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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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Hi all,

Steve Doyle here.

This trial by social media is now becoming intolerable. For the record, I never and would never threaten anyone with negative press, I’m really not that type of person and definitely not powerful enough. The meeting with Rachel ended with a hug and she e-mailed me the next day saying ‘thanks for the talk’. She was a friend and colleague and it’s terribly sad that it has come to this.

The full truth about this pandemic journey will come out eventually, but not on here or Facebook. We really need to be careful when listening to one side of any story and just because some people will not get involved in social media spats, it doesn’t mean that they have views and feelings about the whole circus.

I’m incredibly proud of my team in Pathology who have worked absolute miracles to keep first class testing on the Isle of Man. They don’t shout it from the rooftops, but quietly and professionally just get on with it often working 14-hour days to keep the island safe. This, along with swabbing, 111, vaccination teams etc. should be a cause for celebration, but we seem to be more intent on criticising.

Personally, I’ve not taken annual leave for over 12 months and that’s okay, it’s a choice I made. But after 42 years as a scientist, I’m seriously thinking of walking away now. Not because of the challenges in responding to Covid, but because of the external and political nonsense.

I don’t use social media much so won’t be getting involved further, but please think carefully before posting, we all have families and children who have to read this and the impact on people’s mental well-being should be considered always.



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27 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

This furthers the suggestion that a leading set of government officials are working within a toxic set of parameters.

Shame, blame, ridicule, are all traits of the toxic once they are challenged. 

Their dirty tricks won’t stop now that they’ve been uncovered. They will continue. Everything must be done to cover their tracks. They cannot be wrong. There is no place for the word ‘wrong’ in any kind of toxic relationship, work or otherwise  

Section 31 as they have been referred to before. 

Doing the dirty work of others to try and maintain the status quo. 

But if you look for any sign of their involvement/cooperation or existence of such work it will be denied quicker than you can say 'David Ashford enjoys a night in The Outback'

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2 hours ago, Zarley said:

They do get things right some of the time. They get things wrong far too often though and usually to the tune of millions of (our) taxpayer's money. 

Also, +100 to what Gladys wrote while I was writing the above. 

That’s the very nub of it; the balance between achievements and failures is hopelessly and unacceptably out of kilter. All people and organizations will fail periodically, sometimes through poor planning, or poor execution, or external effects that simply can’t be controlled, or just bloody bad luck. That’s inevitable. What’s not acceptable is the persistent poor performance we suffer. It seems to be at an all time low currently and I suspect a considerable component of that is the lack of ability, intellect and focus within COMIN. As a multiplying factor, I’m not sure that the civil service top cohort can keep things together in the way that, say 15 to 20 years ago, they seemingly did.

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5 minutes ago, Steve Doyle said:

Hi all,

Steve Doyle here.

This trial by social media is now becoming intolerable. For the record, I never and would never threaten anyone with negative press, I’m really not that type of person and definitely not powerful enough. The meeting with Rachel ended with a hug and she e-mailed me the next day saying ‘thanks for the talk’. She was a friend and colleague and it’s terribly sad that it has come to this.

The full truth about this pandemic journey will come out eventually, but not on here or Facebook. We really need to be careful when listening to one side of any story and just because some people will not get involved in social media spats, it doesn’t mean that they have views and feelings about the whole circus.

I’m incredibly proud of my team in Pathology who have worked absolute miracles to keep first class testing on the Isle of Man. They don’t shout it from the rooftops, but quietly and professionally just get on with it often working 14-hour days to keep the island safe. This, along with swabbing, 111, vaccination teams etc. should be a cause for celebration, but we seem to be more intent on criticising.


Thanks for posting.

Absolutely no one is criticising the pathology team, or the testers or anything like that for the work that they have done.

The criticism is other stuff, which has been written about a million times before in this thread and many other places.

We (I) would like the full truth to come out right now. Government has asked (ordered) us to make huge sacrifices to our lives, yet fill us with shit, lies, propaganda and obfuscation. 

There already are and will be lots and lots of consequences for what has happened, globally cos of the pandemic and locally cos of the response, mostly negative.

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9 hours ago, Max Power said:

A few people on here seem to go for the man instead of the ball. I agree with some of what VoR says, the government get things right some of the time surely? 

Well of course they do and so they ought to.  The point is that they are very well paid to get things right, it's literally their job.  To demand that they be praised for doing it OK some of the time, isn't just a very low bar, it basically admits that they're not up to doing their job.

