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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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5 hours ago, Amadeus said:

Today at St Johns. Not sure what to say really. 





For one if that is supposed to be a legal document, i would suggest his supposedly qualified 'lawyer' needs to proof read it before handing it over as his grasp of the English language is tenuous at best.

secondly i wonder if this buffoon caught covid will he stay at home and drown in his own flem or as i suspect be dialing 999 asking to be pumped full of any drug or experimental treatment to save his life.

Dickheads like this will drag this out, milking every last coin from any dickhead willing to sign up to his drivel. Same boneheads who think the earth is flat and that lizard people run the place. its a grift pure and simple. 

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22 minutes ago, pongo said:

Describing masks as face nappies puts you in the same camp as people like the former actor Laurence Fox.

Israel quickly reintroduced masks after cases spiked. And is now in the process of re-introducing many of the previous restrictions. The UK will likely go the same way. Especially as we move into an era where it will no longer be about whether one has had one's second jab - but rather whether one has had the latest booster.

Risky to assume that Boris will even stick to his word, 2 weeks is a long time for circumstances to change.

The talk of a booster jab is interesting, particularly at a time when people are being told that 2 jabs will offer them the most protection, when will people get the first booster? and will people need to have one from the same manufacturer they had the initial two from.

Edited by Annoymouse
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1 minute ago, Annoymouse said:

Risky to assume that Boris will even stick to his word, 2 weeks is a long time for circumstances to change.

The talk of a booster jab is interesting, particularly at a time when people are being told that 2 jabs will offer them the most protection, when will people get the first booster? and will people need to have one from the same manufacturer? 

There has been talk about the boosters being more effective, if you get the one you've not had as a booster.

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42 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

There has been talk about the boosters being more effective, if you get the one you've not had as a booster.

A doctor was on Sky News taking about plans to give over 50's a booster with their winter flu jab - one in each arm at the same appointment. 

He was asked if that's a safe way to do it. His answer was "we think so". 

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32 minutes ago, Annoymouse said:

Point still stands, we were one of the first and no mention of mask wearing on public transport either.

There are loads of places saying double jabbed people are lower risk and don’t need to isolate.  Loads. Depends on your definition of “one of the first”


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45 minutes ago, oooohtony said:

There are loads of places saying double jabbed people are lower risk and don’t need to isolate.  Loads. Depends on your definition of “one of the first”


No isolation yet they still have day 1 and day 14 tests?

Very few places have dropped all isolation/testing, social distancing and mask wearing requirements for double vax travellers certainly from what I can see so far we were one of the first.


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Well, it looks like the UK Government’s plan is simple, and becoming clearer. 

Letting it rip will theoretically let herd immunity be achieved by somewhere near the end of August. Either everyone will have had it, or, everyone will have been exposed to it. 

There are 4 problems with this: 

- A number of scientists are pointing out it’s the perfect breeding ground for new variants. The virus mutates all the time, usually to not great consequence, but when you’ve got a population that are half immune, then Darwinism steps in. 

- It throws clinically vulnerable people under the bus. There are plenty of people who risk dying from COVID despite their vaccination, especially people like transplant patients on immunosuppressants. The Government advice has been avoid the bus at busy times. Great for anyone needing to get to work. 

- Deaths aren’t the metric to worry about anymore. If hospitalisations keep climbing at the rate they are, along with cases, which is likely especially given restrictions lifting, then the NHS could be pegged somewhere between the first and second wave in terms of COVID beds. This is arguably manageable, but risks delaying electives and other treatments as hospitals fill up. 

- Quite a number of people who have had COVID feel like shit for quite a long time. Including about 7% of kids. And that often lasts for 12 weeks or more. So it’s not even something they’d get over in the summer. 

The shift towards the “personal responsibility” message is simply the government absolving itself of any. They’re taking a gamble, and it’s not one even Whitty or Valance seem to think is the way forward. They were talking about the importance of masks in the briefing. But that’ll be lost in the freedom messaging from Boris. 

Let’s see where we are in a month’s time, but I’m not certain it will be somewhere great. I hope I’m wrong. 

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