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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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Its COMIN who make the calls and they will be taking into account advice from Public Health.

What she said was that 21 days with no unexplained cases is a pretty tight benchmark. 14 days is also pretty good but may carry some risks.

The decision for COMIN will be based on their risk appetite. As we know they were initially risk averse, but they did take a risk on 27th Feb and it hasn't quite worked out. While its likely that the 27th Feb made little difference to the current position (the virus was already out there and spreading) I suspect they'll follow the 21 days.

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9 minutes ago, Banker said:

Dr A was on radio I think early this week saying schools would be back and if they have to limit number or have some mitigation in then they will .

here’s the report in case Quilip or his mates accuse me of making it up!!


Thank you I had not heard that so that clears things up.

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26 minutes ago, Banker said:

Dr A was on radio I think early this week saying schools would be back and if they have to limit number or have some mitigation in then they will .

here’s the report in case Quilip or his mates accuse me of making it up!!


You really are pathetic, almost child-like. And your persistent use of the confused emoji when contradictedand caught out - what sort of a bollocks tactic is that?

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2 hours ago, Howard the Duck MBE TBC said:

Its really not.  It is a common occurrence since there is only a set amount of tine allocated for questions so it happens all the time. 

Why this one instance is being picked up on and blown out of proportion is beyond me.  They would never get anything done if they just kept answering questions orally (the questions asked will still be answered the same as they always are, but in writing as they ran out of time 

I'm sorry but this simply isn't true.  As I said yesterday, it's usually a formality to extend question time, especially in the Keys where the programme tends to be less crowded.  It used to happen a bit under Bell, but even then you never got all of CoMin voting as a bloc like that[1], there would usually be some who voted to extend and so this often happened.

And having questions answered orally is important because it gives MHKs the chance to try to find out what the situation actually is rather than just accept whatever has been given to them


[1]  CoMin can usually rely on the extra votes of a couple of 'trusties' - usually Perkins and Peake - who, if they're not sucking up to CoMin, want to get things over with as quickly as possible.

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8 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

[1]  CoMin can usually rely on the extra votes of a couple of 'trusties' - usually Perkins and Peake - who, if they're not sucking up to CoMin, want to get things over with as quickly as possible.

Think they only had Robertshaw with them as vote was 14-10 In favour and 16 required 

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1 hour ago, Dirty Buggane said:

The more I hear from Hetty the less I think of her. It's as if she is part of comin and just nodding through what ever Howard(fbotp) tells her to.

 I’m starting to wonder if it’s the opposite, perhaps Dr Ewart is being suppressed? You’ve got HQ asking people to stop going to work if they have any new symptoms that MAY be relatively minor but could still be Covid19 and yet you’ve got Dr Ewart/111 insisting on only the 4 major signs/symptoms qualify for test, but she does acknowledge that minor symptoms may actually be a possible sign of Covid19 but the patients may be otherwise asymptomatic, it doesn’t make any sense.

They either need to stop everyone moving in an attempt to stop the spread or start testing by sample population in an attempt to weed out the asymptomatic cases.

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1 hour ago, Banker said:

Dr A was on radio I think early this week saying schools would be back and if they have to limit number or have some mitigation in then they will .

here’s the report in case Quilip or his mates accuse me of making it up!!


I suppose even you has to get something right occasionally 🧐

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3 minutes ago, Lewis said:

Does anyone know why the airport hub has not been used for the last 3 days or did I miss it?

The plan is to vaccinated about 5000 a week a mix of PZ and AZ with 1st and 2nd doses so each hub can be closed for a couple of days for cleaning, resting and testing staff.

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2 hours ago, Dirty Buggane said:

The more I hear from Hetty the less I think of her. It's as if she is part of comin and just nodding through what ever Howard(fbotp) tells her to.


2 hours ago, piebaps said:

Its COMIN who make the calls and they will be taking into account advice from Public Health.

The politicians (CoMIn) have the final say but only after input from advisers. If the advisers aren't capable enough to convince or strong-willed enough to make their point, then the politicians are going to have more-or-less unfettered decision making. It is for this reason that politicians can't have strong-willed and capable experts on board because the tail starts wagging the dog then. It's a difficult balance to achieve.

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