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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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5 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

I think that from the Island's perspective, we're not in a fundamentally poor spot in some respects.

NHS still has a huge backlog from the cancellations arising from previous lockdowns, I wouldn’t say that places us in a good position, If we see more cancellations because people are testing positive it’s still a slippery slope, assuming that is that they are still testing people routinely before operations, chancing are if someone has had 2 miracle jabs they won’t be.

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12 minutes ago, Nom de plume said:

How are we getting on in terms of Covid admissions to Nobles since our plague riddled cousins descended & the Delta variant ripped through the schools again?

It takes longer than 3 weeks for the shit to hit the fan, it always has done.

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5 minutes ago, Annoymouse said:

It takes longer than 3 weeks for the shit to hit the fan, it always has done.

You are correct. Like I keep saying we cannot celebrate yet.

However, the smart money would be on the shit being more of a skid mark if the vaccine remains effective 😁

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3 hours ago, Annoymouse said:

Its obvious my way of thinking puts me in the minority. By rights we should be hit worse than the UK, we don’t have the level of herd immunity, we have zero restrictions, I don’t think we compare well with the UK as huge numbers of their vulnerable died from Covid last year so I’m not at all surprised that Covid deaths remain low in the UK, it’s effectively burning itself out. First in hospital should be this week, first in ICU will be 2-3 weeks after that, if I had to guess I’d say the first death will be 6-8 weeks after first admission, that’s only going from previous restrictions/lockdowns. We’ve already been told to expect serious illness and deaths, that’s all part of living with the virus, but it always hits a small community harder and it’s the only thing that makes people fearful.

Serious question then.

Since the fact that so many are baccinfed makes the spread much less, and since this strain is much less deadly (I in 1000 “cases” lead to death, as opposed to 1 in 60 last year in Uk)

Who do you honestly think on island is likely to die as a direct result of COVId who hasn’t been vaccinated?

Jersey are test to lose anyone under 50 and no deaths since February - as an example.

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2 hours ago, Annoymouse said:

Well I’m worried about the impact on the NHS for my own selfish reasons, the waiting list has already grown by a year. I’ve also got family who’ve booked visits here for October and December, I’ll be absolutely livid if that can’t happen because they’ve decided to drop all social distancing/mask wearing measures 4 weeks before the UK has. I also think it makes an absolute mockery of current UK legislation to welcome anyone from the UK with no restrictions when they still have restrictions in their own country.

The evidence I am seeing now is that a significant number of scientist now believe the UK should have open in June as planned, and that the doomsday predictions aren’t even close to coming true.

We are fine as we are, and in a couple of weeks the UK will be the same

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