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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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5 minutes ago, snowman said:

Make that 50 minutes

It is pants but won’t change now.  Should be at the ports as you come through.

Few more weeks and they will have done away with it so guess they figured it wasn’t worth the cost, same as a super simple way of booking the test online.


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4 hours ago, oooohtony said:

 Hearing several stories of the GMP being particularly unwelcoming towards visitors.

Witnessed it myself in town last night. Locals chosing to go to packed bars and then complaining at people who have come here and are spending in our economy telling them that they should be wearing masks and weren’t welcome.

Embarrassing.  People have lost their minds.  Anyone who believes they are really at any significant risk now needs to give their head a wobble.

And people who keep talking about “the rest of the world” still having masks and restrictions need to pick up an atlas and a newspaper.

Significantly more of the worlds population are continuing to live without masks and distancing than those who are.

Well anyone with half a brain could have predicted that, tourists are allowed here with no restrictions if they have had 2 jabs so are using it as an opportunity to get away from their own countries restrictions/rising case numbers. I’ve been out for most of today, I witnessed plenty of people coughing/sneezing in to their hands, hardly anyone using hand gel and perhaps at most 1 in 50 people wearing a mask, you would never think in a million years that we’ve just been through one of the worst pandemics of our lifetime. I’ll be absolutely amazed if this doesn’t come round and bite us on the arse, it seems to be completely unsustainable but at least people seem to be enjoying it while it lasts.

Lots of talk about the UK keeping some restrictions in place come ‘Freedom day’ oh well, come to the Isle of Man where you can enjoy total freedom right now, why wait?

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11 hours ago, Annoymouse said:

Well anyone with half a brain could have predicted that, tourists are allowed here with no restrictions if they have had 2 jabs so are using it as an opportunity to get away from their own countries restrictions/rising case numbers. I’ve been out for most of today, I witnessed plenty of people coughing/sneezing in to their hands, hardly anyone using hand gel and perhaps at most 1 in 50 people wearing a mask, you would never think in a million years that we’ve just been through one of the worst pandemics of our lifetime. I’ll be absolutely amazed if this doesn’t come round and bite us on the arse, it seems to be completely unsustainable but at least people seem to be enjoying it while it lasts.

Lots of talk about the UK keeping some restrictions in place come ‘Freedom day’ oh well, come to the Isle of Man where you can enjoy total freedom right now, why wait?

Why do people have to be such doom mongers?

Is there any evidence anywhere that we are actually going to see any significant levels off illness as a result of the inevitable rise in cases?

Cases are going up pretty quickly in the UK, helping to achieve levels of immunity in the young and unvaccinated.  It’s a good thing.

Deaths for the last 7 days I can find are about 18 a day.  That’s down again on the week before.

18 a day for any reason within 28 days of a positive test.

18 a day out of about 67 million people.

That is a tiny, tiny number being skewed upwards by the within 28 days, as it includes people who would have died anyway for other reasons.

There are less deaths than usual for this time of year every week now since the end of February.

Pages 59-62 show excess deaths but there are pages and pages of official graphs and statistics here.  All showing cases increasing but that deaths aren’t.  I can’t find a single bit of information in the whole document that would give cause for concern to anyone who looks at the figures with a level head.  That is, in realistic terms accepting that 18 deaths a day in the whole UK is a total none event when compared to all the other things people unfortunately die from.

If we are all going to run from figures like that then we need to look at banning fags, beer, crisps, sugar etc etc all of which kill more people, and none of us ever leave our homes again.

I don’t understand why people can’t look at current figures and see the huge impact the vaccine programme has had and be positive that why can now, undoubtedly, get our lives back.

I am proud of most of us on island now cracking on without fear.  I only wish the government would be a bit braver and quit the testing and just let us crack on.  There is no way on earth there will be any significant or notable level of illness or deaths now.



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1 hour ago, Ham_N_Eggs said:

Going to be interesting to see how this comment has aged in six weeks.

Go for it.  I will be astounded if we have seen a single death as a direct result of someone catching COVID, and am confident you could extend that to 6 months.

If 18 a day continue to die in the UK for six weeks that is 0.0012 percent of their population.

So same death rate here would mean 1 death in the six week period on the island.  Since they have a significant head start on us, hundreds of thousands currently infected, I think a rational thinking person can see we are good to go.



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1 minute ago, oooohtony said:

Go for it.  I will be astounded if we have seen a single death as a direct result of someone catching COVID, and am confident you could extend that to 6 months.

If 18 a day continue to die in the UK for six weeks that is 0.0012 percent of their population.

