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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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21 minutes ago, Nom de plume said:

People die of lots of things P.K., lots of horrible, nasty things. 

Smoking is a proven killer of people but I don’t see cigarettes banned from entering a country.

You have to start thinking bigger picture than being trapped in a Covid prison.

Life is fraught with risk, it’s everywhere. We all choose to live our lives mitigating those risks as best we can.

Closing borders might have been a good idea, it’s really not now.

Apparently RTA's are down due to less traffic. Hospitalisations for flu were well down over the winter undoubtedly due to wearing masks like they do in the Far East as a matter of course.

Now would you please answer my question, thanks.

Edited by P.K.
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31 minutes ago, Mr Roboto said:

What on earth is an avoidable death? You could get hit by a bus tomorrow or die of a heart attack running for one. Do you want government to ban all buses on that basis just in case it happens? Honestly you accuse others of hyperbole and yet you make the most outrageously incorrect over statements time and time again in what honestly just sounds like a deep seated desire to transmit your own paranoia onto other people via osmosis. The one thing people like you seem to really fear is a return to a normal life as some perhaps they think they’ve got power over other people for one time in their lives still by continually trying to scare other idiots half to death with their hysteria and half baked covid stories.

Government is taking away the power from people like you to spread your fear. The rules are going or have gone and the borders will be fully opening very soon whether you like it or agree with it or not. And screwed up irresponsible people like you and others will ultimately be found responsible for an awful lot of suicides and mental health issues in others by using social media to spread your obsessional fear mongering shit. 



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33 minutes ago, P.K. said:

The hospital does not need to be overwhelmed for people to die. As we have seen in the last outbreak.

Strange (after Thatcher) but true the government of the day have a duty of care to ALL of their citizens. That includes those with conditions like immunocompromised and immunosuppressed who were not part of the vaccine testing programs but are very vulnerable to the virus.

Rock and a hard place. After the tragedy that is India, a country who had thought it had beaten the virus but now has over 21M infections and 230,168 deaths, the reluctance of leaders to fully open is perfectly understandable.

Here is a question for you.

Do you think it is acceptable for a country to open it's borders knowing some of it's citizens are going to die and if so in Mannin's case what do you think is an acceptable number?


The duty of care should not result in protecting one sector at cost and risk to others.  It has to be on a risk basis with an underlying requirement for reasonableness. 

When looking at a particular section of society then different mitigating arrangements can be out in place for that sector, not the entire population.  In doing so, government is discharging its duty of care to ALL its citizens. Duty of care isn't the same as duty to eliminate all risk.  It has to be reasonable and the risk to ALL sectors considered. 

Specifically with regard to those unable to have the vaccine, evidence is increasing that the vaccination suppresses spread so those unable to have it have a degree of protection from the rest of the population being vaccinated. 

The hysterical hyperbole peddling that implies certain people will be sacrificial lambs to allow the rest of the population to go about its everyday business, is just that, hysterical hyperbole. 

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10 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Apparently RTA's are down due to less traffic. Hospitalisations for flu were well down over the winter undoubtedly due to wearing masks like they do in the Far East as a matter of course.

Now would you please answer my question, thanks.

I’ll answer your question.

Yes, people ‘might’ die. Is it acceptable?

Yes, given the sacrifices the majority (who never faced life threatening risk from Covid) have made in the last 15 months.

We’ve done our bit mate. We’ve isolated, socially distanced, cut ourselves off from family, got vaccinated, deprived our kids of education, suffered intolerable financial losses ... I could go on.

Time to suck it up.

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44 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

Ye it is acceptable in my view. That's like asking someone who is building a road and saying do you realise that your road might cause 20 deaths on the next 50 years and do you think that's acceptable? So long as the road builder takes reasonable steps to reduce the risk (like we are with the virus) then its acceptable. Nothing can be without risk.

Such questions of ethics are challenging but at the end of the day without point.

It's crazy how nobody wanted the world locked up during flu season, despite thousands of deaths every year. I guess those deaths were acceptable

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1 minute ago, Nom de plume said:

We’ve done our bit mate. We’ve isolated, socially distanced, cut ourselves off from family, got vaccinated, deprived our kids of education, suffered intolerable financial losses ... I could go on.

