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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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2 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

I have a theory on that, might have mentioned it before. Boris and co don't trust their own scientific advisors and never have. It's kind of understandable really, if they are talking DOOM like they have, and demanding serious non pharmaceutical interventions like lockdowns. We know that in October last year they were taking advice from other sources, like Gupta and Hennigan while their own were calling for the 'circuit break'. Obviously everything the GBD gang were saying turned out to be completely wrong and the winter was bad, really bad, and now I think Boris & Co have woken up. Sadly, because they're assholes, I don't think they can find a path to a sensible place, and have recently been taking advice from the very noisy and probably actually insane zero covid group, the independent sage crew. So they've swung the other way, too far, terrified of their previous mistakes happening again in the future. 

People like Christine Pagal and Deepti Gurdasani etc. These are people who are well educated, but who've completely lost the plot when it comes to common sense. There is a lot more to public health than just the eradication of a disease, it seems to have been forgotten.

People go on about the gov and media ramping up the fear, but really the most afraid are those in charge.

That's my theory anyway.

Vallance and Whitty reached the point where they were openly contradicting Bozo at the pressers because their only other option was to wear a large label on their backs that read "Fall Guy" or similar.

Because by then Bozo's constant refrain that they were "Following the science" had been shown to be complete and utter bollox which cost thousands of lives.


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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

The problem I suspect is with your first jab giving only 33% efficacy against the now dominant Delta variant everyone needs both jabs to prevent it spreading with 40% of the UK population at risk.

Although no-one is saying whether the low first-jab efficacy is insufficient to stop it spreading no-one is saying it will either!

That's because they don't really know.

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8 hours ago, Banker said:

U.K. talking about enhanced Covid measures for lancashire , can see Howie stopping reopening on 28/06.

Should have regional approach like Channel Islands, so Bristol green, Manchester Amber etc

Hmm , temporary regional passports as well eh ? 


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10 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

Indeed. And it’s becoming tiresome to be called afraid or paranoid, or whatever just for trying to point that out.

No one knows what will happen - no matter how hard we all wish for the best. 

Thanks. Totally agree.

There will be no return to "normal", what ever that means. It will never be the same again.

Covid has, and will, suck up massive resources for health and social care in both hospitals and the community for many years to come. The impact on mental health services is only just becoming apparent. Vulnerable people have been and will remain at risk of serious illness and complications from Covid.

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22 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

Indeed. And it’s becoming tiresome to be called afraid or paranoid, or whatever just for trying to point that out.

No one knows what will happen - no matter how hard we all wish for the best. 

There is no way on earth there will be another lockdown as a result of COVID 19 on the Island now we have the vaccines.

There “might” be increased mitigation measures next winter, but I would be absolutely astounded if there is another lockdown.

There are something like 3 people in the whole of the UK who have had 2 jabs in hospital with COVID.

I have seen nothing to suggest they wouldn’t be in hospital whether COVID 19 existed or not.  That is they probably are cancer patients who happen to have tested positive, feel down drunk or something.

The panic about this now is really quite disturbing.

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1 minute ago, the stinking enigma said:

The panic i have decided that you have. Isn't that how it works?

Ah right.

The only panic I have is for the mental Health of those who seem to have concluded that we are all doomed.

For the people who lost their businesses or plunged themselves into huge debt through lockdowns, and those who are still facing an uncertain future while we miss a prime opportunity to open up to tourists end try and pull some businesses back towards being profitable after over a year of hell.

Can anyone show any actual statistics that show we are at risk from opening up now or that there is a risk of further lockdowns other than people saying what “might” happen?

Any actual figures from countries with the same level of vaccinations we have, using the same vaccines we do, where there is actually an issue?

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6 hours ago, thommo2010 said:

Talk radio have different views 

The sad thing is the bloke being interviewed is probably the same as those that make up the panels advising governments 


The whole point of talk back radio (all of it everywhere) is that they deliberately create controversy and argument in order to engage the kind of idiots who listen to it.

Nobody serious appears, calls, presents or listens.

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23 minutes ago, trmpton said:

The only panic I have is for the mental Health of those who seem to have concluded that we are all doomed.


I don't think I have recognised that in others to that extent. 

Of course, some people are worried, some are anxious, and many with probable cause. People who have had investigations and operations deferred will struggle to contain their fears or pain. Some will have to face that future for some time. 

I don't think we are all doomed, but the  the financial difficulties of some compared to the life changing impacts for some others have to be equally respected.

Programme on about it all now. Hospital on BBC2.



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