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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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5 minutes ago, Banker said:

Only 1 in hospital and active cases down to 125😀

So absolutely no justification for not returning things to normal ASAP.

People need to be allowed back to work.

Kids need to all be at school on 12th.

Shops, pubs etc need to be able to generate income again or they are going to have to fork out a lot more in support packages (didn't they do three weeks, then a further 2?)

Loads of people are vaccinated.

Get stuff back to normal and give a clear border policy ASAP. 

Implement random and routine testing across the island and give very clear break points where we all know if a certain threshold is crossed there will be very clearly defined and expected restrictions put in place until it drops again.

I would suggest either a positive rate in random tests of 2 percent.

Obviously symptomatic people can still get tests when needed, and set a rate for that of say 10 positives in a single day to trigger some restrictions until it drops again.

Plan. Set thresholds. Test. Communicate. Respond.


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2 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

It's total nonsense and you know it.

I have never denied the 'pandemic' but I have questioned, continually, the way in which 'they' and I'll define 'they' as 'the State' have, from day one and evidenced in this article (which you are patently dismissing) manipulated data and most importantly, the truth, to  meet their agenda.

At the same time the majority have laid back, accepted it and will continue to do so, safe in the smug contentedness that the economic disaster that will ensue from this will have no direct impact upon them in their island nirvana.

I am genuinely aghast and saddened at the willingness with which people like you and have simply accepted the lies and deceit that has been perpetuated by state authorities to sustain a level of fear in the population that it has been elected by; fear that for many, especially the elderly, will never go away so complete has the brainwashing been.

Go back 12 months and I guarantee that you and all the others who have tacitly accepted this dystopian imposition of the State into your everyday life would have condemned, in no uncertain terms, any country that  imposed the restrictions upon freedoms and rights that have been exhibited.  'Oh, the poor people.  Fancy having to live under a regime like that: can't go out when you like, can't meet who you like, can't travel where and when you like' - and so it goes on.

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4 minutes ago, trmpton said:

So absolutely no justification for not returning things to normal ASAP.

People need to be allowed back to work.

Kids need to all be at school on 12th.

Shops, pubs etc need to be able to generate income again or they are going to have to fork out a lot more in support packages (didn't they do three weeks, then a further 2?)

Loads of people are vaccinated.

Get stuff back to normal and give a clear border policy ASAP. 

Implement random and routine testing across the island and give very clear break points where we all know if a certain threshold is crossed there will be very clearly defined and expected restrictions put in place until it drops again.

I would suggest either a positive rate in random tests of 2 percent.

Obviously symptomatic people can still get tests when needed, and set a rate for that of say 10 positives in a single day to trigger some restrictions until it drops again.

Plan. Set thresholds. Test. Communicate. Respond.


I would suggest either a positive rate in random tests of 2 percent.

....are you a Covid expert? Yes it’s all very frustrating, but we had over a 1000 cases from 1 infection. If the Kent variant does have a longer incubation period, you’re playing with fire for the sake of a couple of weeks. 



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3 hours ago, piebaps said:

That's not true though is it https://graphics.reuters.com/world-coronavirus-tracker-and-maps/countries-and-territories/isle-of-man/

While we were high, we're now down to 17 per 100K

And today it’s 6.5 per 100k ( 5 cases in last 7 days ). 

And that’s the result of lockdown. If we hadn’t had lockdown the figures in early - mid March would have been much higher than they were and broken the health service.

The people affected this time have mainly been the under 60’s including school students.

Lockdown and vaccination both play their part. Obviously if there had been no vaccination it would have been even worse.

Quayle, Ashford and Ewart dithered too long in that last week of February. The lockdown would have been finished mid-March if they’d acted faster.

We are now way ahead of UK in vaccinations per 100k. 

But whenever there’s an outbreak in a place that has closed borders the only action to take is a 3 or 5 day lock down at the first case, until everyone is vaccinated..

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2 hours ago, Utah 01 said:

For the benefit of the naive who see only good in 'The State' and the 'well, if it makes me safe brigade':


For those who will shout 'conspiracy' (and you know who you are) just lie in the bath and really think about what has gone on in the past year; and if you still believe that politicians everywhere have not been manipulating us, then slide into the bathwater and exhale.  Behavioral 'Scientists' and Sociologists will be teaching this COVID period as the classic population manipulation for decades to come.

Ironic that the Telegraph, one of the scare mongers in chief supporting Brexit propaganda by fact manipulation, should publish this.

Their manipulation over 25+ years, but particularly in the Brexit debate, along with ERG, Mail and Express, will have caused much greater long term harm. 

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2 minutes ago, Utah 01 said:

people like you

I hate it chief, and have been pretty clear and consistent in my view that the actions of governments are likely to have far worse consequences than the virus itself.

I don't accept that THEY (the state? all of them? this is a global pandemic) are doing what they are doing because they are just evil or whatever the panic in your mindset is.

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45 minutes ago, Dave Hedgehog said:

No new cases again today but tue concluded test number has remained the same for the last two days so who knows what is happening.

Gef’s figures show tests being done. Is the government website incorrect again?

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48 minutes ago, Dave Hedgehog said:

No new cases again today but tue concluded test number has remained the same for the last two days so who knows what is happening.

No point celebrating until we know the outcome of this relaxed long weekend, if we still have zero cases next weekend then that will be something to truly celebrate.

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9 minutes ago, Dave Hedgehog said:

No new cases again today but tue concluded test number has remained the same for the last two days so who knows what is happening.

I think they just have forgotten to update it on the dashboard.  I use the daily number of total tests (which is now the same as tests concluded) off the Twitter/Facebook posts and they imply 184 tests done today and 193 yesterday.

The problem is that it isn't very many.  When you consider that there are every day a large number of tests books in advance ( 121 and 105 respectively for those two) for those requiring 1/7/13 day tests when isolating or returning from across, and some of these people may manage to get tested on the same day.  And there are normally around 40 or so done for those going into hospital, add in regular testing for Steam Packet staff and so on and it doesn't leave much in the way of people ringing 111 with symptoms.

This is why Ewart was wrong the other day when she claimed that a "falling positive test rate 'shows community cases aren't being missed'".  If most of your test results are of people who ought to be negative anyway or who have already tested positive (so even if they still test positive they won't be a new case), then that doesn't prove anything.  You need to test a lot of people in the community to assure yourself that there is no continuing community spread, not just a few dozen who happen to get past the 111 filte with the 'right' symptoms.

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Considering they have now invited people with no underlying issues and aged 40-50 for vaccinations, would the fact that there are less than 5000 booked in for the next 7 days (first and second doses) suggest a slow down in uptake or a slow down in allocating appointments and actually giving the jabs?


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3 minutes ago, Itsmeee said:

I’m assuming that because from tomorrow I can go to a garden centre with 9 of my closest friends, the whole stay at home thing is no longer a requirement? A garden centre. Woohoo. I can hardly fucking wait. 

Have a tweet:


To be fair to garden centres, I would imagine this is their busiest time of year and they have been royally mucked about by the government of these three lockdown with varying instructions on if and how they can open.

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9 minutes ago, Itsmeee said:

I’m assuming that because from tomorrow I can go to a garden centre with 9 of my closest friends, the whole stay at home thing is no longer a requirement? A garden centre. Woohoo. I can hardly fucking wait. 

And to work on construction sites😂

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8 minutes ago, trmpton said:

Considering they have now invited people with no underlying issues and aged 40-50 for vaccinations, would the fact that there are less than 5000 booked in for the next 7 days (first and second doses) suggest a slow down in uptake or a slow down in allocating appointments and actually giving the jabs?



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