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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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32 minutes ago, Utah 01 said:

The DT, love it or hate it, did carry several articles from 'scientists' who either supported earlier 'opening up' or going ahead on July 19.  Of course, if your only source of information (and I use that term loosely) is the BBC and Sky, then all you will have heard is the never-ending procession of the lock-down zealots that they have over-flowing from their go-to for doom and despondency contacts list.

I actually read one on BBC a couple of days ago, saying that the models they had based the decision on had, with hindsight, been completely wrong.

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39 minutes ago, Utah 01 said:

The DT, love it or hate it, did carry several articles from 'scientists' who either supported earlier 'opening up' or going ahead on July 19.  Of course, if your only source of information (and I use that term loosely) is the BBC and Sky, then all you will have heard is the never-ending procession of the lock-down zealots that they have over-flowing from their go-to for doom and despondency contacts list.


10 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

You disparage the BBC and Sky but repeatedly reffer to the Telegraph. The same Telegraph that publishes Toby "The pandemic is over, there will be no second wave - 10/20" Young and a bunch of others who have been constantly wrong. Run by a billionaire tax exile. Fuck the Telegraph.


I casually happened to read the following article in the Daily Express, by accidentally clicking on a link. Granted that the Daily Express is not a particularly balanced source, often coming across as quite deranged actually. However, the article below is factual.

If members of SAGE are also known long-term members of the communist party and say openly what they say, basically that Covid is their mean to end capitalism, this has got to be reported in the press. It is actually a bit of shame that most of the mainstream British press has turned a blind eye to it (so far at the least).


Left-wing 'zero covid' scientists plot bid for endless lockdowns
PUBLISHED: 00:13, Sun, Jul 4, 2021

A GROUP of scientists in Britain who want to push for continued and tougher lockdowns are set to launch an international "zero covid" network later this month.

The Sunday Express has learnt that members of Independent Sage are to be part of the launch of an international group called the World Health Network which will push for a “zero covid” strategy of maintaining lockdowns. The revelation came at an online meeting of the Zero Covid campaign group last week where trade union officials told attendees about how covid is a means of recruiting members and how the ultimate goal has to be “to bring down capitalism.”

The news about the new international network was announced at the end of the meeting Yaneer Bar-Yam, an American physicist who is a member of the Covid Action Group which includes the members of Independent Sage including controversial behavioural scientist Professor Susan Michie, who is a member of the Communist Party.

It follows MPs last month questioning why three Independent Sage members including Professor Michie, her husband Professor Robert West, and Professor Stephen Reicher, all behavioural scientists, are also official government advisors.

Dr Bar-Yam, a leading member of the Covid Action Group, told the meeting of leftwing Zero Covid activists that a closed conference not open to the public will be held on 14 and 15 July to launch the World Health Network.

He said: “We have a globalised team primarily of scientists called the Covid Action Group. [This is] morphing into the World Health Network [with] very enthusiastic participation from Indy Sage, ISAG (Independent Scientific Advocacy Group), Covid Germany, and reaching out to parents groups and others.

“The purpose of the network is to facilitate the interaction of the teams. Give it some global infrastructure thinking about opportunities.

He said the purpose was to “shift the pandemic response” adding “I think you all know the values we share and the work we are doing on that.”

Earlier in the meeting Kathy Jenkins from Scottish Hazards, which was set up to provide free and confidential information, advice, support and training to workers on workplace health and safety issues, discussed how she was being funded with taxpayers’ money from the Scottish government to go to non-union members and using covid to encourage them to join trade unions.

The other speaker Tracy Edwards from the Public and Commercial Services Union also discussed how they were using air quality, long covid and other issues to restructure the workplace and add regulation.

Near the end of the meeting a Zero Covid activist Steve Ballard said that work on health and safety needed to be “combined with transforming the nature of work. 

He said: “The rich have always said you have got to work to make us rich. That’s got to stop. Otherwise we are all going to fry. Got to change the agenda pretty damn quick.”

At a previous meeting he suggested that the Soviet Union style of Communism needed to be brought into Britain.

Responding to his comments, Ms Edwards said: “I agree with Steve there. Capitalism makes its own. 

“The people who are in charge cannot be trusted to protect our health and safety. What we have got to do as a movement is not just control our working lives but society as a whole has pointed out.

“We have got to urgently think about who is running society and shift the balance in favour of the many not the few.”

Ms Jenkins added: “[Covid] hasn’t created problems, it has exposed them. Not only health and safety ones.

“Loads of smaller things need changing, not just capitalism [but] I completely agree we have got to get rid of it.

