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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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11 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

You care

Really dont.

Go back to normal.  Stop testing people. Stop stressing about it. Stop letting it negatively impact on peoples lives and businesses.

If the press stopped reporting it and we stopped testing it would just become like flu and people would forget about it - in the same way people forget about the people in the UK currently being killed by flu and pneumonia to a factor of ten more than are "with" COVID.

I just want my life back and to be able to conduct my two businesses normally again.  One of which is still being heavily impacted and one of which has basically been mothballed for over a year now.

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14 minutes ago, trmpton said:

I rest my case.

Double jabbed people aren’t going to be wandering around infecting unvaccinated people and putting them in hospital.  The figures in the UK already show this.  Canada, America, lots of other places are removing all restrictions for the fully vaccinated.  It isn’t some weird Manx only thing.

There is huge amounts of science and statistics behind it.

Chances are you could quite happily spend a whole day out and about with no vaccine in the company of a double jabbed “spreader” and be fine.

A vaccinated case in the presence of a none vaccinated person is very, very unlikely to pass it on.  If they do there are of course far less people for that person to then pass it onto - because vaccine.


‘Rest my case’ this is a discussion not an argument, if you can’t see there are different sides to this debate that makes you part of the problem.

The IOM is exactly the ‘weird Manx only thing’ that you say it’s not, we handled the virus in a completely fashion to the UK, Canada and America and as such we can’t be compared to them. The ‘fear’ you see from the Manx public is due the way in which the virus was handled here and the shift from the elimination strategy to the migration strategy.

Anything to do with the vaccine is all hopes & dreams or best guess work and assumptions, nothing has scientifically proven as yet. Statistically it appears that the virus is spreading but the hospitalisations are down, it’s not known at this stage whether this is due to a weaker mutation or vaccination, either way that is good news.

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11 minutes ago, trmpton said:

Really dont.

Go back to normal.  Stop testing people. Stop stressing about it. Stop letting it negatively impact on peoples lives and businesses.

If the press stopped reporting it and we stopped testing it would just become like flu and people would forget about it - in the same way people forget about the people in the UK currently being killed by flu and pneumonia to a factor of ten more than are "with" COVID.

I just want my life back and to be able to conduct my two businesses normally again.  One of which is still being heavily impacted and one of which has basically been mothballed for over a year now.

Oh FFS, if you want to go back to normal then why are you happy restrictions are being imposed on unvaccinated folk? Yet Vaccinated folk who can still spread the virus can carry on as normal? The border should be open for everyone, this nonsense of only letting vaccinated people travel freely is utterly ridiculous.

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1 hour ago, 2112 said:


 Is HRH The Chief Minister implying that as IOMG are keeping The Nations Propaganda Mouthpiece afloat/alive by form of taxpayers cash, then they have to give HRH The Chief Minister preferrential publicity? 


No he’s not. He just asked that Manx Radio provide balanced news, which seems reasonable enough, subventions or no subvention.

He was also disappointed that MR sensationalized  the issue. I note that he has been cleared of any breach of regulations.

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14 minutes ago, trmpton said:

Really dont.

Go back to normal.  Stop testing people. Stop stressing about it. Stop letting it negatively impact on peoples lives and businesses.

If the press stopped reporting it and we stopped testing it would just become like flu and people would forget about it - in the same way people forget about the people in the UK currently being killed by flu and pneumonia to a factor of ten more than are "with" COVID.

I just want my life back and to be able to conduct my two businesses normally again.  One of which is still being heavily impacted and one of which has basically been mothballed for over a year now.

You expend and waste a lot of energy saying what is quite correct.

Understand that the Manx public and large swathes of the British population have been scared to their wits end & it's relentless. July 19 cannot come quick enough. Then it is every man for himself and freedom becomes a choice.   

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7 minutes ago, Annoymouse said:

Anything to do with the vaccine is all hopes & dreams or best guess work and assumptions, nothing has scientifically proven as yet.

Do you not think the data from all the countries worldwide in a similar position to us show us it is way beyond "hopes & dreams or best guess work and assumptions"?

Not having a dig, its a genuine question.  I personally take great relief from seeing the huge differences the vaccine has clearly made all over the world in countries that pre vaccine were really struggling?

