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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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39 minutes ago, John Wright said:

I think you, and @Nom de plume need to look at, and contrast, the experiences of Israel and Chile.

Chile has had robust and speedy vaccination delivery, but infection rates are increasing again, mainly because they’re relying solely on vaccination and no other restrictive measures, especially travel.

Israel, with the highest vaccination levels still has strict controls, requires proof of vaccination or antibodies and has green travel corridors. It’s rate continues to fall.

What happens in the UK once restrictions are lifted and social life resumes will be the key for us. There are areas of the midlands and west, south and East Yorkshire that still have prevalence rates 4 times ( and more )  the UK average. The UK average is still 4 to 5 times ours. I suspect we will wait and see how the CI experience pans out. And that should get us to two doses for everyone 16 and over.

I can’t see how you can open up the Island to arrivals from certain parts only of the UK. It’s not practical. So that means the choice is unrestricted travel, or wait and see, or some sort of vaccine or antibody passporting or modified isolation and repeat testing.

And for modified isolation, repeat testing you need much more effective track and trace than we have. That, along with passporting is mitigation.

And we can’t, yet, rely on the UK figures continuing to reduce as the come out of lock down and reduce their border restrictions. It’s a conundrum.

Sure we will get to 3A by end May going into June. But I suspect there it will stay until end summer. Baby steps remember.

Ive got very mixed feelings about this. I really do. But I can’t see any big moves on the border before 23 September.

We should have a set date of the end of June.  No change til then.   Then  completely opened unfettered.  Time to move on and by then anyone that needs vaccination are done twice.

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4 minutes ago, gymbabe said:

I’m more of the opinion that the gradual opening of schools is to observe and assess if there is any effect in letting a reduced number of staff and children mix in close quarters, before opening to all pupils and staff. If there were to be a school-based outbreak, it would be more manageable to contact trace etc.

Yes but that won't be sussed out in a week.  They should all be back tomorrow.  Scandalous really.

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11 minutes ago, John Wright said:

The clue is in your post. Vaccine coupled with restrictions. The issue is what restrictions.

The IOM won’t move until it’s seen what happens in UK. 

As for schools the next couple of weeks will tell. UK kids haven’t been happily mixing for 4 weeks. Not yet, and not continuously.

You and Banker need to stop bleating and attacking. I’ve not expressed my personal preference. I’m saying what I expect our lot to do, and why. You don’t actually ever address that.

Oh, I’ll address it happily.

The question is what do I expect ‘our lot’ to do?

They'll do what they also do. Hide, fudge, circumnavigate, dither, delay & not actually address anything or issue any clarity on where we are going.

They’ll continue to mask their data channels & provenance of medical advice. 

They’ll have the Manx public for the mugs they are.

Good enough answer?

Edited by Nom de plume
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34 minutes ago, Banker said:

Well Guernsey & Jersey are managing to open upto UK with different testing/isolating processes depending on region arriving from , so why is it so difficult for IOM?

Also Howie has already said 3a from end of this month so think you maybe disappointed if you expect end May. As he said they are considering a paper on what testing/isolating will be required at Thursday Comin so maybe an announcement this week.

I expect the revised border policy to be released next Tynwald to more mirror Channel Islands , it would be absolutely ridiculous to wait until all over 16s are fully vaccinated .


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20 minutes ago, John Wright said:

Except, as usual, you overstate. That’s not what he said at all.

In answer to the journo question  Is there a public appetite for a 3A border change at the end of the month as it will increase risk when we’ve just come out of lockdown?

Howie replied Infection rate coming down in the UK. Discussing next week about protecting residents but we should do our best to ensure family and loved ones can visit us.

No mention of any date, least of all end April. I’m not sure we will follow CI. That seems not to be as data driven as it should be. 

The UK is solely date driven.

Im keen on the restrictions being removed as soon as practical. The are different ideas of what is pragmatically practical. I think that what I’m predicting is a realistic forecast of what will happen, and why. 

John, perhaps you would like to read & listen to Howard saying end April & then review your criticism!!


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15 minutes ago, gymbabe said:

I’m more of the opinion that the gradual opening of schools is to observe and assess if there is any effect in letting a reduced number of staff and children mix in close quarters, before opening to all pupils and staff. If there were to be a school-based outbreak, it would be more manageable to contact trace etc.

Which would be fine if it was gradual but it isn’t....all kids are back in next week in one go....nothing gradual about that

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1 minute ago, Nom de plume said:

Oh, I’ll address it happily.

The question is what do I expect ‘out lot’ to do?

They'll do what they also do. Hide, fudge, circumnavigate, dither, delay & not actually address anything or issue any clarity on where we are going.

They’ll continue to mask their data channels & provenance of medical advice. 

They’ll have the Manx public for the mugs they are.

Good enough answer?

And, yet, for all your scorn, they’ve done much better than the UK, the EU, indeed better than 90% of the jurisdictions of the world.

Fully accept there have been cockups, and it’s probably been mainly down to luck than judgement.

And of course, there should be transparency, and the advice, and evidence the advice was predicated upon, should be published in précis a week or 14 days behind and in full within 6-13 weeks.

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30 minutes ago, TerryFuchwit said:

Yes but that won't be sussed out in a week.  They should all be back tomorrow.  Scandalous really.

But they can’t all be back tomorrow, the current position is 2m social distancing.  I understand a typical classroom would fit 8 kids, you’re trying to fit a quart into a pint pot.

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1 minute ago, Meoir Shee said:

But they can’t all be back tomorrow, the current position is 2m social distancing.  I understand a typical classroom would fit 8 kids, you’re trying to fit a quart into a pint pot.

The distancing is a nonsense though.  No reason for everyone not to be in school tomorrow.   

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1 minute ago, thommo2010 said:

So is next Monday when all restrictions drop? I hear quayle talking about baby steps then I read restrictions end in 8 days. 


Anyone any idea?

Schools back 19th.

I've heard from someone in the hospitality trade the 26th appears to be the date for the rest.

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11 minutes ago, TerryFuchwit said:

Schools back 19th.

I've heard from someone in the hospitality trade the 26th appears to be the date for the rest.

This is the bit I don’t understand, if 30+ kids can be in an enclosed space from the 19th, why can’t everything else open at the same time.  1,000 kids+ can go in the school canteen but you have to queue outside the chippy.

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