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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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2 minutes ago, Lewis said:

That's even more worrying because it surely isn't deliberate.

It clearly is deliberate. There were Zero first doses actually scheduled for yesterday, and the same for today. Not sure how that turned into 3 actually done. 

They currently have 800 for tomorrow and 1000+ for Thursday and Friday. But like you, I don't understand the strategy of having blank days.

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8 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

That last bit.

All of this, all of it, is exactly because of that. They go on and on about the '7 months of normality' last year, which they should have used to get prepared for everything, and yet here we are.

Oh, and its our fault.

The Chief Minister, in a practiced and prescient voice often threw in a "it will be back", so yes, those months should have been used to plan and prepare, more thoroughly.

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6 minutes ago, Banker said:

Mentioned this on vaccine thread yesterday and was roundly criticized by usual suspects, Quilip, FuckWit & teapot for daring to suggest it was unacceptable, hopefully they’ll pick the pace up as the vaccine is sat in fridge 

You weren't roundly criticised by me. See, once again you're blowing things out of all proportion. My only comment to you about the fall in numbers was to offer that the reason for it could be because there is/was only one hub operating.

So, is this the reason? 

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15 hours ago, Barlow said:

Here's a graph of this afternoon's briefing. 

The viewers on Facebook drop off steadily after the first few minutes. The media questions start about 25 minutes and - for the record - there is no particular drop off. 


There will be listeners on Manx Radio too.




13 hours ago, Gladys said:

The lesson from Panorama? Swift, decisive action. Test, test test; trace, trace, trace and track, track track.

S Korea require all incomers to be tested on arrival (results within 4 hours), download a tracking app for the duration of their isolation and they are checked several times a day, but no lockdown.

Spend the money on that and also "safety net" support like free PPE for the elderly, proper T,T and T, state run food deliveries  and sticking to a plan.  

Be proactive, not reactive.

Sweden didn't come out of it very well.

I bet that last year, when outsiders were listening to HQ boasting about our success with Covid-19, they thought we were a Covid-fighting superpower (the S Korea of the Irish sea). Sadly, this was not so. Apparently, we are just a small island with limited resources, which is only capable of keeping the external doors closed, well largely anyway. 

What aggravates me about HQ is that he is treating the public as if we are naughty children (his government screwed up the supervision of the SPC, not the public). Now if we do no obey, the government will clamp down even harder. To me this condescending attitude towards the public does not help to resolve the current situation. What is needed is reciprocal respect and cooperation between the government and the people. That reciprocity is at the heart of S Korea's success. 

Why some people are here breaking the rules? Many reasons I suspect, not the least of which has something to do with the state of their mental health. Also, the waiting times for food deliveries from Tesco can be weeks. There are of course other places that do home deliveries, but they are not cheap. Clearly not everybody can afford these types of food deliveries. If you and all of your immediate social network are self-isolating, is it possible that you might feel the need to break the rules by nipping out for some food and other essentials?

The government website has a link to 'Charities that can help', but I am not sure how effective those charities can be. I understand there are some community support groups in Ramsey, but I am uncertain as to what is available in Douglas. Personally I beleive this type of support should primarily be provided by government/ local government, and that it is a strategic mistake for government to 'rely' on the goodwill of the third sector i.e. many people who work as volunteers are already stretched. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why Douglas has the highest rates of infection on the Island?

With regards to Panorama, although I found the S Korean's approach a bit too intrusive for my western sensitivities, the S Korean government's commitment to their people is excellent, as outlined by Gladys in their post. Our government could take the S Korea as an example from which to learn, and then create a system of reciprocal trust that works for all of us. 

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21 minutes ago, Lewis said:

Does anyone know why the jab rate has dropped so much? It averaged well over 1000 a day for 2 weeks now with last Thursday and Friday close to 2000. Monday dropped to 610, the lowest since March 7th and today its just 163 so far. 

I can only think of 2 reasons. Massive no shows, which sounds unlikely or the appointments weren't made in which case why? Certainly isn't lack of stock with over 15k sat there.

From Twitter (I didn't send the email)


I emailed David Ashford who says the 1,000 vaccine target was for 2 weeks only... thst caveat certainly wasn't explained when they trumpeted the target.

Edited by daisy
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1 minute ago, Barlow said:

The Chief Minister, in a practiced and prescient voice often threw in a "it will be back", so yes, those months should have been used to plan and prepare, more thoroughly.

never forget, half of that time the politicians were on (and actually voted for in a pandemic) summer recess.

Loads of people warned about this, over and over again. Suspicions of complacency that have been borne out. I could go back through this thread if I could be bothered and find posts from about 20 different people all saying it. Get the testing capacity expanded for an outbreak, get the contact tracing team trained and organised ready to respond in seconds, get the planning for vaccine distribution in place, so many things.

But hey, we had the mother of all weekends and a christmas so what am I complaining about. Should be thankful really and just shut up


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2 minutes ago, daisy said:

From Twitter (I didn't send the email)


I emailed David Ashford who says the 1,000 vaccine target was for 2 weeks only... thst caveat certainly wasn't explained when they trumpeted the target.

Pathetic response, so we’re back to slowing down  roll out when we should be increasing it like everyone else is doing, we’ve already increased time gap upto 12 weeks so they can do more first doses and we do 1 yesterday 

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1 minute ago, daisy said:

From Twitter


I emailed David Ashford who says the 1,000 vaccine target was for 2 weeks only... thst caveat certainly wasn't explained when they trumpeted the target.

So why only two weeks when there are still 15k in stock? What did they do to increase capacity that can't be maintained for a few more weeks to crack this?

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1 minute ago, Roxanne said:

There's no rhyme or reason or if there is we are not worthy enough to learn what it might be.  Even this is a disappointment. It seemed as though finally we were about to get the 'gold standard' service to match the huge financial outlay with matching skirting boards but no, it was only planned for two weeks.

Why? Anyone? Why?

(I've got half a bar of Cadbury's fruit and nut chocolate hidden somewhere where I hid it from myself and I can't find it anywhere, I've even looked for the wrapper in the bin. It's possible I'm slightly more tetchy than usual today.

Why?Just because they have been super busy doing other important stuff.

It is a right mess though.Get those 15,000 doses into 15k people at 2k a day over extended hours.

And step away from the chocolate.Chocolate makes you fat then you die from COVID-19.You are welcome.

Anyone who is bored this afternoon who hasn't seen the Southwark pandemic specials should track them down.


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