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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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29 minutes ago, Major Rushen said:

Guernsey- plan for travel vaccinated or not.


Seems absolutely 100% fair.

Liverpool at 20 per 100,000 as of April 3rd.

The Mary’s will cry but, but, but ... you’ll go from there into higher rate of infection areas and then return carrying the plague.

Or ... it’s all about their tourist sectors!

Or ... we’re all on full wages sat at home doing jack shit & loving life.

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Just now, Major Rushen said:

The hard bit is if the rate at Heysham / Liverpool / point of travel to the island is higher. Most travel to Guernsey from Southampton which is usually lower. 

According to the BBC Southampton is 50 per 100,000 and Liverpool is only 20 per 100,000 so you argument doesn't work.

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10 hours ago, the stinking enigma said:

When he says 250k to 1 chance of getting blood clots is that the actual chance of dying as a result or is that just the chance of blood clots occurring? It's just that he also said there's a 35k to one chance of this happening from taking the contraceptive pill. I can't believe that's the chance of actually dying as a result. Or is it?

Ashford should really leave the medical matters to those best qualified.  

10 hours ago, Nomadic Raptor said:

It’s quite clearly not in the community.....again in reality nothing has really changed 

1. Kids of key workers instead of secretly being looked after in the nsc will now go into school

2. B&q which you could shop on line and collect from you can now go into....

3. Teachers go in on Monday to prepare for the next week.....of normal school...pretty sure they don’t get this luxury normally, so you can guarantee there will be next to no home schooling going on.


apart from that we are all still stuck in our homes being told it is doing us a favour, and then we are back out like normal from 19th?hmmm I’m not sure keeping us locked away for another 9 days is really going to change the land scape of things it just makes the figures look less....

it’s all granny farming the other day he said non essential shops like fabric shops I can think of two on the island and I don’t think I have ever been to one....so why does he bring that up as a good example?  Because he is pandering to a specific demographic forgetting that he is screwing over the people that will have to pay for it all

Agreed.  muddled thinking with a patchwork of ill informed decisions that make a mockery of the general situation most people find themselves in.

10 hours ago, Gladys said:

Yes, DA said you will not be prioritised if you miss your vax.  PM asked what did that mean, going to the bottom of the list?  In reply, DA said everything except what it meant. 

I found his whole attitude and position re the Astrazenica clotting issue somewhat unsympathetic and unbalanced.

9 hours ago, thommo2010 said:

I'm beginning to think there is no plan.


The whole point of the restrictions and lockdowns were to stop the hospital being overwhelmed.


Here we are with 1 person in hospital (who may or may not be in being treated for covid) which has been the case for the last 5 days. 60% of the adult population with a vaccine, the most at risk groups vaccinated and we have to wait another week for our kids to go back to school and no doubt even longer than that for hospitality to open.



9 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

But it only took less than two weeks to go from 2 people in hospital to 23.  And we know that most of those who contracted the disease were too young to be vaccinated.  Of the 1138 positive cases since 15 February, only 56 were 65 or over and some of even that age group will have been vaccinated very recently and had no time to develop any immunity, never mind the reduced one from just one jab.

And that is the  predicament they find themselves in now.  The under 16's will not be immunised for some time (end of this year at earliest and that is an emotive issue in itself) so the potential for the exponential spread remains - the Kent variant has thrown a cure ball.  So with 60% of Adults (92% of first cohorts) with at least one dose and growing daily, what exactly is Comin's hesitation going forward?  I don't think they know how to mitigate, they want eradication but  so long as the children spreading vector remains and new variants threaten, they are buying time.  Perhaps the question to HQ is what percentage of the adult population has to be jabbed before we mitigate and open up?  I doubt he has an answer.  I recall he stated at the beginning of the latest lockdown that if it had occurred a month or so later their response may have been different.  Well we are passed that timeline and I don't believe their response would have been any different. Worse scenario is we open for a short period and then another unknown new outbreak occurs.  How good the vaccines prove to be can only really be judged in 12 months time. There is a clear lack of strategy as to where we are now and more importantly going forward.

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49 minutes ago, Major Rushen said:

Guernsey- plan for travel vaccinated or not.


Brilliant plan which takes effect 26 April , as Howard said yesterday Guernsey and us have similar thinking so hopefully he will follow their lead as usual  , the usual crew will say well it’s all for tourists but it’s estimated that 75% of travelers will be residents in initial months 

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10 minutes ago, Banker said:

Brilliant plan which takes effect 26 April , as Howard said yesterday Guernsey and us have similar thinking so hopefully he will follow their lead as usual  , the usual crew will say well it’s all for tourists but it’s estimated that 75% of travelers will be residents in initial months 

Run it as residents only for a month and see how it works, then let friends and family members in. 


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6 minutes ago, winnie said:

Run it as residents only for a month and see how it works, then let friends and family members in. 


Well Howard has already said that families & friends can come wef end April, maybe no testing for vaccinated residents?

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4 minutes ago, Banker said:

Well Howard has already said that families & friends can come wef end April, maybe no testing for vaccinated residents?

Problem is they can still carry it. Think testing has to stay for a while, but the system needs to encourage people over, not discourage.

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Each family member/friend who is permitted to visit the Island should have a resident 'sponsor' who agrees to share responsibility for the visitor's adherence to quarantine regulations. They would also be held jointly responsible for any wilful breaches of protocol by the visitor.

Sounds a bit harsh, but as an initial additional safeguard it might help as we inch our way forward.

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From a confidence point of view does anyone actually truly believe that the government will get this right, when they can’t even get people on the island out of their homes?

it will just end up being mucked up and the great Manx Public will be blamed once Howard has asked for a paper to prepared to tell him what to think 


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3 minutes ago, McCallig said:

Each family member/friend who is permitted to visit the Island should have a resident 'sponsor' who agrees to share responsibility for the visitor's adherence to quarantine regulations. They would also be held jointly responsible for any wilful breaches of protocol by the visitor.

Sounds a bit harsh, but as an initial additional safeguard it might help as we inch our way forward.

Absolutely. Think it's an easy to work system and make it known there's a four week spell in Jurby for those that don't comply 

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2 minutes ago, Nomadic Raptor said:

From a confidence point of view does anyone actually truly believe that the government will get this right, when they can’t even get people on the island out of their homes?

it will just end up being mucked up and the great Manx Public will be blamed once Howard has asked for a paper to prepared to tell him what to think 


I think we all know that luck played a large part in the relative normality delivered by the elimination strategy, which is fine, everyone needs a little luck from time to time. The next bit is going to need more than luck and I am not particularly confident that we will negotiate mitigation well. I predict confusion, frustration and exasperation over the coming months with many people wondering what the hell we are doing being stuck on this island, rather than the adjacent isle. It is going to be really hard balancing the people who have family on island and want to remain in elimination mode, against the many who for whatever reason need/want to travel to the UK. Personally, my instinct is to trust in the vaccine, get as many jabbed by the end of July and then open up with absolutely no restrictions. Not a data or politically driven opinion, and not one that our leaders or many on MF would agree with, just an expression of my desire and hope that we may one day soon return to normal, and one of the many reasons that I will never be a politician.

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16 minutes ago, winnie said:

Absolutely. Think it's an easy to work system and make it known there's a four week spell in Jurby for those that don't comply 

Presumably the sponsor family will not be expected to physically incarcerate visiting relatives, but to inform plod if the relative isn't toeing the line? 

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