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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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1 hour ago, NoTailT said:

Isn't opening times more dependent on volume of tests? It's not exactly bloody Shoprite.

From experience I've always been offered tests up to around 230pm. But it's always depended on volume. I'd say if you fly in the morning or arrive on the overnight boat you're in a good place to pre-book a test. Assume to be offered a slot 1030/11 readily if you want one for around then.

Love Shoprite :) On the Liverpool morning sailing so pm arrival - and so you have referenced something I’ve been thinking about - travel overnight and be able to get the children tested first thing in the morning or travel during the day and risk waiting for a test. 

Edited by SimonBradshaw
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12 minutes ago, SimonBradshaw said:

Love Shoprite :) On the Liverpool morning sailing so pm arrival - and so you have referenced something I’ve been thinking about - travel overnight and be able to get the children tested first thing in the morning or travel during the day and risk waiting for a test. 

As with my recent trip back to Island, overnight crossing, test booked 0935am and got the all clear by 1745 same day.

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22 hours ago, John Wright said:

Yes, but no one from IOM can yet prove vaccination status internationally. The data upload to NHS App doesn’t yet seem to have been performed to the extent necessary to generate the QR certificate.

But there's the additional complication that some countries may not even accept the NHS app.   Malta accepts the EU Digital COVID Certificates, but:

From 30 June 2021, all arrivals from the UK need to present proof of full vaccination (2 doses). Only the paper version of the NHS COVID vaccination letter, with subject 'Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination confirmation: two doses received', will be accepted, not the digital app version, nor a printout from the digital app.

Whether a similar Manx letter would be accepted is another matter.

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14 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

But there's the additional complication that some countries may not even accept the NHS app.   Malta accepts the EU Digital COVID Certificates, but:

From 30 June 2021, all arrivals from the UK need to present proof of full vaccination (2 doses). Only the paper version of the NHS COVID vaccination letter, with subject 'Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination confirmation: two doses received', will be accepted, not the digital app version, nor a printout from the digital app.

Whether a similar Manx letter would be accepted is another matter.

Pretty sure it’ll be temporary. There are advanced negotiations for reciprocal EU/UK recognition. They should both be designed to the WHO recommendations

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Just had my 2nd jab this morning, all very smooth and efficient. Including the traffic warden who was booking cars parked in the disabled parking spaces outside Chester St 😄

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On 6/29/2021 at 8:54 AM, doc.fixit said:

Well, we've just spent at least 30 mins trying to find the times of opening for the covid test centre on the govt. site. Still haven't found them! Now maybe it's our fault but why aren't the times right there in front of the searcher? Maybe they are but they are not obvious to us. Like ALL govt. docs they are full of unnecessary descriptions of what they have done.

Make it simple, who, what, where, when, that's all we need!

By the way, what are the opening times of the covid test centre?

Had an email back this morning stating that the testing centre usual hours are 9-4.

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2 minutes ago, SimonBradshaw said:

Had an email back this morning stating that the testing centre usual hours are 9-4.

They haven't returned our request.

I still think the web site is a disaster as far as easily accessed primary information goes.

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1 minute ago, doc.fixit said:

They haven't returned our request.

I still think the web site is a disaster as far as easily accessed primary information goes.

Their while website is a bit of a disaster. Malfunctions on online tax return page. Can you find any links to https://consult.gov.im from gov.im? I tried a while ago and couldn't find any.

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17 minutes ago, The Old Git said:

Their while website is a bit of a disaster. Malfunctions on online tax return page. Can you find any links to https://consult.gov.im from gov.im? I tried a while ago and couldn't find any.

Main page - blue box at the top - link to Government Consultations.

that takes you to a page with a link for the hub



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What’s going to happen come the school holidays & the U.K. is fully reopened & more European destinations added to the Green list.

Are Manx families going to be expected to fork out for PCR tests & day 1, day 6 testing, isolation requirements while our neighbours come & go as they please?

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18 hours ago, John Wright said:

Straight off the vaccination dashboard. I’m inclined to agree, and I think @Roger Mexico does as well. The figures aren’t reliable. In fact 80+ chimes in at 102% so I rounded down.

I can’t see where they got the 72,000 population (17-100) figure from, either. I think it’s Drs lists. I suspect there may be a few ghost patients. Or 2016 census was way out.

I think there's just a lot of confusion about population figures in any case - the 2016 Census wasn't handled well and there seems to have been little done to update the figures even to reflect the passage of time, never mind changes due to movement on and off the Island using data derived from other sources.  You can't get 100% accuracy (as ONS will no doubt find out when the UK Census figures come out this Autumn) but it's better than not even looking at the figures in case you discover something embarrassing.

But in this case the way they did the various Priority Groups meant there was a lot of double counting and the way age-based and other groups (health workers, CEVs UHCs) were combined in the same PGs meant it was very difficult to keep track of and there was a lot of double counting.  Again you suspect trying to conceal embarrassing facts may have take priority over accurate information - even for their own use.  I added up the group targets back in May and they came to 86,123 - more than the 2016 population and that's without any under-16s.  So percentages based on those have to taken very cautiously.

But even without those problems, there are some inherent difficulties in vaccination statistics.  There was a Guardian article earlier in the month entitled "Have more than 100% of older people been vaccinated".  Partly it's due to population estimates but there are other factors.  PGs were based on people's age at the end of last year when they got the data from GPs, but vaccination records were on how old they are at the moment[1].  People die or move off Island after being vaccinated and other arrive.  Some people live between different countries and may be missed off Censuses but still validly registered with doctors here.


[1]  I've just checked this and they seem to have altered this very recently (was this the cause of the breakdown over the weekend?), though what to I'm not sure.

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