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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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10 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

If you could infer anything from Howards tone of voice, it would be along the lines of:-

“ Thank God I’m out of here in the next few months. I won’t have to listen to anymore of these whinging ungrateful idiots for whom I have worked tirelessly, including saving them from the worst ravages of COVID 19”

If you seek office, you need to be thick skinned, and also be prepared for long hours and be in it not for the money. I think HRH The Chief Minister is obsessed with plaudits, pats on the back, recognition and acceptance by his peers - needy. He wasn’t prepared to upset the apple cart and address the elephants in the room. His leadership and regime wasn’t just focusing on COVID-19 though it has taken nearly 18 months of his administration. During which many errors have taken place, and his issue with certain professional people hadn’t endeared him to sections of society.

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19 minutes ago, Cambon said:

I would agree with you except for three things. 

1, Only just over 1/3 of our population had been double jabbed. Just under 2/3 single jab. That leaves an awful lot of unvaccinated and partially vaccinated people who are vulnerable. On top of that, those over 75 and high risk infirm are still high risk even with two jabs. 

2, UK infection rates are again rising exponentially. Their vaccination program is further ahead. Approximately four times as many people have had the virus there compared to here. On top of that, they have masks, distancing and loads of other restrictions in place. And it is still spreading like mad. That will leave us in a very bad state if the virus gets into the community here with the current lack of restriction.

3, Children are most at risk of catching it now. It does not affect them as badly as adults. In fact they often have no symptoms (although all five kids I know who had it over here were all symptomatic). The problem is they go home to parents and grand parents, many who are unvaccinated, part vaccinated and waiting for protection to build up, or fully vaccinated and waiting for protection to build up. 

We are nearly there, but not quite yet. Blame it partly on the two week holiday, partly on the playing about with vaccination schedule, or the tardy start. It does not matter. We are well and truly behind. 

@Cambon. Thats the best post I have ever seen you make. We are not in a good place. This is due to very poor planning and lack of foresight. 

However we are too far down the road to change tack now. It will have to be what it is. No one in our government is going to own up to being responsible. 

With a fair wind and a bit of good fortune, we might get away with it. The next 2 weeks will be critical. The alternative is not palatable - It would involve the Isle of Man being closed for business for another 4 weeks beyond the 28th. 

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7 minutes ago, 2112 said:

If you seek office, you need to be thick                                            and be in it    for the money.                                                       obsessed with plaudits, pats on the back, recognition and acceptance                   needy                                                                                       many errors

There,that's much better.

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25 minutes ago, Gladys said:

You do understand that the majority of communication comes from things like tone, inflection, body language? The words are relatively way down the list.

Yes body language is the first thing I look for when listening to the Today programme in the morning. I never listen to what the participants are actually saying.

Words ( and actions) are what politicians are judged on. Not their manner of delivery.

Edited by The Voice of Reason
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40 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

The worst ravages of covid 19 have been fucking lockdowns, of which he has presided over three.

And caused two (well, his administration have and if he wants to take the glory for the good times you have to take the rough with the smooth)


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23 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

@Cambon. Thats the best post I have ever seen you make. We are not in a good place. This is due to very poor planning and lack of foresight. 

However we are too far down the road to change tack now. It will have to be what it is. No one in our government is going to own up to being responsible. 

With a fair wind and a bit of good fortune, we might get away with it. The next 2 weeks will be critical. The alternative is not palatable - It would involve the Isle of Man being closed for business for another 4 weeks beyond the 28th. 

That is pretty much how I see it too. It is fingers crossed, basically! 

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2 hours ago, Happier diner said:

They do Biology GCSE at the college. If you want to understand it then enrol


It’s not me trying to say the data is out there when it isn’t, I’m waiting for the scientific reports from people more qualified than I could ever dream to be. You’re making the assumption that lower case numbers are due to mass vaccination, yes that’s likely, yes it’s probably a good assumption but as yet it’s not a proven fact.

1 hour ago, Happier diner said:

However we are too far down the road to change tack now. It will have to be what it is. No one in our government is going to own up to being responsible. 

With a fair wind and a bit of good fortune, we might get away with it. The next 2 weeks will be critical. The alternative is not palatable - It would involve the Isle of Man being closed for business for another 4 weeks beyond the 28th. 

Well the unpalatable would be a vaccine resistant strain, perhaps mixing vaccinated and unvaccinated people together with no testing, no mask wearing and no social distancing might well give it the opportunity it needs to mutate, who knows.

The new Manx variant would at least get us on the map, they do say that all publicity is good publicity.


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