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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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12 minutes ago, Major Rushen said:

The Journos are a disgrace, can only ask their planned questions even when the briefing has already answered. Shit they have me doing it. Moulton a poor workman blames his tools. He will be no good on TV dealing with remote interviews. 

Paul Moulton is super pally with his interviewees. Being super friendly with politicos isn’t a good thing, especially here. I’m saying be civil, friendly and respectful but the press need to hold our politicos feet to the fire. 

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9 minutes ago, 2112 said:

Paul Moulton is super pally with his interviewees. Being super friendly with politicos isn’t a good thing, especially here. I’m saying be civil, friendly and respectful but the press need to hold our politicos feet to the fire. 

Isn't the rumours that PM is now on the payroll?

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50 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Fair bit of grumbling from our local unvaxxed, as the realisation of what's going to happen sinks in. Amusing.

Their choice, their problem.  I suspect they have been waiting for something that will allow them to shout about being discriminated against.

Sympathies with those who can't have the jab and those who haven't had the jab because of their age, but the alternative of test and isolate is hardly onerous. 

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2 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Isn't the rumours that PM is now on the payroll?

To be honest Manx Radio is the Nations Propaganda Mouthpiece, the Newspapers are shit scared of coming up with real investigative journalism or criticism for fear of losing valuable Government advertising, press notices in the courier etc. I’m afraid that the Cabinet Office or other Civil Service Press Officer Posts are a go to role, especially if you want steady reliable employment- job for life! 

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2 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Their choice, their problem.  I suspect they have been waiting for something that will allow them to shout about being discriminated against.

Sympathies with those who can't have the jab and those who haven't had the jab because of their age, but the alternative of test and isolate is hardly onerous. 

It’s not I agree but it’s becoming cumbersome and annoying, especially when this island treats people different, one rule for one and one rule for another. 

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5 minutes ago, 2112 said:

It’s not I agree but it’s becoming cumbersome and annoying, especially when this island treats people different, one rule for one and one rule for another. 

Got to agree

Would love to see the reaction if the over 50s had to isolate and test and pay for the privilege, and the youngsters were able to travel freely.

Gagster Grannies everywhere I reckon 

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34 minutes ago, trmpton said:

Got to agree

Would love to see the reaction if the over 50s had to isolate and test and pay for the privilege, and the youngsters were able to travel freely.

Gagster Grannies everywhere I reckon 

I can envisage more Government confusion, muddled thinking and bullshit, especially if there is another variant (this virus has a habit of mutating) of concern found. It’s all well and good IOMG fantasising about motorbikes, wetting themselves over heritage railways, and having orgasms thinking they will get a slice of the tourism market. The way things are going, it’s doubtful there will be a TT. Let’s face it the vaccination program, will probably take until the end of the year, by which stage the clinicians will probably decide everyone will need boosters. The speed IOMG are taking, it will be best to cancel the TT as we can’t be too careful, certain sectors of society won’t have had their boosters and what if a biker brings in a infection? 

…………….. I am being sarcastic, but this train of thought may be in some peoples mind. We can’t go on like this.

Edited by 2112
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1 hour ago, 2112 said:

To be honest Manx Radio is the Nations Propaganda Mouthpiece, the Newspapers are shit scared of coming up with real investigative journalism or criticism for fear of losing valuable Government advertising, press notices in the courier etc. I’m afraid that the Cabinet Office or other Civil Service Press Officer Posts are a go to role, especially if you want steady reliable employment- job for life! 

The public notices are a slam dunk, they are a requirement for various legal processes, AND for company dissolutions etc.  they are paid for by the company, probably the same for other notices like planning.  So the govt can't deprive the papers of that income to keep them on side without changing legislation, despite what everyone thinks. 

As for the non-statutory advertising, is there really that much? 

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1 hour ago, 2112 said:

It’s not I agree but it’s becoming cumbersome and annoying, especially when this island treats people different, one rule for one and one rule for another. 

Is it really that cumbersome?  I agree it might be annoying, but it really isn't that hard now and the rules are the same for everyone if they meet certain criteria.  

I have not held back with criticism, and I really did not think they would go down the vaccine qualification route.  I am glad they have as we now have relative border freedom.  For those that are anti-vax, tough. For the rest, there is freedom or a modicum of inconvenience. 

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2 hours ago, 2112 said:

To be honest Manx Radio is the Nations Propaganda Mouthpiece, the Newspapers are shit scared of coming up with real investigative journalism or criticism for fear of losing valuable Government advertising, press notices in the courier etc. I’m afraid that the Cabinet Office or other Civil Service Press Officer Posts are a go to role, especially if you want steady reliable employment- job for life! 

That's bullshit right there.  The newspapers are behind a large number of FOIs.

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1 hour ago, Gladys said:

Is it really that cumbersome?  I agree it might be annoying, but it really isn't that hard now and the rules are the same for everyone if they meet certain criteria.  

I have not held back with criticism, and I really did not think they would go down the vaccine qualification route.  I am glad they have as we now have relative border freedom.  For those that are anti-vax, tough. For the rest, there is freedom or a modicum of inconvenience. 

Just for clarity. Are you in the modicum of inconvenience group, or the absolutely allowed to come and go to and from the UK as much as you want for no cost and with no short term inconvenience, or potential for 14 days of isolation group?

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3 minutes ago, trmpton said:

Just for clarity. Are you in the modicum of inconvenience group, or the absolutely allowed to come and go to and from the UK as much as you want for no cost and with no short term inconvenience, or potential for 14 days of isolation group?

For clarity, I am in the group that has to wait before free travel.  I have to wait for my second jab to be effective. 

Also, for clarity, I have no plans to go off island in the next month or so.  Nevertheless, I had taken up the option to have the vax, not for my own plans, but because I thought it was right to take up every offer to position myself and in the general fight against this virus. 

For further clarity, can you explain which may be the 14 day isolation group?

There comes a time when we have to accept that this is it, the best we have and let's hope it continues to get better. 

Not wanting to personalise this, but, you have been vociferous in your personal issues and I had a great deal of sympathy for you, particularly when you explained your family situation.  But, please, we are on the way now. 

From a personal perspective, these measures now allow my brother to travel over to scatter our Mum's ashes after she died last year and he could not travel to attend her funeral.  So, I currently have a box on a shelf waiting for the proper send off she should have had.

Everyone has had a personal story in all this, don't think yours is the only one. 


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