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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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6 minutes ago, AlanShimmin said:

That's what happens when they take a 2 week vaccine holiday. Oh wait, that was us. 


I fully expect the situation in late August will be a mirror of how it is now both here and in the UK. 

We started this with a '3 week lockdown to save the NHS' then it was to protect summer '20, then to protect Christmas, then to protect summer '21.... we all know what comes next. 

The winter cases risk?

Oh well, I’m sure it’ll be all ok in 2022.


Edited by Nom de plume
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Just a few weeks after it moved the whole of the UK to its Green List, Jersey has brought back restrictions at the UK local authority level.


What is worse is that the list is being revised twice per week. This makes it impossible to say with any certainty whether you will allowed into Jersey without the need for lengthy quarantine. Changes will come into effect 48 hours after being announced.


If you live in a ‘Green’ area you can still fly to Jersey with minimal restrictions. If you are double vaccinated you need to take a test on arrival but can do what you like whilst waiting for the result. If you are not double vaccinated, you need to remain in your hotel for 6-12 hours until the test result comes in, and take a second test on Day 8 if you are still in Jersey at that point.


If you live in an ‘Amber’ or ‘Red’ area then you will need to quarantine for 5 or 10 days which clearly makes a holiday out of the question.


All of London is currently ‘Green’ except Hounslow which is ‘Red’, which shows the arbitrary nature of the system.

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1 hour ago, AlanShimmin said:

Jersey appear to have 10 new cases with a couple from the community. This is the point where we have to stay strong and not allow the Lockdown Mafia to start their fear mongering. We will likely see something similar here in the coming days, but we need to press on with border re-opening.

Well the health minister seems to agree. He's sounding brave.


I wonder when, or if,  the required uk infection rate (currently 30) will officially be removed from the border strategy.

Then we will have a clear pathway.

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1 hour ago, AlanShimmin said:

Jersey appear to have 10 new cases with a couple from the community. This is the point where we have to stay strong and not allow the Lockdown Mafia to start their fear mongering. We will likely see something similar here in the coming days, but we need to press on with border re-opening.

But they have between 82-100% of over 50s fully vaccinated & 54% of 40-49 fully vaccinated so not so many concerns. 10 new cases over weekend from 7000 tests,8 from travel, 1 contact tracing & 1 in healthcare testing 

Edited by Banker
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Being reported the UK looking to push back their dates. 

Enough time for another variant to pop up then before we know it we're into autumn/winter and the cases spike again and another excuse to keep closed. 

My opinion is we won't see an end to this until well into 2022

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13 minutes ago, Banker said:

But they have between 82-100% of over 50s fully vaccinated & 54% of 40-49 fully vaccinated so not so many concerns. 

Massively significant. 

So far so good though. Let's hope we keep lucky for another 8 weeks and by then we might be in a similarly secure situation🤐

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there's a bigger agenda at play in the UK, they are desperately trying to stop the masses leaving and spending their money in the EU over the summer instead of at home (see the Portugal amber listing even though their infection rate is lower than the UK) and this is the first play. Freedom day will come but foreign travel will be impossible.

The Tory propaganda machine is already promoting staycations, fear stories about the plague queues in airports popping up daily.

"Heading abroad will be 'challenging': Matt Hancock warns of difficulties in reopening full international travel, fuelling fears for foreign holidays "

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7 minutes ago, The Chief said:

there's a bigger agenda at play in the UK, they are desperately trying to stop the masses leaving and spending their money in the EU over the summer instead of at home (see the Portugal amber listing even though their infection rate is lower than the UK) and this is the first play. Freedom day will come but foreign travel will be impossible.

The Tory propaganda machine is already promoting staycations, fear stories about the plague queues in airports popping up daily.

"Heading abroad will be 'challenging': Matt Hancock warns of difficulties in reopening full international travel, fuelling fears for foreign holidays "

Conspiracy theory of the day?

They are trying to stop the masses leaving as the EU is not in the same position as the UK at the moment. Seems sensible at the moment. The Portugal situation has been badly handled.

I think we will see movement into EU by mid July.

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14 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

Conspiracy theory of the day?

They are trying to stop the masses leaving as the EU is not in the same position as the UK at the moment. Seems sensible at the moment. The Portugal situation has been badly handled.

I think we will see movement into EU by mid July.

no conspiracy if you look at the DM been stories like this for weeks, leading up to the summer. BBC will be chirping in soon.

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1 hour ago, The Chief said:

there's a bigger agenda at play in the UK, they are desperately trying to stop the masses leaving and spending their money in the EU over the summer instead of at home (see the Portugal amber listing even though their infection rate is lower than the UK) and this is the first play. Freedom day will come but foreign travel will be impossible.

The Tory propaganda machine is already promoting staycations, fear stories about the plague queues in airports popping up daily.

"Heading abroad will be 'challenging': Matt Hancock warns of difficulties in reopening full international travel, fuelling fears for foreign holidays "

I'll no doubt be labelled a conspiracy nut but climate change has started coming into the news again over the past couple of months, stopping people from flying meaning less airlines etc will be good for the planet. Once this is over I suspect it will be a while before we see international travel back to any sort of normality 

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2 hours ago, The Chief said:

BBC will be chirping in soon.

The British Brainwashing Corporation has never stopped chirping.  How can it when it gets its output through from No10?

While politicians partake in collective arse-covering and don't have the guts to declare COVID as just another 'bug', this nightmare is never going to end.  Individuals are going to have to take matters into their own hands as far as possible.

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1 hour ago, thommo2010 said:

will be good for the planet

Yes, the green 'nudge' campaign with endless 'green' reports from the BBC is in full swing.  Any dissent will be ruthlessly suppressed ie completely ignored and denigrated ((in fact, already is being done so) by the MSM.

The possible Wuhan leak is a case in point; individuals were ridiculed and mocked, and there was overt censorship by Facebook and Youtube,  when it was suggested last March because it didn't suit the liberal agenda - but all of a sudden, when what was pretty obvious to even the dimmest plod in the Manx CID, the bleedin' obvious now suits the narrative so it's OK to question again. 


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