little economical with the truth to contract tracing.

As well as being economical with the truth, given the incubation time who remembers who they talked to or where they were over the last 14 (perhaps 21 days)?

A person on the bus, full of covid but not outwardly suffering too much if at all, in denial or afraid they'll lose their job or face furlough and can't meet the mortgage/rent. Coughs, or sneezes just the once, into their hand. Bus reaches reaches their stop, up goes the hand and clenches the rail, walks to the door touches every other seat on the way. Three other people behind them do the same, touching the same surfaces all the way along the bus. On the short walk to their work they need a coffee, or fags or whatever so go into a shop. On the way they've coughed a couple more times. They reach the shop and push/pull the door open. And so on. All these surfaces are contaminated to some degree, because the viral load in their aerosol is high. Even if they're wearing a mask, the temptation to unconsciously adjust it is always there. They get to work, they take it off, perhaps forgetting to wash their hands or apply the gel. Did they ensure either measure was adequate? How would they know? What do they know about fomite transmission? They're told to wash their hands; what about their face, the point of entry?

It's just too easy to pass it on if one doesn't remain vigilant, or if it's someone who thinks the rules don't apply to them and going by what I've seen there are many, or maybe they're just plain ignorant to the risk they present and assess that risk with minimum awareness.

Too easy, too many stupid people, too many with a massive gap in their awareness and perception who'll never get the message.

Anyone with an IQ less than 85 needs 24hr supervision. 

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It would be laughable if it wasn’t so serious, Covid to all intents and purpose is THE FLU. Not one country has gotten to grips with it and year after year it raises its ugly head. Nobody questions how it got here yet even now, experts extolling how it is spread. Bottom line - nobody knows

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1 minute ago, quilp said:

As well as being economical with the truth, given the incubation time who remembers who they talked to or where they were over the last 14 (perhaps 21 days)?

A person on the bus, full of covid but not outwardly suffering too much if at all, in denial or afraid they'll lose their job or face furlough and can't meet the mortgage/rent. Coughs, or sneezes just the once, into their hand. Bus reaches reaches their stop, up goes the hand and clenches the rail, walks to the door touches every other seat on the way. Three other people behind them do the same, touching the same surfaces all the way along the bus. On the short walk to their work they need a coffee, or fags or whatever so go into a shop. On the way they've coughed a couple more times. They reach the shop and push/pull the door open. And so on. All these surfaces are contaminated to some degree, because the viral load in their aerosol is high. Even if they're wearing a mask, the temptation to unconsciously adjust it is always there. They get to work, they take it off, perhaps forgetting to wash their hands or apply the gel. Did they ensure either measure was adequate? How would they know? What do they know about fomite transmission? They're told to wash their hands; what about their face, the point of entry?

It's just too easy to pass it on if one doesn't remain vigilant, or if it's someone who thinks the rules don't apply to them and going by what I've seen there are many, or maybe they're just plain ignorant to the risk they present and assess that risk with minimum awareness.

Too easy, too many stupid people, too many with a massive gap in their awareness and perception who'll never get the message.

Anyone with an IQ less than 85 needs 24hr supervision. 

............and 99 people out of one hundred wouldn't even get more than a sniffle.

We need to remind ourselves of the fact, now lost in the mists of hysteria and irrationality, that this virus, like so many diseases that prey on anyone with a predisposition, affects a minuscule proportion of the population and yet we have destroyed economies, ruined lives and closed society.  The well-being of the overwhelming majority has been sacrificed against an unfortunate minority.

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Remember the halcyon days when a sniffle or a cough would send you for a hot toddy and wrap up and sweat it out overnight. Mass hysteria will now have you reaching for the phone, call 111 and fuck your life and most people you know for the next 21+ days

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11 minutes ago, Peter Layman said:

It would be laughable if it wasn’t so serious, Covid to all intents and purpose is THE FLU. Not one country has gotten to grips with it and year after year it raises its ugly head. Nobody questions how it got here yet even now, experts extolling how it is spread. Bottom line - nobody knows

Have you had flu lately? Flu can be awful, and will wipe you out for a considerable time. Try going to work with a bad case of flu and see how you do. Why do you think companies pay for private flu vaccinations for their staff?

Though, you're arguably wrong about nobody getting to grips with it, a number of countries have shown it is perfectly achievable with a pragmatic and quick response to outbreaks, and without protracted lockdowns.


