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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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1 hour ago, TheTeapot said:

Well we've had the big weekend now (a roaring success by the looks of things) so maybe they'll consider some changes. One of the problems is that they published their plan to reduce restrictions based on the UK infection rate dropping, and that hasn't really happened to any great extent. And we all know our gov doesn't like even a suggestion that they might have got things wrong. Even if that is debatable.

Well it pissed down Friday so disaster for outside events in Port Erin, Laxey etc, 23 in cells over weekend, walking along Douglas  quay this morning to support local cafes for breakfast.

Noas closed as were several other places as don’t open on Monday, super Manx bank holiday, my arse! Most can’t even bother opening.

managed to get something at railway station after 20 minutes looking 

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5 hours ago, the stinking enigma said:

Bit harsh. She seems pretty ok to me.

That’s your opinion but she seems to have a strong leaning towards self-publicity and scoffing at anything that falls outside of what is clearly the agreed government party line. When that happens I’m afraid it usually suggests that they don't want anyone digging at the substance as it doesn’t hold up to scrutiny and they know it. 

The Jersey approach seems to be the right one. It’s open, it’s transparent, it’s producing loads of data that can be assessed and analyzed to establish the real risks of an open island and it’s allowing the economy to function better by facilitating business and tourist travel whilst at the same time managing transmission risks. In contrast our policy seems to be to ask people to lock themselves up for 14 days, don’t monitor them anyway, don’t test them unless they themselves ask for a test (!) but then claim that somehow miraculously just closing the borders is responsible for no Covid which also accentuates people’s sense of isolation from the rest of the world and fear of ‘newcomers’. It makes little sense to me. As Thommo2010 says there’s bound to be people who have brought it back and had it. But if we actively don’t test them unless they’re actually ill and ask for a test we’ll never know. As it stands people aren’t observing self isolation we know that for a fact from the arrests and all the nosy neighbour reports on social media. But then I suppose looking at the data why should they self isolate? The official statistics show that nobody self isolating has had Covid as we haven't tested any of them unless they asked to be tested so does that mean that officially the risk of breaking quarantine is next to zero as nobody has tested positive anyway? So that then leaves the question of what is the real transmission risk in the IOM? Nobody knows. The system is only as tight as our self isolation checking process which seems to be pretty slack given only 1/3 of people got a visit or a phone call up until a few weeks ago. 

Edited by Mr Newbie
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3 hours ago, thommo2010 said:

The infection rate is high because theres more testing being done. I have no doubts covid is on the island but theres no testing going on unless you get symptoms or go to the hospital.

It could happen at any time, but I don't think it has been on the Island for the last 100 days or whatever.  Either it would have died out or someone would have had bad enough symptoms to be tested. It could be passed on without affecting anyone seriously for maybe a few weeks, but not three months - that's not how epidemics work.

The danger with low level testing as we have seen here is that if the Island is reinfected, it may spread undetected in the community for some time - and fast because people are behaving normally rather than new-normally - before the virus is detected and measures put in place.  That is more or less what happened in New Zealand with their current outbreak, which effectively came from just one infection.

Edited by Roger Mexico
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34 minutes ago, Trueblood said:

There seems little point easing restrictions now when there is an expectation of a second wave in October which could prove to be worse than the first wave

What second wave expected, is that from the latest conspiracy news?

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1 hour ago, Trueblood said:

There seems little point easing restrictions now when there is an expectation of a second wave in October which could prove to be worse than the first wave

You have been listening to the BBC again - and the 'experts(?)'

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5 hours ago, gettafa said:


Careful now Thommo lad, @rachomics will have you branded a conspiracy theorist.

Well, if the tinfoil hat fits? I blocked a couple of people last week on twitter for the usual troll-like behaviour instead of just ignoring them. The bit I didn't expect was that these people would then follow me in accounts under their own name within a few minutes (at odd hours of day). Re-reading their troll accounts after realising who they were in real life was a pretty entertaining few minutes. 

4 hours ago, Mr Newbie said:

Now there’s someone with a messiah complex if ever there was one. 

If you don't like what I have to say, don't follow me?

For info, I don't have to be involved with COVID19 on the Island, don't need the money, don't need the hassle or the trolling, don't need the time away from my own company and don't need the hundred-hour weeks I've had to work for the last six months to do both jobs. Yet I'm still helping because I know the alternative would be a return to testing in the UK on a 3 day+ turnaround for results at significant financial cost to the IoM. If that means people think I have a "messiah complex" then so be it; click the "unfollow" button and get on with your life. I'm aware of the input I've had and I'm quite rightly proud of it. 

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10 minutes ago, rachomics said:

Well, if the tinfoil hat fits? I blocked a couple of people last week on twitter for the usual troll-like behaviour instead of just ignoring them. The bit I didn't expect was that these people would then follow me in accounts under their own name within a few minutes (at odd hours of day). Re-reading their troll accounts after realising who they were in real life was a pretty entertaining few minutes. 

Now there’s a real conspiracy theory if ever there was one. 

11 minutes ago, rachomics said:

If you don't like what I have to say, don't follow me? For info, I don't have to be involved with COVID19 on the Island, don't need the money, don't need the hassle or the trolling, don't need the time away from my own company and don't need the hundred-hour weeks I've had to work for the last six months to do both jobs. Yet I'm still helping because I know the alternative would be a return to testing in the UK on a 3 day+ turnaround for results at significant financial cost to the IoM. If that means people think I have a "messiah complex" then so be it; click the "unfollow" button and get on with your life. I'm aware of the input I've had and I'm quite rightly proud of it. 

To be honest I don’t follow you I only follow re posts about you on here or things that others re-tweet. Who is trolling you either? It was just an observation from some of the re posts and re-tweets I’ve seen of your content. You see that’s the thing about social media you often create impressions of yourself that don’t come across to others in the same way as you meant. A few people have mentioned costs above and if in that response you’re saying that you’re running yourself ragged trying to do stuff on the cheap for government and that’s perhaps one of the reasons why we aren’t testing as many people as other islands seem to be doing then I’d say that’s information that might be material to others wondering why we’re still taking the low volume self service approach that we seem to be taking when Jersey seem to be blitzing it and Guernsey is testing a significant amount more too. 

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