And given that self-promotion and self-praise is one of the few things they seem to be experts in, I'm not sure they need our help


1 hour ago, Gladys said:

My take on this is that, as has proved to be the case on countless occasions, the front line "doers" rise to the challenge.  Where it goes badly wrong is when it hits the desks higher up and I am not sure it is at political level but at those levels who have the ear of the politicians. 

But the politicians can choose who they listen and where they get their information from.  They ought to be listening to the public as well - again it's literally part of their job.  Including their constituents who must include many of those very front-liners who are actually keeping things going, despite the best efforts of their bosses.

Instead they have convinced themselves that they are only 'allowed' to listen to the 'right' people.  That only information passed up the hierarchy can be considered, no matter how implausible or inaccurate.  You can see how this can happen in vast empires, but this is the the Isle of Man for heaven's sake - you must have to be peculiarly inattentive or wilfully ignorant not to have some idea what is going on. 

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8 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Thanks for posting.

Absolutely no one is criticising the pathology team, or the testers or anything like that for the work that they have done.

The criticism is other stuff, which has been written about a million times before in this thread and many other places.

We (I) would like the full truth to come out right now. Government has asked (ordered) us to make huge sacrifices to our lives, yet fill us with shit, lies, propaganda and obfuscation. 

There already are and will be lots and lots of consequences for what has happened, globally cos of the pandemic and locally cos of the response, mostly negative.

Unreservedly seconded.  In fact, most have recognised the value of the frontliners and their immediate management.

As for the press comment, at an emotional time for those concerned in 'that' conversation, it is understandable that innocent comments were misconstrued, or innocent intents were ineptly expressed. 

But Dr Glover's credentials were indeed called into question publicly and by very senior people.

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1 hour ago, Boris Johnson said:

I think you nailed it there Glad.

Imagine the CS in the path lab, going about their daily business, routines set in stone, retirement plans laid out.

Along rocks up someone dynamic who even finds a machine the cs ordered years ago would be our saviour that they did not realise was what we needed. 

They then set up an on island testing facility that we needed in record time and work all the hours god sends (Alien to most CS) to get it working and producing rapid results.

This same person then gets  nominated for awards, this would have put normal egos out of place, never mind fragile CS ones.

Its a wonder her brake lines were not cut 😀

I friend of mine was seconded to a gov dept a few years ago, after a couple of days he was sent to Coventry. His crime? He did a days work, in a days time and it showed up the rest of the office to be doing very little.


I am not sure it is the path lab where the issue is and certainly not where the issue was identified at PAC.

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Netflix series?

Unlike Superman, puts on spectacles, turns into "Doctor Geek"

Utilising stuff 'research, technology and my passion for science', this Super Sleuth clears up the backlog of unexplained, unsolved Human Trauma cases with a sweep of her pen. 

The authorities initially accept her help, but it turns sour when the great local public start to hear of the remarkable turnaround and just what is possible.

Its in the past, "She is looking backwards, how can she join us on the Journey?" 

Sidekick robot Bob assists. But, when working for a colleague gets kidnapped and held ransom.  

Our hero Dr Geek, eventually gets her beloved Robot back. But something is wrong. Something different, some evil genius could be involved. Ever diligent and not dumb, Dr Geek somehow finds an adhesive sticker, hidden on Bob's bum "made by 4Q Corporation". With Spectacles fastened, the super nerd uncovers Bob is 'dead'. 4Q have deleted his program. AND 4Q now say that Bob is theirs (human handwritten sticker 4Q proves it). 4Q then go after Dr Geek on charges of stealing Bob, and also his murder!

Fiction eh.


Disclaimer: Dr Geek is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual facts however correct or similar is purely coincidental.

Copyright: Dr Geek reserves the phrases "this is a journey" and "Data, not date her" patent pending etc et al fyi tyvm gg apols in advance

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13 hours ago, Kopek said:

The term was used against those who would try to 'de-rail' the importance, at that time, of the World wide' attempt to focus attention on the BLM movement. That has evolved into a World Wide movement of Womens Safety matters, misogyny matters, womens safety at night matters.

\more recently, anti semitic remarks in the Ballacallin thread were called into question, banning those of little contribution whilst relying on an apology from those of more valuable contribution.

You would not agree with the above movements????

@Roger Mexico wrong you said?? I anticipated someone suggesting I was a racist but I'm now apparently an anti-semite and a misongynist too. This is exactly what I meant when I said that anyone dissenting in a lynching becomes as guilty as the "lynchee".


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