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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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4 hours ago, Pieman said:

For those that had results emailed recently, how long have they taken to come through? 

Might be worth checking your junk/spam box, the most I’ve seen someone wait for a test result is 48hrs, vast majority are still 24hrs after test.

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3 hours ago, wrighty said:

I think you’re wrong with your binary definition of a herd.  Your view implies a homogeneous population where any person is equally likely to encounter any another in the group.  It isn’t like that. There is of course some mixing between groups, but it’s far less than within a group - consider a class in a school, they’ll each have about 30 potential contacts in the group, but only two or three outside of it.  The concept of community immunity applied to humankind is more complex than when applied to cattle, and having cohorts of people who don’t mix a whole lot with outsiders, with sufficient levels of vaccination to be at ‘herd immunity’, is a useful concept.

That's exactly right. Its a misconception that many people have

In theory yes, in population where every single person is vaccinated (or totally immune even), and no outsider ever comes in then you would have a binary situation of herd immunity.

Every other situation is merely a level of herd immunity.

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1 hour ago, the stinking enigma said:

Sometimes i think i am the only genuine poster on here. Its most confusing

You are the only poster in fact. We are just figments of your imagination, extensions of your self. We only exist when you want us to....

Only respond if you want the truth - red pill or blue pill time. 


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Interesting statement on the radio from a PHE scientist/Doctor (whose name escaped me) who said that in their opinion, opening up UK restrictions whilst there's still a large percentage of unvaccinated and semi-vaccinated is inviting the virus to "adapt" (q/unq).

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9 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

Interesting statement on the radio from a PHE scientist/Doctor (whose name escaped me) who said that in their opinion, opening up UK restrictions whilst there's still a large percentage of unvaccinated and semi-vaccinated is inviting the virus to "adapt" (q/unq).

There have been quite a few scientists and doctors saying pretty much the same over the past few days. Many also despairing over the government's inability or outright refusal to learn from what's happening with the Dutch. 

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6 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

Interesting statement on the radio from a PHE scientist/Doctor (whose name escaped me) who said that in their opinion, opening up UK restrictions whilst there's still a large percentage of unvaccinated and semi-vaccinated is inviting the virus to "adapt" (q/unq).

Well that’s the unknown territory, the concern has always been that a vaccine resistant strain could emerge and mixing large numbers of vaccinated and unvaccinated together will give it the best possible opportunity, whether it will happen or not is anyone’s guess.

So far with each mutation/variant the virus appears to get more transmissible but less deadly, it’s difficult to tell how much of this is the vaccine doing the work and how much is the virus just burning itself out. 


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29 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

Talking of genuine…

Where’s the Fuckwit gone? He’s usually got at least 80 posts on board by now. 

Gone somewhere safe to shed his skin before emerging with a brand new shiny username epidermis.

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12 minutes ago, Annoymouse said:

Well that’s the unknown territory, the concern has always been that a vaccine resistant strain could emerge and mixing large numbers of vaccinated and unvaccinated together will give it the best possible opportunity, whether it will happen or not is anyone’s guess.

So far with each mutation/variant the virus appears to get more transmissible but less deadly, it’s difficult to tell how much of this is the vaccine doing the work and how much is the virus just burning itself out. 


There will always be that chance so just how long do we wait? it will be winter soon with the other things that come with it flu,colds etc the hospitals will be full as they are every year so another excuse would be found. 

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2 hours ago, the stinking enigma said:

I find it a bit odd that you wont name the hotel

Not really. I’m not that regular on here but most forums have a no name and shame policy, and as others have noted, we are still stuck here so are in their hands. 
Some half decent development, a new manager in today who’s hit the roof about how we’ve been treated and gone out of his way to help.  Delivered some fans to the room and a load of chilled drinks and a bucket of ice after I called him this morning. 

The temp has been a nightmare in here, it’s still stifling but the fans have helped a lot, also helping ventilate the room a little. 

