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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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I can't see any risk in the Laxey dip to be honest.  Seems like a reasonable idea to me.

But, we aren't allowed to be doing that sort of stuff at the moment.  No meetings blah blah no matter how sensible you are about it because we have to legislate to the stupid who would take the piss and take things to the extreme.

So no matter how low the risk they have broken the current law of the land and as such the police are in a very difficult situation because they really need to throw the book at them but the general society seem relatively split on if they should or not.

If they don't, and I had previously been sent to prison for a Covid breach I would be kicking up a right stink.

Personally I would sack lockdown off and just do social distancing and let people use common sense but it appears we are going to drag this nonsense out for weeks yet.

Edited by Howard the Duck MBE TBC
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9 minutes ago, Howard the Duck MBE TBC said:

I can's see any risk in the Laxey dip to be honest.  Seems like a reasonable idea to me.

But, we aren't allowed to be doing that sort of stuff at the moment.  No meetings blah blah no matter how sensible you are about it because we have to legislate to the stupid who would take the piss and take things to the extreme.

So no matter how low the risk they have broken the current law of the land and as such the police are in a very difficult situation because they really need to throw the book at them but the general society seem relatively split on if they should or not.

If they don't, and I had previously been sent to prison for a Covid breach I would be kicking up a right stink.

Personally I would sack lockdown off and just do social distancing and let people use common sense but it appears we are going to drag this nonsense out for weeks yet.

Trouble is how do you stop idiots going into a workplace when they have known symptoms? And why have we not herd anyone being arrested for it? Oh probably because they work in finance or a law office. Or public sector.

So we have rules/gudiance/laws (seems to vary from day to day somehow) and highly variable application which I often suspect is down to attitude at the time the police approach you.

And then we have well intentioned maybe, self-appointed healers and shamanics wanting to feel better and frankly gather a following of sorts which at any other time would be dismissed as hippy nonsense. But I'm not sure if you can apply intention to the law as it stands.

If you can, then those who knowingly put others at risk (have symptoms and still go to work) or breaking the self-isolation orders before whatever tests they need to get out of it are taken or passed ought to be in prison.

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8 minutes ago, CallMeCurious said:

Trouble is how do you stop idiots going into a workplace when they have known symptoms? And why have we not herd anyone being arrested for it? Oh probably because they work in finance or a law office. Or public sector.

So we have rules/gudiance/laws (seems to vary from day to day somehow) and highly variable application which I often suspect is down to attitude at the time the police approach you.

And then we have well intentioned maybe, self-appointed healers and shamanics wanting to feel better and frankly gather a following of sorts which at any other time would be dismissed as hippy nonsense. But I'm not sure if you can apply intention to the law as it stands.

If you can, then those who knowingly put others at risk (have symptoms and still go to work) or breaking the self-isolation orders before whatever tests they need to get out of it are taken or passed ought to be in prison.

Honestly I don't care if people go into a workplace with symptoms.  It is here to stay and we need to get used to it.

The mortality rate now with updated treatment and the vaccines going out is so incredibly small that we need to just crack on.  It's beyond stupid now protecting everyone from something that we have seen over the last few weeks actually does very little harm.


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It seems I may owe Comin an apology. After reading the reply to Miss J.M. Edge's question, I find my self believing that the modicum of intellect I thought existed to that auspicious body is in fact sadly lacking.     I can only apologise to the Great Manx public and the upstanding personage of this there forum. In future I will try and ascertain that all facts that I may provide are as exactingly well thought out and as correct as the Council Of Ministers. Thus not bringing the Manx Forums good name into disrepute.

I thank you and good night

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16 minutes ago, Howard the Duck MBE TBC said:

Honestly I don't care if people go into a workplace with symptoms.  It is here to stay and we need to get used to it.

The mortality rate now with updated treatment and the vaccines going out is so incredibly small that we need to just crack on.  It's beyond stupid now protecting everyone from something that we have seen over the last few weeks actually does very little harm.


And where would the numbers in hospital be by now if we hadn't? 2,000-3,000 cases? 30-40-50 in hospital and 10-20 in ICU? As far as I can see it’s never been about eliminating it, we've had centuries with flu and never managed it. It was about the rapidity of the spread of this virus and the old phrase flattening the curve.  Protecting people from the worst consequences (i.e., ending up in hospital and ICU) when there were not enough resources to give them the treatment needed.

Yes, treatments are better, yes more people have some form of immunity but the hospital still has a finite capacity right now.

Soon, in a few weeks probably, the pressure will be off in the UK in the hospital numbers and we will have the luxury of sending cases away if they can survive the journey. Don’t forget the collateral damage of taking up beds with covid cases when there are a lot of other illnesses and injuries that may need them.


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13 minutes ago, CallMeCurious said:

And where would the numbers in hospital be by now if we hadn't? 2,000-3,000 cases? 30-40-50 in hospital and 10-20 in ICU? As far as I can see it’s never been about eliminating it, we've had centuries with flu and never managed it. It was about the rapidity of the spread of this virus and the old phrase flattening the curve.  Protecting people from the worst consequences (i.e., ending up in hospital and ICU) when there were not enough resources to give them the treatment needed.

Yes, treatments are better, yes more people have some form of immunity but the hospital still has a finite capacity right now.

Soon, in a few weeks probably, the pressure will be off in the UK in the hospital numbers and we will have the luxury of sending cases away if they can survive the journey. Don’t forget the collateral damage of taking up beds with covid cases when there are a lot of other illnesses and injuries that may need them.


There must have been 2000 cases since Christmas and 1 death?

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3 minutes ago, The Duck of Atholl said:

I’m still none the wiser as to how you have arrived at this figure. However, I’m guessing you think it’s more so how many people do you think have had it in total?

Since Christmas? I guess about 3 to 4 thousand.

I am sure I have it at the moment and the Mrs.  We both came down with a bit of a temperature and aches and pains about 3 weeks ago.

Not been for a test though as no point and we have just stayed home.

Loads of others had it and had no clue based on people I know who got tested as close contacts and tested positive.  If they hadn't been called for a test they would never know.

My guess is the unexplained cases are residual people with no symptoms passing it to other people with no symptoms then eventually somewhere down the line someone who gets its shows a symptom and goes for a test.

The only downside for me is that our routine is screwed and I am getting no sleep (posted at 01:15)

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7 hours ago, Howard the Duck MBE TBC said:

Honestly I don't care if people go into a workplace with symptoms.  It is here to stay and we need to get used to it.

The mortality rate now with updated treatment and the vaccines going out is so incredibly small that we need to just crack on.  It's beyond stupid now protecting everyone from something that we have seen over the last few weeks actually does very little harm.


"actually does very little harm"

Are you deaf, blind and stupid?

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5 hours ago, Howard the Duck MBE TBC said:

I am sure I have it at the moment and the Mrs.  We both came down with a bit of a temperature and aches and pains about 3 weeks ago.

It would be interesting to know what percentage of the people who are tested because they have symptoms, actually test positive. I suspect it is fairly low, and the majority of people with symptoms don't actually have Covid-19. There are plenty of other viral illnesses available.

A study last year of the available data by University college London showed that of 625 people with symptoms who were tested, 27 returned positive tests (under 5%).

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