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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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33 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

The very clear subtext is that they aren’t going to be asking too many questions or doing too many tests (or insisting on people self isolating etc) other than making it look like they’re doing just enough to placate a small majority of people who still think they should be doing something. 

The subtext is going to be much more subtle than that. Manxies won’t get into most places abroad. The info hasn’t been uploaded to the App. So no need to test.

The excuse will be that NHS England hasn’t uploaded the data because they’ve other priorities. The truth might be nearer to IOM delaying sending it. After all they’ve only had six months to prepare.

However whether it’s deliberate or incompetence is hard to know.

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11 minutes ago, John Wright said:

The subtext is going to be much more subtle than that. Manxies won’t get into most places abroad. The info hasn’t been uploaded to the App. So no need to test.

The excuse will be that NHS England hasn’t uploaded the data because they’ve other priorities. The truth might be nearer to IOM delaying sending it. After all they’ve only had six months to prepare.

However whether it’s deliberate or incompetence is hard to know.

Frightened the island will empty out for the remainder of the summer more like.

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28 minutes ago, John Wright said:

The subtext is going to be much more subtle than that. Manxies won’t get into most places abroad. The info hasn’t been uploaded to the App. So no need to test.

The excuse will be that NHS England hasn’t uploaded the data because they’ve other priorities. The truth might be nearer to IOM delaying sending it. After all they’ve only had six months to prepare.

However whether it’s deliberate or incompetence is hard to know.

It may just be that they simply lack the ability. 

Ashford said they were incapable of re-booking C.17,000 appointments to avoid the 2 week vaccine holiday. 

So perhaps they lack the skills to upload C.60,000+ vaccine records?

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4 minutes ago, AlanShimmin said:

It may just be that they simply lack the ability. 

Ashford said they were incapable of re-booking C.17,000 appointments to avoid the 2 week vaccine holiday. 

So perhaps they lack the skills to upload C.60,000+ vaccine records?

4 week vaccine holiday. 

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1 hour ago, Utah 01 said:

No- there are no longer any reasons for either.

 'We' are diving further and further into this black hole of irrational decision making and unless the brakes are applied this could go on forever -  and for no reason.  Everyone needs to get their heads from out of their derrieres and stop using up immeasurable amounts of nervous fretting and energy on what should now be declared over and done with.

The only reason why 'they' have any reason to keep any restrictions i place is because 'they' have no confidence in the vaccines - and if that is ever shown to be the case 'they' all deserve what will come to them.


There is a very good reason. We are a month behind on vaccines. Just over half the population are double jabbed. Needs to be around 70% for herd immunity to start to kick in

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1 hour ago, John Wright said:

The subtext is going to be much more subtle than that. Manxies won’t get into most places abroad. The info hasn’t been uploaded to the App. So no need to test.

Realistically though, no hurry. We've all been all over the world for decades. But now seems like a good time to appreciate being at home.

I don't reckon many sensible people are planning to go far for the moment - it's not really worth the bother. And those who really have a pressing family need can get it done with paperwork and quarantines.


Edited by pongo
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20 minutes ago, Cambon said:

There is a very good reason. We are a month behind on vaccines. Just over half the population are double jabbed. Needs to be around 70% for herd immunity to start to kick in

Since when does a 2 week hiatus result in a month gap? Unless you count the delay at the start? But we wouldn’t have been any further ahead, due to supply.

61% of the adult population are double jabbed. At current rate all those who’ve had one jab will be double jabbed before end July. 93.15% of the adult population have had their first jab.

UK has done 85% one jab and 63% second.

Its not a race. But UK and IOM will both cross the finish line around the same time, but with IOM having a higher percentage vaccinated, if those figures are correct.

There'll be stragglers getting first doses through July and August and seconds into September. UK has been doing a steady 170,000 a day. Last 2 weeks IOM has done 1,000 a day. The IOM rate is 4x the per capita rate.

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56 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

I agree there’s something rather lazy/sinister about the lack of integration with the UK App having tried to use it myself. Perhaps they’re trying to put off the inevitable when people have better places to go to again and IOM retail starts to struggle as everyone’s back spending money in Europe or further afield? 

Hanlon's razor. Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity

Remember PHE started missing off COVID cases on their dashboard because the excel sheet got too big...

The end result will probably be someone sending an updated spreadsheet off at the end of each day to feed into the system, they're just working out how to generate it.

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I find it a bit odd that the NHS app has full details of my current medication and recent test results but not vaccination information. If test results from 18th June are available, why not vaccinations that where done before that?

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5 minutes ago, kevster said:

I find it a bit odd that the NHS app has full details of my current medication and recent test results but not vaccination information. If test results from 18th June are available, why not vaccinations that where done before that?

The vaccinations ( and other things) are available from any date in both Patient Access and NHS App, within the GP record and Immunisation sub section, as long as your GP practice has uploaded it. However that isn’t the source of the separate Vaccination Certificate, which is a different section on NHS App. 

That section derives the information via a system called Pinnacle, not the rest of the App. The IOM vaccination information wasn’t input to Pinnacle as it was done. So it has to be converted, uploaded and then imported to the vaccination certificate section.

The info on the immunisation part of the App will get you back into the Island. It won’t get you into events or foreign countries.

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11 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

Remember PHE started missing off COVID cases on their dashboard because the excel sheet got too big...

Most of the world's problems over the past 20 years have related in some way to Excel being used for something that goes way beyond its limits.

The 45 minutes claim in that infamous wmd dossier was probably a Excel rounding issue.

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7 minutes ago, pongo said:

Most of the world's problems over the past 20 years have related in some way to Excel being used for something that goes way beyond its limits.

The 45 minutes claim in that infamous wmd dossier was probably a Excel rounding issue.

Do you know, I think you are on to something there. Too much reliance on the end product with little understanding of how the data has been crunched to get there.

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