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31 minutes ago, Black Mirror said:



I casually happened to read the following article in the Daily Express, by accidentally clicking on a link. Granted that the Daily Express is not a particularly balanced source, often coming across as quite deranged actually. However, the article below is factual.

If members of SAGE are also known long-term members of the communist party and say openly what they say, basically that Covid is their mean to end capitalism, this has got to be reported in the press. It is actually a bit of shame that most of the mainstream British press has turned a blind eye to it (so far at the least).

It is important to recognIse the difference between SAGE and iSAGE.

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1 hour ago, oooohtony said:

Previous reference to refrigerated trucks in New York at the start of the pandemic, to me, are signs of people looking back at irrelevant events rather than positively looking at the difference the vaccine has made.


time will tell

It's entirely relevant. If you have a population who are largely vaxxed, and/or have had exposure to the virus, your risk profile changes dramatically. Part of the 'herd immunity' bit. The refrigerated trucks are merely a sign they've likely been hit hard. If they've been hit hard, a lot of people have likely developed immunity. Yet, despite that, they keep restrictions in place. You can see some of the stats around antibody testing and vaccination. Note that our antibody testing program got scrapped about halfway through a pilot scheme.



Consistent with the State's implementation of CDC guidance, masks are still required for unvaccinated individuals. Further, the State's health guidelines continue to be in effect for large-scale indoor event venues, pre-K to grade 12 schools, public transit, homeless shelters, correctional facilities, nursing homes, and health care settings per CDC guidelines.



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1 hour ago, Black Mirror said:

I casually happened to read the following article in the Daily Express, by accidentally clicking on a link. Granted that the Daily Express is not a particularly balanced source, often coming across as quite deranged actually. However, the article below is factual.

If members of SAGE are also known long-term members of the communist party and say openly what they say, basically that Covid is their mean to end capitalism, this has got to be reported in the press. It is actually a bit of shame that most of the mainstream British press has turned a blind eye to it (so far at the least).


Left-wing 'zero covid' scientists plot bid for endless lockdowns
PUBLISHED: 00:13, Sun, Jul 4, 2021

A GROUP of scientists in Britain who want to push for continued and tougher lockdowns are set to launch an international "zero covid" network later this month.

The Sunday Express has learnt that members of Independent Sage are to be part of the launch of an international group called the World Health Network which will push for a “zero covid” strategy of maintaining lockdowns. The revelation came at an online meeting of the Zero Covid campaign group last week where trade union officials told attendees about how covid is a means of recruiting members and how the ultimate goal has to be “to bring down capitalism.”

The news about the new international network was announced at the end of the meeting Yaneer Bar-Yam, an American physicist who is a member of the Covid Action Group which includes the members of Independent Sage including controversial behavioural scientist Professor Susan Michie, who is a member of the Communist Party.

It follows MPs last month questioning why three Independent Sage members including Professor Michie, her husband Professor Robert West, and Professor Stephen Reicher, all behavioural scientists, are also official government advisors.

Dr Bar-Yam, a leading member of the Covid Action Group, told the meeting of leftwing Zero Covid activists that a closed conference not open to the public will be held on 14 and 15 July to launch the World Health Network.

He said: “We have a globalised team primarily of scientists called the Covid Action Group. [This is] morphing into the World Health Network [with] very enthusiastic participation from Indy Sage, ISAG (Independent Scientific Advocacy Group), Covid Germany, and reaching out to parents groups and others.

“The purpose of the network is to facilitate the interaction of the teams. Give it some global infrastructure thinking about opportunities.

He said the purpose was to “shift the pandemic response” adding “I think you all know the values we share and the work we are doing on that.”

Earlier in the meeting Kathy Jenkins from Scottish Hazards, which was set up to provide free and confidential information, advice, support and training to workers on workplace health and safety issues, discussed how she was being funded with taxpayers’ money from the Scottish government to go to non-union members and using covid to encourage them to join trade unions.

The other speaker Tracy Edwards from the Public and Commercial Services Union also discussed how they were using air quality, long covid and other issues to restructure the workplace and add regulation.

Near the end of the meeting a Zero Covid activist Steve Ballard said that work on health and safety needed to be “combined with transforming the nature of work. 

He said: “The rich have always said you have got to work to make us rich. That’s got to stop. Otherwise we are all going to fry. Got to change the agenda pretty damn quick.”

At a previous meeting he suggested that the Soviet Union style of Communism needed to be brought into Britain.

Responding to his comments, Ms Edwards said: “I agree with Steve there. Capitalism makes its own. 

