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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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14 minutes ago, Nom de plume said:

I’m struggling to comprehend the U.K. figures.

There are 60.6% more people infected on the rolling 7 day average.

They have upped the testing numbers by 427,601 in that period, equating to 8.2%.


Patients being admitted to hospital with a positive Covid test continues to fall, down 5 this week or 0.6%.

They've tested more people in areas of the country where vaccination uptake hasn’t been so widely accepted. The numbers will naturally increase.

I know I’m just a dummy but you’ll get what you get if you go looking for it.

When I hear places such as Darwen, Hounslow etc being bandied about it’s hardly a shock.


Yes, but as I posted last week, the previous seven days they had done 1,000,000 less tests. So doing 400,000 more than the 1,000,000 short week is still shy of the level of testing 14 days ago. 

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46 minutes ago, Nom de plume said:

I’m struggling to comprehend the U.K. figures.

There are 60.6% more people infected on the rolling 7 day average.

They have upped the testing numbers by 427,601 in that period, equating to 8.2%.


Patients being admitted to hospital with a positive Covid test continues to fall, down 5 this week or 0.6%.

They've tested more people in areas of the country where vaccination uptake hasn’t been so widely accepted. The numbers will naturally increase.

I know I’m just a dummy but you’ll get what you get if you go looking for it.

When I hear places such as Darwen, Hounslow etc being bandied about it’s hardly a shock.


Vaccinate, vaccinate vaccinate, vaccinate Vaccinate, vaccinate vaccinate, vaccinateVaccinate, vaccinate vaccinate, vaccinate Vaccinate, vaccinate vaccinate, vaccinate

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1 hour ago, trmpton said:

Fully aware of that cheers.  He has had the desired effect and their fb and Twitter feeds are full of shares, retweets and people are discussing on forums like this.

I said I know people like that, and I do (I think you might be one, and cambon). People whose lives aren’t really impacted by restrictions and who therefore think we should all live a crappy existence for the foreseeable - just in case.

Not sure what you think makes me a “mug” for simply stating I know people who think exactly like he does - it’s a fact.

What nonsense "people whose lives aren't really impacted by restrictions" indeed.

In case you hadn't noticed there's a pandemic on and I really don't want a third spell of self-isolation.

You're all the same with your "selective news" that you spout all the time. The previous being a classic example of putting up someone so off the wall you can then promote them as being "mainstream" when they most certainly are not.

You really are a mug if you think any of your nonsense is actually going to change reality.

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1 hour ago, Nom de plume said:

I’m struggling to comprehend the U.K. figures.

There are 60.6% more people infected on the rolling 7 day average.

They have upped the testing numbers by 427,601 in that period, equating to 8.2%.


Patients being admitted to hospital with a positive Covid test continues to fall, down 5 this week or 0.6%.

They've tested more people in areas of the country where vaccination uptake hasn’t been so widely accepted. The numbers will naturally increase.

I know I’m just a dummy but you’ll get what you get if you go looking for it.

When I hear places such as Darwen, Hounslow etc being bandied about it’s hardly a shock.

Hospital admissions are flatlining according to Hancock.

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23 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Hospital admissions are flatlining according to Hancock.

Hospital admissions from COVID are virtually none existing.

Hospital admission with COVID, which are what is happening and which will continue to happen until they stop testing for it are flat lining.

Zero issue.  Let’s get back to normal now please.

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4 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

You seem desperate to have us back in lockdown. I'll wager you are cs trying a double bluff, teacher most likely.

If you are talking to me you realise there is no way in earth we will have another lockdown?

re teacher. I wish!  I know loads of them and if I could go back in time and train for an easy life - then teaching on the Isle of Man would be well up my list.

limited scope for promotion or to earn significant money though so you have to weigh up the pros and cons, although it is an easy job for life with pension, holidays, sick pay and reasonable income for the effort required.

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1 hour ago, trmpton said:

Will always be the way.  They will be the idiots who think the borders should be closed and the virus kept out forever.

So what’s your actual point? Do you agree with them or not?

A lot of people in Jersey think the way their government have handled the whole pandemic is atrocious. Huge waste of money. Opening up last summer when they should not have. Not locking down quick enough inJanuary.  Not lifting restrictions early enough. All sound familiar? 

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1 minute ago, Cambon said:

A lot of people in Jersey think the way their government have handled the whole pandemic is atrocious. Huge waste of money. Opening up last summer when they should not have. Not locking down quick enough inJanuary.  Not lifting restrictions early enough. All sound familiar? 

Yes.  Sounds like every country in the world in relation to every government decision ever made.

There is a saying “

You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time”.

Sound familiar?

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50 minutes ago, trmpton said:

Hospital admissions from COVID are virtually none existing.

Hospital admission with COVID, which are what is happening and which will continue to happen until they stop testing for it are flat lining.

Zero issue.  Let’s get back to normal now please.

900+ in hospital is a lot less than at the height of the pandemic I grant you. But infections and the inevitable hospitalisations are rising.

So let's have your explanation as to why the politicos are all getting squeaky bottoms when asked if the Grand Opening on the 21st June is going to take place or not?

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2 minutes ago, P.K. said:


So let's have your explanation as to why the politicos are all getting squeaky bottoms when asked if the Grand Opening on the 21st June is going to take place or not?

I have a theory on that, might have mentioned it before. Boris and co don't trust their own scientific advisors and never have. It's kind of understandable really, if they are talking DOOM like they have, and demanding serious non pharmaceutical interventions like lockdowns. We know that in October last year they were taking advice from other sources, like Gupta and Hennigan while their own were calling for the 'circuit break'. Obviously everything the GBD gang were saying turned out to be completely wrong and the winter was bad, really bad, and now I think Boris & Co have woken up. Sadly, because they're assholes, I don't think they can find a path to a sensible place, and have recently been taking advice from the very noisy and probably actually insane zero covid group, the independent sage crew. So they've swung the other way, too far, terrified of their previous mistakes happening again in the future. 

People like Christine Pagal and Deepti Gurdasani etc. These are people who are well educated, but who've completely lost the plot when it comes to common sense. There is a lot more to public health than just the eradication of a disease, it seems to have been forgotten.

People go on about the gov and media ramping up the fear, but really the most afraid are those in charge.

That's my theory anyway.

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6 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

People on here keep repeating that there will be no more lockdowns. Nobody can say that for certain. The vaccines are about to get a full on field test

The problem I suspect is with your first jab giving only 33% efficacy against the now dominant Delta variant everyone needs both jabs to prevent it spreading with 40% of the UK population at risk.

Although no-one is saying whether the low first-jab efficacy is insufficient to stop it spreading no-one is saying it will either!

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