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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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3 hours ago, Roxanne said:

If we're being honest - which of the two scenarios is the more serious?  Which of the two should result in a stronger case of retribution and accountability?

Given the history, who would you imprison first? Who would get the longer sentence?

Howard or Ian?

This is why people are fed up.  They are seeing this inequality over and over again. One rule for one and one rule for another. If our government got their house in order and behaved to the letter of the law and took the blame for the times when they have not, I think you'd find there would be a far higher level of compliance at every level.

You should stop fixating over your perception of what a terrible thing government is.

The guy was a prick and was arrested. Rightly so.  Move on.

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18 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Perhaps there us a succession plan and the SP board knew. 

Then you announce the retirement further in advance and/or give notice of replacements.  If this was a normal company having the 'retirements' of your CEO and your Commercial Director happening at the same time would cause all sorts of market ructions.  If only because it's not much of a lead in to recruit two new people to take over, even in normal times.

Whether they jumped or were pushed is another issue.  The statement from the Steam Packet might hint at jumping, perhaps triggered by the behaviour of the Government over the latest Covid fiasco.  Trying to run a company when the main aim of the effective owners is to save their own face (rather than safety or effectiveness) might be getting a bit wearing.

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37 minutes ago, x-in-man said:

At last, some sensible reporting of case numbers.  A year late, but I’d be interested to see the ‘amended’ died of v died with figures.

Probably not much different.  We know from analysis of the death certificates in the the UK that the primary cause of death is given as Covid in well over 90% of cases.  I've made the point before that if most of these deaths were from other causes and the infection had no effect, this would have been mentioned - and I think was in at least one case.

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3 hours ago, John Wright said:

It shouldn’t be so hard to understand.

Yes UK rates are lower than they have been, but, even with vaccination, they are still worried about a third wave, especially new variants, coming from outside. That’s why UK have belatedly introduced border restrictions, quarantine and tests, on top of lockdowns.

You only have to look at how quickly it took hold here in late February, and through March, from only 1, 2 or 3 cases coming in. You only have to look at the number of admissions to hospital and how that put the system at danger of collapse and affected health care for all.

Its you who is delusional if you think the short term aim isn't anything other than local elimination. It is, and it’s achievable. Probably ( hopefully ) before end April. You can’t realistically impose, remove, and reimpose border restrictions. Internal circuit breaker lock downs are much more effective as long as your border restrictions are effective. That means quarantine and testing.

As for the length of quarantine, the number of tests, well it’s a balance between epidemiological advice and politics. We had 14 days and no tests, 14 days, test on day 7 and modified quarantine, 21 days but reduced to 14 with tests on 1 & 13 and now 1, 7 and 14. Cases have slipped through. Now they are being detected at days 7 & 14. So there’s a political decision to be made on a risk assessment.

Theres too many here think they know better ( on both sides of the argument ). Those organising Wim Hoff events or gatherings who seem to think the regulations shouldn’t apply to them or those who they attract, or those who undertake extreme sports solo, or someone I know who drives to Tesco 4 times a week to shop. People who don’t understand that stay at home unless it’s essential is good advice, safer for all. Thing is, when they don’t observe that simple request it’s them that mess with the mental health of others ( just as much as any lock down ) and put third parties at unnecessary risk.

The IOM Borders policy has given us 8 months out of 12 internal normality. It’s kept our health service working and available to all ( normal and unacceptable waiting lists apart ). I’d rather a few more months, full vaccination, before we go to a borders free for all.

However, all that considered Howie needs to take a leaf out of the Merkel book of apologies and say a fulsome apology for his error in not acting sooner on lock down 3. If they’d moved on 25/6 February and imposed a 14 day circuit breaker then it’s likely we’d have been out of it by now. Whilst their communication skills remain poor they’ve been pretty sure footed until then.

It spread here very quickly because the IOM was not practicing any form of social distancing, which would have to be introduced for a few months if the borders were relaxed a little. Think table service in the pubs etc.

I'd suggest that cases slipped through the quarantine period because the rules were crap, like others in the household still going to work, and the fact that some people broke the rules and didn't quarantine. This is more likely to be the case when it's so tough. Let people out to exercise on day 7 and they are more likely to stay in the rest of the time.

The health service has / could of worked throughout the whole year. What's the maximum there's been in ICU with covid? - 5 people?, and in hospital with covid - 25?. That's not pushing the hospital to the brink of collapse is it?

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40 minutes ago, Howard the Duck MBE TBC said:

That is very sad. 

This bit will be interesting.

"The existing data will be amended to reflect this to ensure a consistent approach to reporting.   "

Very sad news indeed for family and friends. 

Possibly a bit too much clinical information in view of what we have been told in the press briefings but we need to wait and see how Public Health present the figures now based on this new 'consistency'.

Wish the circumstances were different.


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2 minutes ago, winnie said:

The health service has / could of worked throughout the whole year. What's the maximum there's been in ICU with covid? - 5 people?, and in hospital with covid - 25?. That's not pushing the hospital to the brink of collapse is it?

You ever been in Nobles ICU ward, or any ICU?

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25 minutes ago, winnie said:

It spread here very quickly because the IOM was not practicing any form of social distancing, which would have to be introduced for a few months if the borders were relaxed a little. Think table service in the pubs etc.

I'd suggest that cases slipped through the quarantine period because the rules were crap, like others in the household still going to work, and the fact that some people broke the rules and didn't quarantine. This is more likely to be the case when it's so tough. Let people out to exercise on day 7 and they are more likely to stay in the rest of the time.

The health service has / could of worked throughout the whole year. What's the maximum there's been in ICU with covid? - 5 people?, and in hospital with covid - 25?. That's not pushing the hospital to the brink of collapse is it?

i can't tell if you are trolling or just ignorant of the reasoning behind whats been going on for the last 12 months since you seem to think that the health service has been on an extended holidays during the pandemic.

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32 minutes ago, winnie said:

It spread here very quickly because the IOM was not practicing any form of social distancing, which would have to be introduced for a few months if the borders were relaxed a little. Think table service in the pubs etc.


Because that worked so well in the UK late last year before they went into lockdown. The numbers went up in almost all areas when the tier system was in place!

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1 hour ago, winnie said:

It spread here very quickly because the IOM was not practicing any form of social distancing, which would have to be introduced for a few months if the borders were relaxed a little. Think table service in the pubs etc.

I'd suggest that cases slipped through the quarantine period because the rules were crap, like others in the household still going to work, and the fact that some people broke the rules and didn't quarantine. This is more likely to be the case when it's so tough. Let people out to exercise on day 7 and they are more likely to stay in the rest of the time.

The health service has / could of worked throughout the whole year. What's the maximum there's been in ICU with covid? - 5 people?, and in hospital with covid - 25?. That's not pushing the hospital to the brink of collapse is it?

And the other beds in ICU? They are what? Magically empty somehow? That is 5 on top of other regular cases. You volunteering you and your loved ones to catch it so we can keep the hospital 'busy enough'? Go ahead.

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