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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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2 minutes ago, piebaps said:

Jesus, 24 hours later and its the same old same old. I'm hanging on for page 2200 but then I reckon the thread has run its course.

You mean that you still have to listen to alternative views from other people? How sad for you. 

Edited by Mr Roboto
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55 minutes ago, Cambon said:

No. What you said to P.K. Above is bollocks. If the uk had not locked down, daily new cases would have spiralled out of control, not been capped at 70,000. If you really think the UKs (and our) half assed approach to vaccination, ignoring manufacturers recommendations, was the correct approach, then you are away with the fairies.

USA now has 65% with at least 1 jab, and 41% with both jabs. Virtually all high risk people have had both jabs. They are nearing herd immunity and opening up fast. 

UK are now desperately trying to catch up on second doses as indicated by Boris three weeks ago.  They are now at 30%. 

Over here we will start mass second jabs next week. Let's hope we can catch up in time before a new variant comes in.


What makes you think a second dose makes a significant difference to if a new variant causes us an issue or not?

I don't get it.

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55 minutes ago, Cambon said:

No. What you said to P.K. Above is bollocks. If the uk had not locked down, daily new cases would have spiralled out of control, not been capped at 70,000. If you really think the UKs (and our) half assed approach to vaccination, ignoring manufacturers recommendations, was the correct approach, then you are away with the fairies.

USA now has 65% with at least 1 jab, and 41% with both jabs. Virtually all high risk people have had both jabs. They are nearing herd immunity and opening up fast. 

UK are now desperately trying to catch up on second doses as indicated by Boris three weeks ago.  They are now at 30%. 

Over here we will start mass second jabs next week. Let's hope we can catch up in time before a new variant comes in.


What makes you think a second dose makes a significant difference to if a new variant causes us an issue or not?

I don't get it.

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2 hours ago, P.K. said:

Do you think it is acceptable for a country to open it's borders knowing some of it's citizens are going to die

Do you think it is acceptable for a country to allow motoring/flying/rock-climbing/swimming/climbing ladders/crossing the road/cycling.................... knowing some of it's citizens are going to die.

For goodness sake, get a grip!  Apply some proportionality and rational thinking. 

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2 hours ago, Cambon said:

No. What you said to P.K. Above is bollocks. If the uk had not locked down, daily new cases would have spiralled out of control, not been capped at 70,000. If you really think the UKs (and our) half assed approach to vaccination, ignoring manufacturers recommendations, was the correct approach, then you are away with the fairies.

USA now has 65% with at least 1 jab, and 41% with both jabs. Virtually all high risk people have had both jabs. They are nearing herd immunity and opening up fast. 

UK are now desperately trying to catch up on second doses as indicated by Boris three weeks ago.  They are now at 30%. 

Over here we will start mass second jabs next week. Let's hope we can catch up in time before a new variant comes in.


FFS Give your Covid coven bollocks a rest , just stay in the bunker with the rest of your members until you think it’s safe which will be never from some of the tripe you post!

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3 hours ago, Nom de plume said:

I’ll answer your question.

Yes, people ‘might’ die. Is it acceptable?

Yes, given the sacrifices the majority (who never faced life threatening risk from Covid) have made in the last 15 months.

We’ve done our bit mate. We’ve isolated, socially distanced, cut ourselves off from family, got vaccinated, deprived our kids of education, suffered intolerable financial losses ... I could go on.

Time to suck it up.

Correction. Nearly time to suck it up! Now would be the time to suck it up if we had stuck to the proper vaccination schedule. But it has been kicked down the road by two months, like most other government run projects. 

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2 hours ago, Nom de plume said:

Jersey now on the traffic light system implemented 4 May.

Interesting to note both Liverpool & Crawley (Gatwick) are Green status.

Neg test on entry & off you pop.

Let's hope they can get off the boat, and the French don't cut off the electricity! 

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2 hours ago, piebaps said:

Jesus, 24 hours later and its the same old same old. I'm hanging on for page 2200 but then I reckon the thread has run its course.

Admit it. You are hooked. You can't leave it alone, you can't wait to get on here and get the latest on the circular arguments. If you are not excited with the lively debate....why are you looking in.....:D

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59 minutes ago, Banker said:

FFS Give your Covid coven bollocks a rest , just stay in the bunker with the rest of your members until you think it’s safe which will be never from some of the tripe you post!

Tripe? Like your rubbish about opening up like jersey did last summer? Worked well for them, didn't it?

We are nearly there but timing is everything. We need to get all the vulnerable and elderly, like yourself, jabbed twice. Then open borders to uk. No testing. No isolation. 

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17 minutes ago, Cambon said:

Tripe? Like your rubbish about opening up like jersey did last summer? Worked well for them, didn't it?

We are nearly there but timing is everything. We need to get all the vulnerable and elderly, like yourself, jabbed twice. Then open borders to uk. No testing. No isolation. 

We’re opening this month so stay in bunker! , incidentally well ahead of your September prediction 😀

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27 minutes ago, Cambon said:

Tripe? Like your rubbish about opening up like jersey did last summer? Worked well for them, didn't it?

We are nearly there but timing is everything. We need to get all the vulnerable and elderly, like yourself, jabbed twice. Then open borders to uk. No testing. No isolation. 

Can I ask what makes our situation different from Jersey or Guernsey?

Ignore the tourist trade, human lives are human lives after all.

Are they just mad Mavericks who wish to see more of their vulnerable killed off than we would?

Are they so far ahead of us in their vaccination programme?

Are their healthcare provisions far more advanced & better prepared than ours?

They border the same country as us, the same level of risk is therefore applicable.

What makes us ‘so special’ that our citizens are denied the same rights?

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41 minutes ago, Nom de plume said:

Can I ask what makes our situation different from Jersey or Guernsey?

Ignore the tourist trade, human lives are human lives after all.

Are they just mad Mavericks who wish to see more of their vulnerable killed off than we would?

Are they so far ahead of us in their vaccination programme?

Are their healthcare provisions far more advanced & better prepared than ours?

They border the same country as us, the same level of risk is therefore applicable.

What makes us ‘so special’ that our citizens are denied the same rights?

the planet will never be short of humans 

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