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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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10 minutes ago, Cambon said:

Only hotels in Scotland as you’ve been told numerous times , but there’s any number of types of accommodation from flats, houses, mansions, caravans, self catering available wherever you care to stay!!

Do people still use hotels for holidays? I only use them for overnight at airports, most people I know use Airbnb or VRBO you should try it out. 110 places available Lake District next week for 4 adults 😀

Edited by Banker
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17 minutes ago, Mr Roboto said:

There’s no irony. As the UK, Israel and the USA have shown the vaccines are being sold to the highest bidders who are prepared to give the pharmaceutical companies instant cash flow to ramp up production under fixed supply contracts for tens of millions of units. So while the EU and India flounder due to self inflicted supply problems others are buying up all the vaccine as the Indian pharmaceutical companies don’t really care that much about the 1.3 billion Indians who have bugger all money, or a government that is too corrupt and tight to match the prices being paid by the front of the queue countries who have secured supply as they realize that the vaccine is the only way out of this at almost all cost. And that’s when a lot of the stuff is actually manufactured in India. India will pull the hardship card soon no doubt and claim it’s a poor third world country and needs a share of the global supply chain it’s not actually prepared to pay the going rate for to keep its residents safe. Governments are literally playing politics with peoples lives. 

Not my fault you don't understand irony.

Fortunately those countries who have excessively over-ordered like the UK and the US can shift their surplus into Covax. Despite your constant denials that variants do not pose a threat to the UK/IOM those who know about these things, like Prof. Peter Openshaw on Marr this am, say that it is inevitable that these variants will reach our shores. I have to admit here that I am assuming that someone like Prof Openshaw knows rather more about these things than you and I.

Which means, of course, that donating spare vaccines to India via Covax is in all our best interests....

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2 hours ago, P.K. said:

Not my fault you don't understand irony


The situation as described is not ironic but highly predictable and explainable for the reasons I clarified. I shall leave you to your general fear spreading about variants as I have no real interest in the ramblings of doomsayers especially in this instance as there is no real proof that the Indian version is a more dangerous variant as there are likely several reasons already discussed why a high number of people in India are currently being affected.

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2 minutes ago, Mr Roboto said:

The situation as described is not ironic but highly predictable and explainable for the reasons I clarified. I shall leave you to your general fear spreading about variants as I have no real interest in the ramblings of doomsayers especially in this instance as there is no real proof that the Indian version is a more dangerous variant as there are likely several reasons already discussed why a high number of people in India are currently being affected.

Like that "fear spreading" very amusing.

Have to say that Prof. Peter Openshaw was a great deal more convincing than you will ever be....

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4 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Like that "fear spreading" very amusing.

It is fear spreading. The one good thing though is that people like you only seem to be found in the internet these days. I don’t know anyone in my immediate social or work circle who fearfully jabbers on about covid and variants and the like anymore trying to scare people or obsess about infection numbers etc. Or in fact anyone who is really that bothered about anything other than getting the borders open and getting back to normal as soon as possible. I assume they must all still be indoors obsessing about covid on the Internet while we’re just cracking on with everything. 

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2 minutes ago, Mr Roboto said:

It is fear spreading. The one good thing though is that people like you only seem to be found in the internet these days. I don’t know anyone in my immediate social or work circle who fearfully jabbers on about covid and variants and the like anymore trying to scare people or obsess about infection numbers etc. Or in fact anyone who is really that bothered about anything other than getting the borders open and getting back to normal as soon as possible. I assume they must all still be indoors obsessing about covid on the Internet while we’re just cracking on with everything. 

As I posted earlier. I would far rather calculate my risk factors out with information from the likes of Prof Peter Openshaw who knows what they're talking about and have the right levels of experience compared to a rank amatuer like yourself.

No offence but he knows what he's talking about...

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9 hours ago, John Wright said:

It’s you who are the crackpot. Until 17/5 hotels in England can only allow stays for work, education and a few other permitted reasons. Not for leisure.

If you stay outside permitted reasons you, and they, commit an offence. Stays aren’t comfortable in terms of facilities available, either.

Your constant overstating the position and suggesting that the restrictions are greater  here than elsewhere, does you no credit. Your constant comparison with JSY and GSY which have their own problems and where, even with JSY the traffic light schemes have experienced anomalies and wrinkles makes you look foolish.

Thank you John. Banker really needs to realise that in reality the UK is still very much locked down. Let's hope 17 May comes to fruition, and things really do change. 

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17 minutes ago, P.K. said:

No offence but he knows what he's talking about...

No offense but I honestly don’t care. I never followed the fear agenda in the first place and now I’m even less inclined or concerned about reading articles designed to keep people in constant fear of a virus with such a low death rate. It’s not even clear if the Indian variant is more deadly or whether the widespread poverty and corruption in India is the real catalyst for the current death rate. There are much healthier things to be focusing on instead of listening to repetitive internet doomsayers who seem to be focusing far to much on every negative piece of data they can scrape from Google to feed their morbid obsessions. 

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1 minute ago, Mr Roboto said:

No offense but I honestly don’t care. I never followed the fear agenda in the first place and now I’m even less inclined or concerned about reading articles designed to keep people in constant fear of a virus with such a low death rate. It’s not even clear if the Indian variant is more deadly or whether the widespread poverty and corruption in India is the real catalyst for the current death rate. There are much healthier things to be focusing on instead of listening to repetitive internet doomsayers who seem to be focusing far to much on every negative piece of data they can scrape from Google to feed their morbid obsessions. 

It's obvious you don't care.

You will calculate your risk factors on, whatever, and I'll calculate my risk factors on people who know what they're talking about.

As they say - "each to their own."

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4 hours ago, Banker said:


Do people still use hotels for holidays? I only use them for overnight at airports, most people I know use Airbnb or VRBO you should try it out 😀

I use hotels for holidays. Seems to make sense , as well as for airports they are part of the holiday experience . I know of Airbnb, haven’t got a clue what VRBO is. 
If you want to take a gamble on what sort of flea ridden infested accommodation you are booking into that’s your choice. Obviously if your funds are limited then that’s unavoidable,you may get a good deal. I know of people who have used Airbnb who have had both good and bad experiences.

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48 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

If you want to take a gamble on what sort of flea ridden infested accommodation you are booking into that’s your choice. Obviously if your funds are limited then that’s unavoidable

The days of flea ridden accommodation are generally long gone. Most independent accommodation places are rated on places like AirBnB or TripAdvisor. So if they are poor standard people have already left poor reviews to warn you. Most people want experience based accommodation these days too. Maybe an overnight in a Premier Inn or Holiday Inn but really if you’re having a holiday outside of city breaks most people now won’t be doing it in a hotel as the market moved in about 10 years ago. There are some great lodge parks and leisure sites out there too. 

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19 minutes ago, Mr Roboto said:

The days of flea ridden accommodation are generally long gone. Most independent accommodation places are rated on places like AirBnB or TripAdvisor. So if they are poor standard people have already left poor reviews to warn you. Most people want experience based accommodation these days too. Maybe an overnight in a Premier Inn or Holiday Inn but really if you’re having a holiday outside of city breaks most people now won’t be doing it in a hotel as the market moved in about 10 years ago. There are some great lodge parks and leisure sites out there too. 

If you want a five star holiday you stay in a five star hotel nothing more simpler, so those holidays have not gone for the discerning few

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