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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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32 minutes ago, pongo said:

Housing market is always an excellent barometer. And it hasn't looked so buoyant since many years. On the back of that will be a huge amount of pent-up spending.

People have money to spend.

There might be some catching up to do. But many of us have been largely decentralised for many years now. In many cases there is no reason to normally ever physically meet your colleagues or clients.

I'd struggle to care much about the market for office rentals. Pull it all down and plant trees.

The housing market is buoyant because you get shit for your money in banks. Those with cash are sticking it in bricks & mortar.

Its inflating the market, creating a bubble & preventing youngsters getting on the ladder across Britain.

The U.K. Government is still ploughing hundreds of millions into furlough & other such schemes.

You really are living in cloud cuckoo land. This pandemic is so far reaching is frightening. It’s not just the economy, it’s health (5 million on surgery waiting lists), it’s education (or lack of it) ... it’s fucking massive fella.

This country needs to get on quickly.

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30 minutes ago, swoopy2110 said:

Stop testing and let the world get on with itself. We can't keep stopping because people test positive for a virus that in the vast majority of cases produces cold like symptoms .

They can, they are & they’ll continue to do so.

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1 hour ago, Banker said:

Open your eyes, food bank, housing for homeless and other charities have reported dramatic increases in demand. Are you just stupid or incredibly insensitive?

foodbank Jan 2021

But demand has risen steadily and from April to the end of December 2020, it helped 3,382 households, with an average of 375 food parcels being distributed each month. They expect to exceed 5,000 parcels this year.

Build it and they will come! 

I am not against food banks at all, but the fact that the use of them has increased from nothing to where it is now does not reflect a destitute society. 

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The UK Government announced the establishment of a full public inquiry into the handling of the pandemic and lessons learned and lessons to be learned. 

If the UK Government are making plans for the inquiry, the arrangements, the chair appointed along with the experts, as well as the terms of reference to be agreed, before the start of the inquiry in the Spring of 2022. My point being, will HRH The Chief Minister follow suit for a public inquiry, not a tame Tynpotwald select committee, but a proper inquiry with teeth, chaired independently by a UK QC, with powers to call witnesses and question under oath? Like the UK this island has been badly affected and closure required, but for the closure serious questions of the politicos and civil servants are needed, without bullshit and spin. If it’s under oath some of our civil servants, departments and ministers will have to actually tell the truth, along the documents published - i.e, NOT SHREDDED!

The polices review of Abbotswood should not be used as a barrier or smokescreen as to prevent any inquiry taking place. 

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U.K. Health Minister:

“No evidence to suggest the vaccines being used are ineffective against the Indian variant”

Do you think that’ll be enough to quell the latest MSM panic stories?

Nah, me neither ... Let’s scare the **** out of those already petrified for another few weeks at least.

The BAME’s need to be vaccinated & they need to be vaccinated quickly. Their community leaders need to be doing more to reinforce the message.

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11 hours ago, Happier diner said:

I'm afraid you are talking absolute nonsense

Don't be afraid.

"The Sinopharm product is an inactivated vaccine called SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine (Vero Cell). Its easy storage requirements make it highly suitable for low-resource settings. It is the also first vaccine that will carry a vaccine vial monitor, a small sticker on the vaccine vials that change color as the vaccine is exposed to heat, letting health workers know whether the vaccine can be safely used."

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7 hours ago, Cambon said:

Build it and they will come! 

I am not against food banks at all, but the fact that the use of them has increased from nothing to where it is now does not reflect a destitute society. 

Almost as stupid as your borders comments!

here’s another report on poverty 


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4 hours ago, 2112 said:

The UK Government announced the establishment of a full public inquiry into the handling of the pandemic and lessons learned and lessons to be learned. 
If the UK Government are making plans for the inquiry, the arrangements, the chair appointed along with the experts, as well as the terms of reference to be agreed, before the start of the inquiry in the Spring of 2022. 

The plan is to make the UK inquiry terms of reference as broad as possible. Because the more far-reaching it is the longer it will take.

Therefore I can absolutely guarantee that it will not publish it's findings until after the next election.

That's very hard on those who want answers as to why their family members and loved ones had lives tragically cut short by the virus but, of course, Bozo doesn't care about that...

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9 hours ago, Cambon said:

Build it and they will come! 

I am not against food banks at all, but the fact that the use of them has increased from nothing to where it is now does not reflect a destitute society. 

It may not reflect a destitute society, but it represents destitution within a society. 

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13 hours ago, thommo2010 said:


Fact is politicians are happy to wait and see because their salary isn't affected, stick them on furlough for months I'm sure we'd be back to normal in no time.


Better still send them home on no pay like a lot of others have had to endure.

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