Time to suck it up.

Don't think you're on your own!

Yet another session of isolation would take us a lot of alcohol and Kniffel to get through....!

So what to you is an acceptable rate of fatalities from Covid?

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1 minute ago, P.K. said:

Don't think you're on your own!

Yet another session of isolation would take us a lot of alcohol and Kniffel to get through....!

So what to you is an acceptable rate of fatalities from Covid?


I don’t particularly like anybody dying unnecessarily but firstly, I’d really love a breakdown of the deaths in a daily tabulated format so Britain’s can make informed choices on the restrictions that have been forced upon them.

The daily statistics would make much better reading if we were furnished with age bands, BMI’s, with or without underlying health conditions.

Governments haven’t been upfront with people.

When I’ve seen these stats I can give you a better idea of a number I see acceptable.

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3 minutes ago, Nom de plume said:


I don’t particularly like anybody dying unnecessarily but firstly, I’d really love a breakdown of the deaths in a daily tabulated format so Britain’s can make informed choices on the restrictions that have been forced upon them.

The daily statistics would make much better reading if we were furnished with age bands, BMI’s, with or without underlying health conditions.

Governments haven’t been upfront with people.

When I’ve seen these stats I can give you a better idea of a number I see acceptable.

Please post the stats up when you find them, thanks.

Not easy being Howard though, is it...?

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27 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Don't think you're on your own!

Yet another session of isolation would take us a lot of alcohol and Kniffel to get through....!

So what to you is an acceptable rate of fatalities from Covid?

Firstly.  I drink more then I should.

Secondly.  Regular alcohol consumption is higher risk both to your long term heth and to the chances of short term death (falling etc) than COVID is to someone who is vaccinated.

So drinking is acceptable despite noone esle having to sacrifice anything for you to do it, but a miniscule risk from COVID isn't and others should be expected to continue making life changing sacrifices to protect people from it?

Have I got that right?

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1 hour ago, Mr Roboto said:

That’s basically bollocks. 

No. What you said to P.K. Above is bollocks. If the uk had not locked down, daily new cases would have spiralled out of control, not been capped at 70,000. If you really think the UKs (and our) half assed approach to vaccination, ignoring manufacturers recommendations, was the correct approach, then you are away with the fairies.

USA now has 65% with at least 1 jab, and 41% with both jabs. Virtually all high risk people have had both jabs. They are nearing herd immunity and opening up fast. 

UK are now desperately trying to catch up on second doses as indicated by Boris three weeks ago.  They are now at 30%. 

Over here we will start mass second jabs next week. Let's hope we can catch up in time before a new variant comes in.


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52 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Don't think you're on your own!

Yet another session of isolation would take us a lot of alcohol and Kniffel to get through....!

So what to you is an acceptable rate of fatalities from Covid?

I don't think 'acceptable' is the right word.  Are deaths from cancer 'acceptable', or heart attacks etc.  It's more a level to which we've become accustomed to.  We are used to people getting cancer and dying from it.  It's not particularly 'acceptable' but you take it, government modifies some risks for us, and we accept some risks upon ourselves without having to be legislated for.

Semantics aside, I think the key figure is not the number of deaths, it's whether the health service is able to cope with cases of covid while still able to provide services in other areas.  People die all the time, from all sorts of things, covid shouldn't really be any different or given special status in my view.

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1 hour ago, Gladys said:

The hysterical hyperbole peddling that implies certain people will be sacrificial lambs to allow the rest of the population to go about its everyday business, is just that, hysterical hyperbole. 

The Doom Coven has a particular talent for hyperbole then persistently claim that the hyperbole comes from others. I imagine in a few years when covid is just a distant memory they might look back on their posts here and realize that a lot of them totally went over the edge and lost the plot in their tunnel vision of telling everyone else (including government) what they should do.

Listening to PK or Cambon and the other coven members it’s like receiving practical covid advice from Colonel Kurtz in Apocalypse Now. I just wonder how many non believers ears they’re each wearing on a string around their necks as they pound away at the keyboard. 

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