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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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21 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

The property market seems to be on fire over here, I'm amazed. At the start of the pandemic I had real concerns about that, I thought things could just collapse or at least totally stagnate in the construction industry, but instead houses are selling like crazy, and loads of people are having extensions built. Busy busy busy.

Again, the on the ground reality is a long way from Banker and Sultan total doom.

But apparently I'm a 'covid mentalist'.

Just wait until the government want their "free"money back that's been funding such largess same with mortgage holidays etc.

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The local construction trade was in receipt of a large amount of Govt "pushing" and support pre-COVID (in the absence of lots of other local economic activity) and was the first industry to be allowed to restart at the "end" of lockdown. It's therefore likely that it will be some way ahead of other areas of the economy.

Lockdown also gave those still in receipt of full wages an opportunity to save and with off Island travel (holidays) being impractical, I'd suggest that lots of those fortunate people are now spending big on their properties. Hence the building trades all being busy?

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Yeah there's definitely some people who've decided to forego holidays in favour of home improvement. Couple of jobs I've been on recently the clients have said so. One had a 'trip of a lifetime' planned and have instead gone for two bedrooms and a bathroom. Planning/building control have been suspiciously quick.

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1 hour ago, rachomics said:

They're setting up their on-Island testing lab FOUR MONTHS after our on-Island testing lab opened? Not sure how that equates to them being light years ahead. I could put a shipping container at the Sea Terminal, stamp "COVID TEST LAB" on the side of it and drive the samples up to the hospital if it would make you happy. 

You are just very intelligent, very involved and 100% know what you are talking about. Your sort don’t go down well on here.

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1 hour ago, TheTeapot said:

Again, the on the ground reality is a long way from Banker and Sultan total doom.

But apparently I'm a 'covid mentalist'.

Please re read any posts I’ve made. My issue is testing and freedom of movement to travel to accelerate economic growth not where we currently are which is better than a lot of places. But I’m not regurgitating the mantra that the borders are closed and that’s what’s saving us when they aren’t. 

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Several warnings over the weekend and more today from the UK about the importance of children retuning to school at the beginning of the new term. Benefits for psychological wellbeing outweigh the risks of transmission / infection. No doubt this will be taken up by Mr Allinson MHK as further leverage in the teachers dispute. 

BTW - His photograph seems to be used quite a lot on the IOM newspapers website recently. Ae they trying to tell us something? 

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46 minutes ago, Banker said:

A lot of households expect finances to get worse but don’t worry teapot,pongo, cambon think economy is booming so no problems!!


Common sense doesn’t suit the Covid mentalist agenda.

These quarantine measures are simply delaying the inevitable when the virus lands on our shores ‘officially’ (it’s likely here already) & hysteria ensues.

Crackpot policy by an inept Government.

Test on entry, mitigate & control spread, eradication is impossible. Our hospital & emergency services are fully prepared & ready to deal with cases should on the very unlikely chance they be needed.

We are pushing D Day back to when the wet & cold weather really comes in & the 2m self distancing queues outside Tesco are much more pleasurable.

Shakes head at this lunacy. Going to be some massive ‘Told you so’ shouts going out when our unemployment rates are through the roof, businesses folded, those with existing medical conditions perishing, airlines vanished & nobody actually dying of this thing (except those that were on their way out anyway).


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16 minutes ago, Banker said:

A lot of households expect finances to get worse but don’t worry teapot,pongo, cambon think economy is booming so no problems!!


Seems par for the course for this forum. A bunch of slackers or government workers (or both) talking shite how great this has all been (time off with kids, less work, less stress etc) and that in the future we’ll all be living such great different lives blah, blah, blah and we’re all much better off from all the money we’ve saved. But the surveys are showing the true picture for most people. It’s been stressful, damaging, and financially worrying. Frankly anyone who has enjoyed lockdown and us being cut off from the rest of the world is a lazy fucking idiot. 

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UK Government policy on schools becoming a bit of a shit show now.

April, May, June & July 2020 (infection rates running wild) - absolutely no way can we have children in school. Transmission & deaths will inevitably follow.

August & September 2020 (infection rates running wild) - no risk to children, crack on kids, nothing to see here.

Presuming when the infection lands here again & the Covid cranks all go into mass panic, the schools will have to close.


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I asked my kids (primary) headmaster the other day what happens when we get cases here again, are they all going to have to wear masks? He doesn't see how its even possible. Same with social distancing. The kids absolutely have to go back to school in 2 weeks, as much as Ive enjoyed all the time its time for proper structured learning again.

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7 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

I asked my kids (primary) headmaster the other day what happens when we get cases here again, are they all going to have to wear masks? He doesn't see how its even possible. Same with social distancing. The kids absolutely have to go back to school in 2 weeks, as much as Ive enjoyed all the time its time for proper structured learning again.

Completely agree but the whole thing goes back to what a few of us have been saying since the get go.

We need to manage the virus, get this Island back to normality on all fronts. Sadly there is no half way house.

A robust testing regime as Jersey have adopted (I'm really sorry to keep banging on about how well they've done) will allow us to do this. We can't pretend that sitting tight awaiting a magic vaccine that might never appear is an intelligent & reasoned policy to deal with Covid.

Test, mitigate, manage. Our hospital is ready. Is our Government?

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Hmmm. COVID-19 has now reportedly killed over 800k people globally in record time. Those most at risk are the elderly and those with underlying health issues. Some ethnic groups are also appear to be more vulnerable.

The IoM has an (increasingly) ageing demographic, who on current evidence would be amongst the most vulnerable. Young children can be asymptomatic carriers.

Many plates to be kept spinning in this matter. And in our fortunate, virus free current status it is important not to become complacent.

We currently enjoy an almost normal lifestyle not available to millions only 40-odd miles away across the wet bit where infection rates are reportedly on the rise. We shouldn't lose sight of that or how it's possible.

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