Those real and quantifiable improvements are personally, all I need to see.  What else should we be waiting for?

Edited by trmpton
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1 minute ago, trmpton said:

Do you not think the data from all the countries worldwide in a similar position to us show us it is way beyond "hopes & dreams or best guess work and assumptions"?

Not having a did, its a genuine question.  I personally take great relief from seeing the huge differences the vaccine has clearly made all over the world in countries that pre vaccine were really struggling?

Those real and quantifiable improvements are personally, all I need to see.  What else should we be waiting for?

It’s impossible to say at this stage whether the vaccine has made the difference or if the virus has simply ran it’s course/ran out of people to infect, it’s thought and certainly hoped it’s the vaccine doing the work but it’s a long way off being a scientifically proven fact and until that’s proven it’s a best guess/assumption.

The fear at the moment is a vaccine resistant strain could come about and we’ll end up back to square one, but I’m not really interested in living in fear and I’ve personally had enough, hence I say the border should be open for everyone, not just the vaccinated.

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1 hour ago, The Voice of Reason said:

No he’s not. He just asked that Manx Radio provide balanced news, which seems reasonable enough, subventions or no subvention.

He was also disappointed that MR sensationalized  the issue. I note that he has been cleared of any breach of regulations.

But were the correct laws applied?  

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1 hour ago, The Voice of Reason said:

No he’s not. He just asked that Manx Radio provide balanced news, which seems reasonable enough, subventions or no subvention.

He was also disappointed that MR sensationalized  the issue. I note that he has been cleared of any breach of regulations.

The original Manx Radio report seems fair and balanced enough. No sensationalism there:



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1 hour ago, Declan said:

Have you also noticed the riposte  has come through the Government's new official broadcaster of choice the IOM Constabulary's Media Page. 

It's totally inappropriate for the Police to be engaged as a broadcast media in political matters.

It could certainly be worded better I think:

The police have received complaints from the public in relation to the recent report by Manx Radio about the Chief Minister visiting the Hospice within 10 days of returning to the island.

An investigation has been conducted into the circumstances and it is clear that the management team at the Hospice have given Mr Quayle permission to attend, this is one of the exceptions set out in regulations and specifically listed in Mr Quayle’s direction notice.

The Hospice and the Cabinet office had planned the visit and made various provisions that would allow his attendance to take place. No restrictions were breached by the Chief Minster and following consultation with the Attorney General’s Chambers, the Police will not be taking any further action.

Although it mentions consulting with the AG's Office, any decision about whether to proceed would surely be entirely in the latter's hands because this would be a decision based on interpretation of the law and regulations (and whether the regulations were legal under the law).  There is no dispute as to the facts of the case (ie that Quayle went to the Hospice), which would be more the role of the police in determining.  

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3 hours ago, trmpton said:

The talk of percentages confuses people, and the message about overall  reduction of risk hasn’t got through.

Eg, a 70% reduction in risk of hospitalisation and a 80% reduction in risk of transmission doesn’t mean 20% of the population are still going to get it and 30% of those  end up in Nobles.

The level of reduction in risk is way, way more than that (as evidenced by figures in the UK)

I really don’t know how they get that across to people, but really think they need to try.

This is the issue and I think part of the problem is that we don’t have anyone credible or intelligent enough who would be allowed the platform to get this information across. If proper medical experts and statisticians were allowed access to the government PR machine, maybe the public would be more able to understand the risks and be reassured.

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3 hours ago, Annoymouse said:

Unfortunately what you and the rest of the world are relying on is best guesswork, until the trials are actually complete nobody actually knows for certain what difference the vaccine makes, it’s design is to reduce hospitalisations, if it reduces transmission (not currently confirmed, only hoped at this stage) then all well and good.

As for my way of thinking, if someone double vaccinated spreads Covid19 around without realising it as the vaccine has made them effectively asymptomatic (again not currently confirmed, but it’s thought) then we’re just setting ourselves up for a perfect storm of vaccinated people spreading the virus to what’s left of the unvaccinated population, in which case why have any restrictions? what is the risk in having unvaccinated people travel other than to themselves?

They do Biology GCSE at the college. If you want to understand it then enrol


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