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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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18 minutes ago, Raffles said:

The Laxey swim is going to divide opinion. I am one of those who has never agreed with criminal enforcement for lockdown breaches so I'm firmly on the side of The Laxey One. 

The lockdown should be guidance only, not law and not criminal. 

The police don't make the law, they just enforce it. You need to lobby your mhk If you think the law needs to be changed.

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37 minutes ago, John Wright said:

Have either of you had shielding letters? If so you can phone Tesco on line and set up access to their priority slots. They release slots up to 4 weeks ahead for priority slots. I think it’s only 3 weeks if you don’t have priority access.  They are 8 hour slots, 10-18 or 14-22. You get a phone call on the day of delivery just before your slot period giving you an accurate time window. I book a slot every week, for 4 weeks ahead. I put in the minimum order, as staples, bread, spuds, veg (£40). Then I edit in the 48 hours before delivery. That’s worked for me since May 2020.

We are on the priority list and try to get a Tesco slot a number of times throughout every 24hrs. We have never achieved more than once a month! This is throughout the entire Covid situation. ( We have not been able to get a place for over three weeks now.)

No bullshit, that's how it is. I just wish we knew the secret of getting a delivery. 

We have utilised the co-op click and collect in Ramsey although with more than a little trepidation.

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52 minutes ago, Lilly said:

I have been following MF for the CV past year it helps me deal with the situation l found myself in. 

My husband was diagnosed with cancer 2 years ago, he is now on palliative and life extending drugs, no cure. I have a condition which effects my nervous system. We have always worked and was saving for our travel plans for when we retired .

We are unable to get a internet shopping slot from Tesco,  l have been trying for the past year. One of us has to go once a fortnight and accept the risk. We cannot afford the other delivery options shopping as the food is too expensive.  Our income is less a quarter a month what one of us earned than what we earned previously for both of us, we have to regularly dip into our savings to keep us out the red, the heating bills are the worse as my husband feels the cold.

A week ago we both sat on our sofa and cried together with the situation we find ourselves in. 

We go out in our car every to get fresh air and a walk on a flat area as l cant walk up steps anymore, my husband is often in pain as his cancer effects his walking. 

I don't want your pity,  l just want people to understand how this could effect some people.  We are missing our grandchildren and our children, it's not possible to us to form the new bubble as Iom government suggests. 

Thank you MF


It would seem you are both in the clinically extremely vulnerable category therefore advice would likely be for you both to shield - notwithstanding lockdowns. If, when not in a lockdown, you wish to put yourself at an increased risk of getting coronavirus that's up to you.

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Just now, snowman said:

It's only been 22 days.   The sooner people stop breaking the rules the sooner we get back to normal

Going to the supermarket because you have no other option is hardly breaking the rules. What do you expect the poster in question to do?

Driving to an isolated area for exercise with their household also falls within the guidelines. There's no legal stipulation about driving to go to exercise, it's just discouraged where possible.

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13 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

Legal precedents don't change unless the law changes. It hasn't. Thats what precedent means. Something that has happened before and is history. You cant change history. Much as I would like to agree with you, it's not that simple. Like I say, I pity the police and the courts but the only way to not enforce what is current law is for the law to change.

I agree.

I was really meaning there is no need for a lockdown and all the over the top rules now.

But that is the path our wise ones have chosen so stick to the rules or go to prison until common sense kicks in and they let us back to normal alongside the virus.  Simple

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My wife does local shopping for people who are in a similar position to @Lilly and if possible would be happy to try and help if feasible.

If this poster wants to send further details to me as an email I may be able to arrange something or know someone who can give practical help / support. 

I am sure others on here would offer similar support if they could.

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19 minutes ago, doc.fixit said:

We are on the priority list and try to get a Tesco slot a number of times throughout every 24hrs. We have never achieved more than once a month! This is throughout the entire Covid situation. ( We have not been able to get a place for over three weeks now.)

No bullshit, that's how it is. I just wish we knew the secret of getting a delivery. 

We have utilised the co-op click and collect in Ramsey although with more than a little trepidation.

The slots are released at midnight so try & get slots as shortly after midnight as you can, it works as we get one every week & are not priority 

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1 hour ago, Nom de plume said:

If it’s not we are going to be locked away forever you lunatic.

Well it's not the deaths that are the yardstick, it is the preventing of deaths. A bit like proving a false negative I suppose but that is the nature of what we are dealing with.

So I would rather say  "everyone wearing masks and social distancing is preventing deaths" than "everyone not wearing masks and social distancing is causing all these deaths".

Patronising and obvious? Clearly not. 


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1 hour ago, John Wright said:

Have either of you had shielding letters? If so you can phone Tesco on line and set up access to their priority slots. They release slots up to 4 weeks ahead for priority slots. I think it’s only 3 weeks if you don’t have priority access.  They are 8 hour slots, 10-18 or 14-22. You get a phone call on the day of delivery just before your slot period giving you an accurate time window. I book a slot every week, for 4 weeks ahead. I put in the minimum order, as staples, bread, spuds, veg (£40). Then I edit in the 48 hours before delivery. That’s worked for me since May 2020.

John, thank you for your sensitive comments and information. In answer to your question we did not receive shielding letters

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1 hour ago, Gladys said:

Go to helpout.im.  it is a charity formed last year that pairs volunteers with people who are shielding to do things like shopping. 

I volunteer, and have shopped for the couple during each lockdown.  They send me a shopping list for, say, Tesco, I say when I can go, do the shop and leave it at their doorstep and talk to them from the property boundary.  I leave the receipt in the bag and they transfer the cost to my bank account.  It works well.  There is help out there you just need to know where. 

Thank you so much for the information,  I appreciate you taking the time to contact me 

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1 hour ago, Declan said:


I expected after the shameful social media trolling by the police yesterday that the chief constable would be disciplining whoever was responsible for that post. But now they double-down on the foolish post by arresting to people to make it look valid.

Can we ever trust our government, the courts and the police after all this?

Shameful trolling? Lol

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