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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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51 minutes ago, doc.fixit said:

Well, we've just spent at least 30 mins trying to find the times of opening for the covid test centre on the govt. site. Still haven't found them! Now maybe it's our fault but why aren't the times right there in front of the searcher? Maybe they are but they are not obvious to us. Like ALL govt. docs they are full of unnecessary descriptions of what they have done.

Make it simple, who, what, where, when, that's all we need!

By the way, what are the opening times of the covid test centre?

its it was open an hour ago

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20 minutes ago, Happier diner said:


This is why your statement saying the manufacturers 'designed' the vaccine to have a 6 week period between jabs was incorrect



I didn't say that bit. 

My point was that the US has followed the evidence the designers/manufactures/whatever had at the time and recommended. I appreciate evidence will change over the longer term and it may bear out that longer gaps are better, but the FACTS are that the US has hammered in the second doses as fast as advised, no messing around ( like changing from 4 to 12 weeks and then back down to 8) and they're finding it much easier to open up as a result.

Edited by TheTeapot
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46 minutes ago, John Wright said:

That’s total nonsense.

Anyone pregnant. No vaccine yet.

Anyone with severe allergic reaction. No vaccine yet.

lots of other contraindications. None of them meaning those people are vulnerable to all sorts of bugs.

That’s total nonsense.  JCVI advise pregnant women get vaccinated with the rest of their age group. Similarly, if allergic to things you can generally have the vaccine, or at least one of them - if not Pfizer then AZ is ok etc.

There are very few who genuinely cannot be vaccinated. 

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52 minutes ago, Flyingfemme said:

Anybody who, truly, cannot have the vaccinations must be very vulnerable to all sorts of bugs. They will have to either accept the risks and get out there or choose to live a pretty enclosed and limited life. My question to them (and others) would be, what have they done until now? Worn masks in flu season? Avoided contact with children? Kept out of crowded places?


I just ask for the freedom to continue life without being penalised for being medically unable to be vaccinated. I accept the risk and want to carry on life, but Government won't seem to let me.


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9 minutes ago, AlanShimmin said:


I just ask for the freedom to continue life without being penalised for being medically unable to be vaccinated. I accept the risk and want to carry on life, but Government won't seem to let me.


I would imagine the time will come when a certain % has been vaccinated that it won't matter if a minority can't be vaccinated so then everyone will be able to do as they please. I believe New York opened completely after 70% of their adults were vaccinated.

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1 hour ago, John Wright said:

Anyone pregnant. No vaccine yet.

NHS are still actually pushing vaccination if you're pregnant.  However, whilst being pro-vax, I'd be reticent about my wife having it if pregnant.  Not enough time has elapsed for any meaningful results and it's quite the risk... 

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I can't help but think that it would be better if IOMGov stopped putting out stupid press releases all because 1 person somewhere caught COVID. I get their 'communications' team will be wanting to justify their over the top salaries but it just adds to hysteria.

Cases always gonna happen. What does it matter? Just carry on as normal and keep updating the dashboard.

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1 hour ago, the stinking enigma said:

Any figures available wrighty?

I’ve had a look, and nothing definitive that I can find. Get @Roger Mexicoon the case.

Incidence of anaphylaxis to mRNA vaccines is between 2.5 and 11.1 per million doses apparently. That’s pretty low.

It is clear however that general vaccine hesitancy, for whatever reason, whether reasonable or tin-foil-hat, is a much bigger problem in achieving herd immunity than the very few who genuinely can’t have a vaccine or in whom it won’t work.  And they are exactly the people that need there to be herd immunity…

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3 hours ago, the stinking enigma said:

Your definition of bed wetting is anyone not dressed as a red indian chanting some half wit slogan. Maybe you need to re-calibrate?

No - you are head of the line.  You need to open your stinking eyes, Enigma.

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2 hours ago, winnie said:



2 hours ago, HeliX said:

How many will develop long covid, putting serious strain on our health service in the decades to come? 

.............................and how many won't?  By being a CV Health service it has put itself under strain that will take a decade to relieve - aside form the fact that the NHS has exposed a myriad of failings.

How many will be afflicted with cancer, heart disease, kidney failure, diabetes: the list is endless that CV has just added itself to it.  Any sense of proportion has been shattered by the relentless messaging that CV is the doomsday bug and so many on this forum have become infected.

As many of us here have been saying seemingly for ever - this is here, we have to accept and get on with life.  If you don't want to, then take appropriate precautions as you would against contracting, or mitigating against, any other disease or illness.

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