“The people who are in charge cannot be trusted to protect our health and safety. What we have got to do as a movement is not just control our working lives but society as a whole has pointed out.

“We have got to urgently think about who is running society and shift the balance in favour of the many not the few.”

Ms Jenkins added: “[Covid] hasn’t created problems, it has exposed them. Not only health and safety ones.

“Loads of smaller things need changing, not just capitalism [but] I completely agree we have got to get rid of it.

If the express are the only ones reporting it, then I'd be hesitant to put any credit into it.

If you actually look at the COVID action group, they put their role as to advise not enforce.

Also, if you actually read any of the website, the focus is on pulling fingers out to AVOID lockdowns. A lockdown is fundamentally a sign that you've dropped the ball and let it get out of hand. A last resort.

But, McCarthyism sells papers.


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22 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

An interesting article about face masks. The paper is pre-print so not yet peer reviewed, but suggests that face masks made a significant impact, reducing transmission by between 31 and 46%.


So, significantly less than the vaccine.

Masks are gone here and in England for pretty much everything.  Thank god.

Awful things, taking away way more pleasure from social interactions than they contribute to safety in the new vaccinated world.

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5 hours ago, Amadeus said:

Today at St Johns. Not sure what to say really. 





I'd suggest "fuck off and take your chances on your own without a vaccine and don't let us know how you get on. Meanwhile leave the rest of us to get on with our vaccinated liberated lives"

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1 minute ago, oooohtony said:

So, significantly less than the vaccine.

Masks are gone here and in England for pretty much everything.  Thank god.

Awful things, taking away way more pleasure from social interactions than they contribute to safety in the new vaccinated world.

As many accredited scientists have pointed out, the vaccine is not a silver bullet. It fundamentally changes the risks, but it isn't everything. Look the Delta variant, which evolved mutations to help it evade existing antibodies.

Every time the virus replicates, it has a chance for a random mutation that'll help it spread. It's just that, in a population where about half of you are vaccinated, you're putting on a selective pressure for mutations that help it spread to people who are already vaccinated. And you have a susceptible population of millions for it to be doing that in. Darwinism at its finest.

But it's okay, Boris waved his magic wand. The big bad virus has gone away.

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14 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:


But it's okay, Boris waved his magic wand. The big bad virus has gone away.

Not really.  It was just made incredibly unlikely to cause anyone an issue thanks to the vaccines that a huge number of scientists worldwide worked tirelessly to get out in record time.

Silver bullet they aren’t, but they are sufficient to allow us to get pretty much everything other than international travel back to normal in the next few weeks with no significant risk to those of us (Britain, US, and others) fortunate enough to live amongst a population with sufficient percentages of people protected.

An outstanding joint achieving by mankind, which even those of us who couldn’t contribute in a financial, practical, scientific or intellectual way, contributed to by putting our lives on hold for a bit.

Our work here is done.  Bring on the huge events, socialising, and sensible travel.

Edited by oooohtony
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Instagram check for the day.

Friend in Portugal - video of restaurant. Completely normal, no masks.

Friend in an African country (couldn’t tell where, but he gets about) packed nightclub. No masks, no distancing.

Former colleague in Denmark - Looked completely normal out on the streets and bars.

Not sure why people are determined to say we are nuts and all going to die.

Lots of people are living normally.

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The BBC have really highlighted the Tory view on disabled/vulnerable people.

"Where does this leave clinically vulnerable people or those not yet vaccinated?
Essentially, at the mercy of others’ goodwill, or having to avoid crowded spaces. Downing Street says people will have to “use their personal judgment based on their individual circumstances”, with possible ideas for vulnerable people to only travel on public transport at quieter times of the day. Similarly, there will be no specific protection for clinically vulnerable people who feel they cannot return to their workplace if others there are not wearing masks or socially distancing."


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3 hours ago, Utah 01 said:

And for the face-nappy addicts

Describing masks as face nappies puts you in the same camp as people like the former actor Laurence Fox.

Israel quickly reintroduced masks after cases spiked. And is now in the process of re-introducing many of the previous restrictions. The UK will likely go the same way. Especially as we move into an era where it will no longer be about whether one has had one's second jab - but rather whether one has had the latest booster.

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5 minutes ago, oooohtony said:

Friend in Portugal - video of restaurant. Completely normal, no masks.

Friend in an African country (couldn’t tell where, but he gets about) packed nightclub. No masks, no distancing.

Former colleague in Denmark - Looked completely normal out on the streets and bars.

Welcome back. Is 3 the new 5?

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