The service has been very poor overall, but this chap has done his bit to improve things which is nice of him. 
Still no testing news. We wonder at what point we start packing our bags to go home. It doesn’t look like we will get out of the hotel at all before we need to go back home.  

we love the island, I’ve been coming pretty much every year since 1973. The trouble is, unless they can sort out the entry requirement for kids to be more reliable or allow the testing to be done, say, before we get on the ferry, it’s going to make coming back in the future impractical. When we’ve been before we’ve come for 5 days maybe a week. It’s worth coming for that, but as a tourist you start repeating yourself after that sort of time. So it is difficult to work in say three or 4 days extra to cover the testing regime  and still get some time on the Island. 
no one minds the hoops you need to go through to keep the Island safe, but how it is right now is just impractical.  

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23 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

There will always be that chance so just how long do we wait? it will be winter soon with the other things that come with it flu,colds etc the hospitals will be full as they are every year so another excuse would be found. 

Well the IOM rightly or wrongly has picked which path it wants to go down, we won’t actually know whether that was the right decision until at least another 6-12 months but there isn’t any turning back now.

As for the UK, they look to be choosing the same path from 19th July, we can only watch with interest.

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1 hour ago, Non-Believer said:

Interesting statement on the radio from a PHE scientist/Doctor (whose name escaped me) who said that in their opinion, opening up UK restrictions whilst there's still a large percentage of unvaccinated and semi-vaccinated is inviting the virus to "adapt" (q/unq).

the virus has been mutating/adapting since day 1  , it's nothing new but the scientists are running out of things to say to get themselves noticed..

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37 minutes ago, Pieman said:

Not really. I’m not that regular on here but most forums have a no name and shame policy, and as others have noted, we are still stuck here so are in their hands. 
Some half decent development, a new manager in today who’s hit the roof about how we’ve been treated and gone out of his way to help.  Delivered some fans to the room and a load of chilled drinks and a bucket of ice after I called him this morning. 

The temp has been a nightmare in here, it’s still stifling but the fans have helped a lot, also helping ventilate the room a little. 

The service has been very poor overall, but this chap has done his bit to improve things which is nice of him. 
Still no testing news. We wonder at what point we start packing our bags to go home. It doesn’t look like we will get out of the hotel at all before we need to go back home.  

we love the island, I’ve been coming pretty much every year since 1973. The trouble is, unless they can sort out the entry requirement for kids to be more reliable or allow the testing to be done, say, before we get on the ferry, it’s going to make coming back in the future impractical. When we’ve been before we’ve come for 5 days maybe a week. It’s worth coming for that, but as a tourist you start repeating yourself after that sort of time. So it is difficult to work in say three or 4 days extra to cover the testing regime  and still get some time on the Island. 
no one minds the hoops you need to go through to keep the Island safe, but how it is right now is just impractical.  

Sorry to hear of your woes.  As a Manxy I apologise for the ineptitude of our leaders who failed to predict the huge increase in demand to 111 and testing despite it being blatantly obvious months ago.

Re the entry requirements for children it is only temporary so shouldn’t impact you on what will still be future visits.  Fingers crossed people will becoming and going freely between here and UK with no testing or isolation soon.

A few more weeks and the fearful locals will realise that with the vaccines large levels of COVID circulating is nothing to stress over and all restrictions will be lifted.  Those who predicted doom and gloom will look a bit silly but say nothing and the rest of us will look back at a missed summer opportunity for the island to have done something really special like the auks first huge festival that could have attracted thousands back in May June and what could have been an awesome event around the festival of motorcycling in August and September.

re the Hotel I can guess where you are.  The government scared people to such an extent early on that many staff are terrified of the dreaded COVID and some hotels aren’t accepting people who are isolating at all.  I would advise anyone else planning to travel soon to check directly with the hotel what their policy is.

Good luck, and apologies again from the vast majority of sane Manx People who think you shouldn’t have had to isolate at all.

Edited by Ramseyboi
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9 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

 I apologise for the ineptitude of our leaders who failed to predict the huge increase in demand to 111 and testing despite it being blatantly obvious months ago.

It was entirely predictable, the worrying thing is that Pieman won’t be the only one, it’s potentially very damaging to our already knackered tourist industry.

I’ve got also got a hotel in mind, I wonder if it’s all done up to look posh on the surface but is really quite the opposite, the rooms are actually quite dated and the silicone in the shower looks like it’s been been applied by someone’s thumb.

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