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1 minute ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

Have you had flu lately? Flu can be awful, and will wipe you out for a considerable time. Try going to work with a bad case of flu and see how you do. Why do you think companies pay for private flu vaccinations for their staff?

Though, you're arguably wrong about nobody getting to grips with it, a number of countries have shown it is perfectly achievable with a pragmatic and quick response to outbreaks, and without protracted lockdowns.


Flu jabs are not the be all and end all of the problem. It can actually bring on a very bad case of the flu.

I am not saying flu is not awful, but as you rightly say, we don’t shut down the country for over a year because of it


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19 minutes ago, Utah 01 said:

............and 99 people out of one hundred wouldn't even get more than a sniffle.

We need to remind ourselves of the fact, now lost in the mists of hysteria and irrationality, that this virus, like so many diseases that prey on anyone with a predisposition, affects a minuscule proportion of the population and yet we have destroyed economies, ruined lives and closed society.  The well-being of the overwhelming majority has been sacrificed against an unfortunate minority.

Well, if you'd be kind enough to cite your figures if you're giving hard numbers.

But, the problem is, as evidenced in places like Lombardy during the first outbreak, the UK during the second wave, is that hospital capacity is finite, and built to cope with normal pressures.

When you add a significant excess pressure to that, suddenly, something has to make way for the influx of patients who without medical attention would not be faring well at all.

So, COVID goes up, capacity for everything from heart attacks to cancer treatments to Granny's new hip is impacted upon. It's not nearly as simple as mass hysteria or irrationality. Potentially you could argue a symptom of systemic underfunding and cuts to Public Health, but that's not something you can fix quickly in the midst of a pandemic.

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49 minutes ago, Utah 01 said:

............and 99 people out of one hundred wouldn't even get more than a sniffle.

We need to remind ourselves of the fact, now lost in the mists of hysteria and irrationality, that this virus, like so many diseases that prey on anyone with a predisposition, affects a minuscule proportion of the population and yet we have destroyed economies, ruined lives and closed society.  The well-being of the overwhelming majority has been sacrificed against an unfortunate minority.


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1 hour ago, quilp said:

As well as being economical with the truth, given the incubation time who remembers who they talked to or where they were over the last 14 (perhaps 21 days)?

A person on the bus, full of covid but not outwardly suffering too much if at all, in denial or afraid they'll lose their job or face furlough and can't meet the mortgage/rent. Coughs, or sneezes just the once, into their hand. Bus reaches reaches their stop, up goes the hand and clenches the rail, walks to the door touches every other seat on the way. Three other people behind them do the same, touching the same surfaces all the way along the bus. On the short walk to their work they need a coffee, or fags or whatever so go into a shop. On the way they've coughed a couple more times. They reach the shop and push/pull the door open. And so on. All these surfaces are contaminated to some degree, because the viral load in their aerosol is high. Even if they're wearing a mask, the temptation to unconsciously adjust it is always there. They get to work, they take it off, perhaps forgetting to wash their hands or apply the gel. Did they ensure either measure was adequate? How would they know? What do they know about fomite transmission? They're told to wash their hands; what about their face, the point of entry?

It's just too easy to pass it on if one doesn't remain vigilant, or if it's someone who thinks the rules don't apply to them and going by what I've seen there are many, or maybe they're just plain ignorant to the risk they present and assess that risk with minimum awareness.

Too easy, too many stupid people, too many with a massive gap in their awareness and perception who'll never get the message.

Anyone with an IQ less than 85 needs 24hr supervision. 

What a load of sad hysterical guff written by an absolute panic stricken scaremonger. The lengths people go to in order to embarrass themselves publicly you wouldn’t believe. Odds are it wasn’t even a passenger who gave it to them. It will be one of those fat know all’s mixing with work colleagues and using shared work space with absolutely no proper controls in place. Because we all know people who work for government think they’re are immune to COVID and are happy blaming the public for their failure to act responsibly. 

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7 hours ago, Amazed said:

What a load of sad hysterical guff written by an absolute panic stricken scaremonger. The lengths people go to in order to embarrass themselves publicly you wouldn’t believe. Odds are it wasn’t even a passenger who gave it to them. It will be one of those fat know all’s mixing with work colleagues and using shared work space with absolutely no proper controls in place. Because we all know people who work for government think they’re are immune to COVID and are happy blaming the public for their failure to act responsibly. 

He's back. 

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