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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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13 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

Isn't it just a bit incredulous that the entire Island is arguing whether the Laxey swimmers were right or wrong and yet, despite the law, it could certainly be agreed that it was very probably a low risk activity.

I don't think the whole island is actually talking about it, and it is because it is the law, not despite it. No-one should be able to  cherry pick the regulations they agree with and abide with them and ignore the others.

Is our government stupid -yes. Are some of the curbs unrealistic and not warranted -yes. Can some of our curbed or illegal activities be deemed to be low or even no risk - possibly and yes.

Should posters stop digging a hole and referring to it -yes. 

But lets also be honest - who brought this up in the first place ?


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1 hour ago, winnie said:

Please explain why? The uk rates are as low as the testing proceedure allows, most of the 50+ year olds have had a vaccine, covid hospital admissions are virtually zero in the uk and the death rate is below the average.

Please tell me why some-one can't travel back to IOM, test day 1 and 7, then be allowed to shop for essentials and excercise outside for the 2nd week?? 

Don't dare say because the IOM are trying to be covid free, because it's too late for that. Covid is here and it ain't going away - accept it, and work around it.


It shouldn’t be so hard to understand.

Yes UK rates are lower than they have been, but, even with vaccination, they are still worried about a third wave, especially new variants, coming from outside. That’s why UK have belatedly introduced border restrictions, quarantine and tests, on top of lockdowns.

You only have to look at how quickly it took hold here in late February, and through March, from only 1, 2 or 3 cases coming in. You only have to look at the number of admissions to hospital and how that put the system at danger of collapse and affected health care for all.

Its you who is delusional if you think the short term aim isn't anything other than local elimination. It is, and it’s achievable. Probably ( hopefully ) before end April. You can’t realistically impose, remove, and reimpose border restrictions. Internal circuit breaker lock downs are much more effective as long as your border restrictions are effective. That means quarantine and testing.

As for the length of quarantine, the number of tests, well it’s a balance between epidemiological advice and politics. We had 14 days and no tests, 14 days, test on day 7 and modified quarantine, 21 days but reduced to 14 with tests on 1 & 13 and now 1, 7 and 14. Cases have slipped through. Now they are being detected at days 7 & 14. So there’s a political decision to be made on a risk assessment.

Theres too many here think they know better ( on both sides of the argument ). Those organising Wim Hoff events or gatherings who seem to think the regulations shouldn’t apply to them or those who they attract, or those who undertake extreme sports solo, or someone I know who drives to Tesco 4 times a week to shop. People who don’t understand that stay at home unless it’s essential is good advice, safer for all. Thing is, when they don’t observe that simple request it’s them that mess with the mental health of others ( just as much as any lock down ) and put third parties at unnecessary risk.

The IOM Borders policy has given us 8 months out of 12 internal normality. It’s kept our health service working and available to all ( normal and unacceptable waiting lists apart ). I’d rather a few more months, full vaccination, before we go to a borders free for all.

However, all that considered Howie needs to take a leaf out of the Merkel book of apologies and say a fulsome apology for his error in not acting sooner on lock down 3. If they’d moved on 25/6 February and imposed a 14 day circuit breaker then it’s likely we’d have been out of it by now. Whilst their communication skills remain poor they’ve been pretty sure footed until then.

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1 hour ago, piebaps said:

Fair point Cap'n. But we were either out or we weren't. The police didn't allow it to go ahead because the law said it was legal. They basically turned a blind eye instead of having to do something difficult. We're all over the Chief Secretary about the Steamy but the Chief Constable is also choosing which laws to enforce.

If this dickhead is going to cop it for arranging an open air swim then the BLM organizers should too.

I'll probably be labelled a racist now too.:D


By 2 June though you could have people in your garden, in your house I think up to 2 people as well as going for exercise with others provided you were socially distanced. That all started around 20 May. So it wasn't like it is today. Would be interesting to see how it would be approached now if it was organised for say tomorrow.

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1 hour ago, piebaps said:

Maybe my bad, but the internet might be wrong.

It was called a meat wagon back in my day. 

"The coppers came . . .dragged him away from his crucified life

Beat him up in a meat wagon, then stood him up in court"



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16 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

Mr Kirk, a self-employed wellness coach...

The cynic in me says Mr Kirk has intentionally garnered a huge amount of free publicity and a growing client base. Make of that what you will. 


I agree with Roxanne. This whole Laxey gathering thing is providing CoMin a smokescreen behind which to hide their own, MUCH more serious transgressions. 

I'm extremely angry with how the government has handled their culpability in the SPC fiasco. It's a piss-take of the highest order which has turned out be an expensive, dangerous and, in at least one case, fatal piss-take.

I'm also extremely angry with how they've treated Dr Glover and their snubbing of genomics. I just caught the tail end of a Manx Radio news piece about this mess going before the courts - I think on 1st April? Looked on the MR website just now but it's not there yet. 

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44 minutes ago, snowman said:

The issue I have got with the borders framework is that it prioritises visitors from the UK (and by extension worldwide) over the IOM residents travelling outbound

No, it doesn’t. Any Manx resident can leave and return. Very few non residents get in, and then only for limited and specified reasons.

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7 minutes ago, Zarley said:

I just caught the tail end of a Manx Radio news piece about this mess going before the courts - I think on 1st April? Looked on the MR website just now but it's not there yet. 

There won’t be anything going before the courts on 1 April. All hearings are cancelled for the duration.

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11 minutes ago, Zarley said:

I'm also extremely angry with how they've treated Dr Glover and their snubbing of genomics. I just caught the tail end of a Manx Radio news piece about this mess going before the courts - I think on 1st April?

Dr Glover is appearing before PAC on 1st April on the subject on genomic sequencing, think this is a result of Tynwald motion. It would normally be in public but obviously now remotely but maybe broadcast live?

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