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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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1 hour ago, Zarley said:

'm extremely angry with how the government has handled their culpability in the SPC fiasco. It's a piss-take of the highest order which has turned out be an expensive, dangerous and, in at least one case, fatal piss-take.

I'm also extremely angry with how they've treated Dr Glover and their snubbing of genomics.

Totally agree. And there is more to be angry about. 

We could all make a list of where we think this Govt have got it wrong and not just with Covid.

But ripping into each other is just what they want to serve as distractions, more obfuscation and to blame and cast aspersions on others. The daft thing is that they usually succeed. 

Just like those on here who (some) just a few weeks ago were blaming others for exposing others to potential risks.

What was the saying  (bit snowflakes I guess) judge not lest ye yourself be judged ? or better still : people in glass houses etc...

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6 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Not sure about Watt, but Woodward left school in 1981 according to Linkedin, so probably only late 50s.  But in any case you wouldn't expect both to be retiring at the same time, a commercial company would have better succession planning and announcements would be made more than 3 months in advance.

I would be surprised to hear that there weren't a few big bonuses handed out at the time of the sale.

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2 hours ago, John Wright said:

Theres too many here think they know better ( on both sides of the argument ). Those organising Wim Hoff events or gatherings who seem to think the regulations shouldn’t apply to them or those who they attract, or those who undertake extreme sports solo, or someone I know who drives to Tesco 4 times a week to shop. People who don’t understand that stay at home unless it’s essential is good advice, safer for all. Thing is, when they don’t observe that simple request it’s them that mess with the mental health of others ( just as much as any lock down ) and put third parties at unnecessary risk.

@Roxanne Apologies for my bold type but that is a point often missed. 

If I was a judge then this is what I would apply.

Everyone who was at these events needs to apologise to the rest of those who are sticking to the rules and making sacrifices still.

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4 minutes ago, Apple said:

@Roxanne Apologies for my bold type but that is a point often missed. 

If I was a judge then this is what I would apply.

Everyone who was at these events needs to apologise to the rest of those who are sticking to the rules and making sacrifices still.

Hardly anyone is observing that simple request.

People are jaunting all over the island everyday on completely non essential journeys.  Thousands every day

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2 minutes ago, Howard the Duck MBE TBC said:

Hardly anyone is observing that simple request.

People are jaunting all over the island everyday on completely non essential journeys.  Thousands every day

Is that a confession? How do you know what people are doing all over the island of you're not out "jaunting" yourself?

I've only left the house for essentials and apart from going to Chester Street for my jab, I've not gone further than walking distance from my home. For that reason, I have no real idea how many people are out and about "jaunting all over the island". From what I've seen within my small orbit, there are far fewer people about than normal.

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Me too, I walk every day and go to the grocery shop on my way, I don't have a car so I've always done this. Apart from my daily walk I've not been anywhere (WFH). 

Anyone know if there's a briefing today? Govt website helpfully says the next one is yesterday's.

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2 minutes ago, Zarley said:

Is that a confession? How do you know what people are doing all over the island of you're not out "jaunting" yourself?

I've only left the house for essentials and apart from going to Chester Street for my jab, I've not gone further than walking distance from my home. For that reason, I have no real idea how many people are out and about "jaunting all over the island". From what I've seen within my small orbit, there are far fewer people about than normal.

I have windows.  It's normally the same people walk past here each day.  It is really busy lately (we are rural).  I also have a facebook account and instagram and can see all the adverts encouraging people out for non essential reasons.  I can see all the posts from people out for non essential reasons. I can see all the posts from people asking where is open (superdrug ffs) etc etc.

Its not a proper lockdown (nor does it need to be) yet we are arresting people for activities that carry no more risk than those I just mentioned.

Photos from the daffodil walk at Port Grenaugh last weekend showed the place rammed.


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2 minutes ago, Zarley said:I have no real idea how many people are out and about "jaunting all over the island". From what I've seen within my small orbit, there are far fewer people about than normal.

I don’t know how many are out and about or whether that is more than normal, but at Port Mooar there were 8 cars just now, in my experience the usual average is less than 1.  I went via Shanks’ Pony btw.

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4 minutes ago, Max Power said:

A patient has died with Covid-19 at Nobles although it is not the primary cause of death.


That is very sad. 

This bit will be interesting.

"The existing data will be amended to reflect this to ensure a consistent approach to reporting.   "


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52 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Not sure about Watt, but Woodward left school in 1981 according to Linkedin, so probably only late 50s.  But in any case you wouldn't expect both to be retiring at the same time, a commercial company would have better succession planning and announcements would be made more than 3 months in advance.

Perhaps there us a succession plan and the SP board knew. 

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13 minutes ago, Howard the Duck MBE TBC said:


Photos from the daffodil walk at Port Grenaugh last weekend showed the place rammed.


Port G is about a 5 min drive for me and I try and take my toddler to the beach there as often as possible during lockdown, with both parents WFH and trying to look after her at the same time, I think it's one of the few things that will help stop her turning into some socially disaffected psychopath in the future.  But yeah it was insane down there last weekend.  Probably at least 30 cars (average is probably 3). 

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4 hours ago, Roxanne said:

I've just got to say it.

Isn't it just a bit incredulous that the entire Island is arguing whether the Laxey swimmers were right or wrong and yet, despite the law, it could certainly be agreed that it was very probably a low risk activity.

And isn't it just as incredulous that no one is arguing over the absolute balls up the government made of the Steam Packet quarantine policies. That they lied about it, that they sanctimoniously told us that it was 'all in hand', that, due to one or more of the Steam Packet staff who brought the Kent variant to the Island, leading us back to an (eventual) lockdown again - one that could have been avoided had procedures really, truly been in place rather than the people on charge of protecting us just assuming that something, somewhere, with someone was being done, when in fact it isn't.

Had they not behaved in this way and then tried to fudge the truth and tried to avoid any kind of accountability, we could have all been in the sea if we chose, and seeing our mums on mothers' day, and our mental, emotional, physical and financial health would all be in a better place - had it not been for our governement.

There, I said it.

Now, get back to arguing about a few of the 'woke'.

So you think nothing else should be discussed other than the Steam Packet? Jesus wept.

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