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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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1 hour ago, gettafa said:

Well done Chris Thomas for asking about the contact tracing system.  Manx Radio

A few months overdue, it has taken too long for someone to question it.

It's that time of year again, where Tynwald has its ghost sittings, consisting of questions for written answer that Members can e-mail in from whatever tropical beach they are lounging on and civil servants can then curse them for actually making them do some work.  Or not as the case may be, because as usual only a minority of MHKs can be bothered to find anything out.

This August's total number of questions isn't quite up to last year's total of 132, but it still gets into three figures (102).  Beecroft (26 last year) isn't there any more and we haven't seen a repeat of August-Hansen's uncharacteristic bout of activity (28) and some are less active (Hooper down to 6 from 15 and Barber from 19 down to 3) while others (Edge,  Caine, Watterson, Lord-Brennan) continue at a low but steady pace.  But three-quarters of the questions come from just two MHKs.

The Sage of Castletown has upped his game even more from 21 to 33.  As usual with Moorhouse these are a mixture of the daft ones he has probably thought up himself (the Cushag ones have already been widely reported); the local ones which constituents have asked him about (some of these are useful); and the ones that other people have written out for him to put in (a lot of these relate to the Prom-related messes and are again useful).  There's always at least one MHK who will ask a question for anyone about anything[1].  It was Ashford before he became a Minister and then Beecroft did the sensible ones and Moorhouse the rest.  Now they've just got Jason.

However the biggest barrage of questions comes from Chris Thomas (who as a Minister didn't ask any last year).  There are no less than 43 of them to 11 different Departments and other entities.  And they are very carefully worded in a lot of cases - he clearly knows what should have been done and whether it has been.  Expect a lot of wriggling and some outright denials.

The biggest recipient of questions is the DoI with 37 (23 of them from Moorhouse) which won't surprise anyone.

Thomas's question (#45) is:


Pursuant to his Answer on 22nd July 2020, how many contacts of people who were confirmed as having COVID-19 were traced in each week from 2nd March 2020; how many were a) residents at an address with an IM1-IM8 postcode; b) residents or staff of Abbotswood House Nursing Home; c) residents at an address with an IM9 postcode without any connection to Abbotswood House Nursing Home; and if he will make a statement in respect of learning from early contact tracing which enhanced the process subsequently?

The Answer on 22nd July may refer to a number of replies given to Lord-Brennan (#68-72 inc), but more likely to #22 (p 65) on the number who tested positive in the Abbotswood cluster.


[1]  This is actually a good thing, especially when you have situations where both constituency MHKs are inactive or/and Ministers.

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35 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

However the biggest barrage of questions comes from Chris Thomas (who as a Minister didn't ask any last year).  There are no less than 43 of them to 11 different Departments and other entities.  And they are very carefully worded in a lot of cases - he clearly knows what should have been done and whether it has been.  Expect a lot of wriggling and some outright denials.

The biggest recipient of questions is the DoI with 37 (23 of them from Moorhouse) which won't surprise anyone.

Thomas's question (#45) is:

The Answer on 22nd July may refer to a number of replies given to Lord-Brennan (#68-72 inc), but more likely to #22 (p 65) on the number who tested positive in the Abbotswood cluster.

[1]  This is actually a good thing, especially when you have situations where both constituency MHKs are inactive or/and Ministers.

They’ve been very silly to alienate the man who seems to know where most of the bodies are buried. 

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1 hour ago, pongo said:

Thank goodness that we haven't had 4500 arrivals here.

I can see why maybe that would be more of an issue in the Channel Islands where they have a significant tourist industry. But we don't here - other than for the bike races.

According to Cambon  & his mates/brother they are all residents returning from somewhere!! But everyone else knows most are tourists.

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22 minutes ago, Cambon said:

Remind me again, Banker. Why are you so keen for the borders to fully open? You never actually responded last time I asked. 

Typical you can’t back up any of your posts so you change the subject!!

My main concern is the lack of any plan from comin to a phased opening of borders as Jersey have & Guernsey will be implementing.

a plan is required for businesses and individuals to plan for the future.

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4 hours ago, Southfork said:

They’ve been very silly to alienate the man who seems to know where most of the bodies are buried. 

Awkward questions will be skirted around or even totally ignored. Nothing will change or any failure be held to account.

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6 hours ago, Southfork said:

They’ve been very silly to alienate the man who seems to know where most of the bodies are buried. 

Actually, his sacking might have been a blessing in disguise; because it has brought some meaningful opposition to Tynwald's government.

As a member of government himself, he was restrained in what he could say.


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2 hours ago, Banker said:

a plan is required for businesses and individuals to plan for the future.

There is very little demand for the border measures to be relaxed for the moment. And certainly not from business.

If the border measures change significantly then many people who have the choice will go back to working from home. Hospitality and retail will suffer.

We've got it great here at the moment compared with nearly everywhere else. And nobody wants to go back to having to queue to get in the supermarket. Especially as we move into autumn and then winter.

If you really feel the need to unnecessarily  personally deliver your offspring to University then get used to the idea of isolating on your return. But we all managed it for ourselves whilst others had gone off to the military at 17.


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21 hours ago, pongo said:

There is no "our economy". We all have our own circumstances. A lot of people here are in businesses which are booming currently.

When the government finally reports on the present state of its finances and the impact on public finances from the border closure and the other restrictions; the extent of that "boom" will become clear.


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19 minutes ago, Escape Artist said:

Actually, his sacking might have been a blessing in disguise; because it has brought some meaningful opposition to Tynwald's government.

As a member of government himself, he was restrained in what he could say.

What has he said so far? I don't think he will break his silence, hence so many questions as it keeps him in the spotlight. 

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27 minutes ago, Escape Artist said:

When the government finally reports on the present state of its finances and the impact on public finances from the border closure and the other restrictions; the extent of that "boom" will become clear.

I doubt the picture will be especially clear. Given that most businesses pay no tax. And that also includes many relatively well paid individuals who more or less structure themselves as companies.

Most likely any negative numbers will largely relate to the lower paid. Clearly govt (ie all of us) have a duty to help people.

Clearly the non-TT will have cost a bit and that will likely impact GDP. In terms of real numbers, I've always assumed that the island gets back about what it costs in a normal year once all the underlying costs are taken into account (but that the turnover is a win). This year govt will have paid out of stuff which never realised a return. Perhaps it's time to start thinking about whether next year's should be cancelled ahead of it creating any costs.

Retail spending is likely up. As in many other places.

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32 minutes ago, pongo said:

Retail spending is likely up. As in many other places.

Up locally or up online? I suspect not in local retail outlets, with firstly lockdown having hit them hard (if not the DOI's devastation of Douglas as well?) and then the knock on of buyers having been effectively conditioned to buying online during that lockdown period, for some time to come.

It will take a considerable programme of convincing people to support local businesses to bring it back.

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13 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

Up locally or up online? I suspect not in local retail outlets, with firstly lockdown having hit them hard (if not the DOI's devastation of Douglas as well?) and then the knock on of buyers having been effectively conditioned to buying online during that lockdown period, for some time to come.

It will take a considerable programme of convincing people to support local businesses to bring it back.

Very true, although the pubs seem to be enjoying an almost 1980's level of patronage for some reason.

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