So same death rate here would mean 1 death in the six week period on the island.  Since they have a significant head start on us, hundreds of thousands currently infected, I think a rational thinking person can see we are good to go.



I agree Tony


IOM currently has 38 active case of those ZERO are in hospital 

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21 minutes ago, oooohtony said:

Go for it.  I will be astounded if we have seen a single death as a direct result of someone catching COVID, and am confident you could extend that to 6 months.

If 18 a day continue to die in the UK for six weeks that is 0.0012 percent of their population.

So same death rate here would mean 1 death in the six week period on the island.  Since they have a significant head start on us, hundreds of thousands currently infected, I think a rational thinking person can see we are good to go.



This is where you make the mistake.


With covid all rational thinking seems to go out the window 

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The Nations Propaganda Mouthpiece this morning has the Chief Cuntstable saying the police acting ‘gung ho’. They couldn’t do ‘Kung fu’. Acting like a dictatorial agents of the state, as directed by Ashie I would say. 

Still this Tynpotwald Day the Chief Cuntstable will dressed up in his Dictators outfit ready to creep and fawn to his masters. Then join in with the festivities afterwards, and not forgetting the Tynpotwald Banquet. Then his underlings can then lock up the peasants on trumped up COVID-19 charges. 

Edited by 2112
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1 hour ago, oooohtony said:

Go for it.  I will be astounded if we have seen a single death as a direct result of someone catching COVID, and am confident you could extend that to 6 months.

If 18 a day continue to die in the UK for six weeks that is 0.0012 percent of their population.

So same death rate here would mean 1 death in the six week period on the island.  Since they have a significant head start on us, hundreds of thousands currently infected, I think a rational thinking person can see we are good to go.



First off, it's not about the current death rate, or hospitalisation. It's about how those are changing week on week as things happen. That chart paints a much less whimsical picture. You are familiar with exponential growth right?

The best spin they can put on it so far is that we have exponential case growth whilst hospitalisation is following a more linear trend. The other thing is, the positivity has been creeping up to over 5%, which is where the WHO say you shouldn't even consider lifting any further restrictions. It's a sign you're dropping the ball, which the tories have done a number of times.


Never mind that it's not just the kids it is ripping through, it's in the older age groups in places like Durham.


So COVID is definitely cutting about a bit, what does that actually mean for us?

Well, 2% of the population have post-COVID complications, or long COVID as you may want to call it. https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/conditionsanddiseases/bulletins/prevalenceofongoingsymptomsfollowingcoronaviruscovid19infectionintheuk/1july2021

An article in the BMJ says:


The office for National Statistics in the UK reported that the highest prevalence of long-COVID after 12 weeks was in those aged 25–34 years (18.2%) and lowest in the 2–11 years age band (7.4%).8 This is in accord with the most recent study from Australia, which followed 151 children (median age 3 years) for 3–6 months who predominantly had mild or asymptomatic infection followed in only 8% with ongoing symptoms.9 However, evidence from other small long-term outcome studies in children suggests that more than a half having at least one persisting symptom 4 months after COVID-19.10 Our experience is that preschool children rarely have long-COVID symptoms but those in the 6–18 age groups are significantly more frequently affected.

You can find it here: https://adc.bmj.com/content/early/2021/05/27/archdischild-2021-321882

Fundamentally, what is now taking place is a Tory-led medical experiment in children and young adults. We simply don't know how much damage it will do to that age group left unchecked.

Never mind that, you'll have a large unvaccinated reservoir of virus to circulate, with parents/grandparents/adults around who are vaccinated. That puts selective pressure on the virus in itself.

Fundamentally, we are going to have to learn to live with the virus. But, that doesn't necessarily mean letting every kid get it at once and hoping for the best. That's really no different to Boris' plan 18 months ago.

Edited by AcousticallyChallenged
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36 minutes ago, 2112 said:

The Nations Propaganda Mouthpiece this morning has the Chief Cuntstable saying the police acting ‘gung ho’. They couldn’t do ‘Kung fu’. Acting like a dictatorial agents of the state, as directed by Ashie I would say. 

Still this Tynpotwald Day the Chief Cuntstable will dressed up in his Dictators outfit ready to creep and fawn to his masters. Then join in with the festivities afterwards, and not forgetting the Tynpotwald Banquet. Then his underlings can then lock up the peasants on trumped up COVID-19 charges. 

There are wittering on FB about a £400k payout for wrongful arrest and jailing and also smaller compensatory payments of a few thousand.  Is there any basis for these allegations? 

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