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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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1 hour ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

Yet “they” need a pandemic and fear for control? Give over

No, you have misinterpreted the situation.  The pandemic has provided the scenario in which to achieve a level of control never, ever foreseen in peacetime (in the absence irrational and illogical decision making but in the presence of global group-think).  You are quite correct in that the amount of electronic information we leave about ourselves is huge and, rest assured, 'the State' harvests a great deal of it.

The inescapable fact, whether you care to acknowledge it or not, but is documented in the government's own documents, clearly shows that the State has used coercion (take, for example, the threat of COVID passports in itself 'pour encourager les autres' or the deliberately changing of international travel rules to deter that activity) and has deliberately raised fear levels in its own population under the excuse of COVID.  Just consider the mental strife that has been imposed upon millions of our own citizens, some of whom are now petrified of ranging from their homes through 'fear'.  Having achieved this so easily (which has amazed the behavioral psychologists advising government) there is a grave danger these same methods can be used again, almost at will, for things a lot less serious than COVID.  For the past 16 months we have lived under government by diktat - there has been no democratic accountability.

Before last March we believed that these covert methods of control (the very fact that individuals are prepared to walk around with useless pieces of material strapped to their faces is as a result of 'control')  and drastic limitations upon individual freedoms, were to be found only in the realms of totalitarian states but the same methods used to control those populations have been liberally used here, supposedly the cradle of freedom and western democracy (nudge messaging, MSM compliance, media suppression and denigration of any dissenting views or opinions); indeed, even Facebook and Google have elevated themselves the arbiters of truth with their cancelling of anyone or thing that doesn't comply with their perceived 'truth' which, in the main, has been fully compliant with the US Government/WHO opinions and agenda.

Now, if you are happy to unquestioningly comply with every diktat issued by Downing Street or the town hall then that's your right.

BTW, if you think being referred to as a 'sheep' is insulting you've led a very sheltered life.  If you can lie in your bath and after a long soak are unable realise what 'they' have done to you over the past 16 months.  If you can't and/or not prepared to see it...............then baaa!

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1 hour ago, Zarley said:

Speaking of "truth to the rumour", I was told by someone who attended the event at the Nunnery last Sunday night, that a lad was arrested for going to it after they'd received a positive covid result. 

Anyone else hear that? I've not seen any coverage in the media about it. 

That was just one confirmed positive out of how many others who didn’t even know they had covid and W ere unknowingly spreading it?

Its not much different to someone ignoring a positive result from a LFT, your relying on nothing more than honesty.

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36 minutes ago, Utah 01 said:

BTW, if you think being referred to as a 'sheep' is insulting you've led a very sheltered life.  If you can lie in your bath and after a long soak are unable realise what 'they' have done to you over the past 16 months.  If you can't and/or not prepared to see it...............then baaa!

And again, your tenuous at best points undermined by trying to call someone a sheep. A term often used by conspiracy theorists to try and deride people who disagree with them.

I never found it insulting, just pointed out that name-calling tends to be used by those desperate to try and push an agenda. Be that terms covidiots or anti-vaxxers. Of course, some of these agendas may be far closer to the truth. Vaccines do actually work, despite what some Facebook users may claim.

If you can't have a sensible debate without resorting to silly emotive language like 'face nappies', then you're really on a losing hill. I much prefer fact than your fiction.

39 minutes ago, Utah 01 said:

For the past 16 months we have lived under government by diktat - there has been no democratic accountability.

Before last March we believed that these covert methods of control (the very fact that individuals are prepared to walk around with useless pieces of material strapped to their faces is as a result of 'control')  and drastic limitations upon individual freedoms, were to be found only in the realms of totalitarian states but the same methods used to control those populations have been liberally used here, supposedly the cradle of freedom and western democracy (nudge messaging, MSM compliance, media suppression and denigration of any dissenting views or opinions); indeed, even Facebook and Google have elevated themselves the arbiters of truth with their cancelling of anyone or thing that doesn't comply with their perceived 'truth' which, in the main, has been fully compliant with the US Government/WHO opinions and agenda.

Now, if you are happy to unquestioningly comply with every diktat issued by Downing Street or the town hall then that's your right.

Have you ever tried getting a new bin from the local council? You'll be in for a shock if you're expecting them to exert mind control techniques over us. A missing bin is enough of an abstract concept for local government.

You neglect that for decades, injunctions have existed in media outlets from all over the world. You forget that RIPA was willingly passed, and that anyone from the Charity Commission, to the Welsh Ambulance service can request data on UK citizens.

Look at the war on encryption, the EU just voted to make backdoors mandatory, the bill may fail once, but governments all over the world have been trying to push it through.

You're arguing for an expensive, disruptive approach that hurts the pockets of those in power. Cronyism is the mark of the Tory government, and every move they've made to relax restrictions is to benefit how their mates make money. Occam's razor is a beautiful thing.

Never mind that if COVID was bollocks, an anti-Western country would be telling everyone that they could. We've got governments at war agreeing that COVID is actually a threat.



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21 minutes ago, Annoymouse said:

That was just one confirmed positive out of how many others who didn’t even know they had covid and W ere unknowingly spreading it?

Its not much different to someone ignoring a positive result from a LFT, your relying on nothing more than honesty.

I agree.

I'm currently dealing with a refusal to use a LFT where someone I'm close to is concerned, and it's quite difficult. They can't afford to be off work but yet they don't want to put anyone at risk either. They're between a rock and hard place for sure. How do you do "the right thing" when the right thing may put the roof over your family's head at risk? 

Before one of the usual suspects rocks up to say how the vulnerable are vaxxed, no one in hospital, no one's gonna die, yada yada yada, the higher the case numbers go the more there's a risk of all of that happening and more. And most of you are probably aware of my concerns about long covid and its ramifications for society as a whole. 

Letting covid rip through the community is insanity. Pure. Fucking. Insanity. 

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8 minutes ago, Cambon said:

Funny, I make it 140. That is the difference between today's active cases and yesterday's plus the one new recovery. 

It's 101 according to Manx Radio. I haven't been able to check the government's update as the widget (or whatever you call it) seems to be broken and they haven't uploaded the file yet. 

Anyone else having that problem? 



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4 minutes ago, Zarley said:

It's 101 according to Manx Radio. I haven't been able to check the government's update as the widget (or whatever you call it) seems to be broken and they haven't uploaded the file yet. 

Anyone else having that problem? 



What's confusing me is the dashboard is saying it's an increase of only 32 on yesteday's figures.


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7 minutes ago, AlanShimmin said:

What's to be done? Government don't have the funds for a fourth lockdown.

No win situation, they can’t afford a lockdown now and they won’t be able to afford the long covid complications in the future either. I would assume it will go the same way as close contacts eventually and there will be no testing or isolation, perhaps they’ll start with anyone that’s had 2 jabs doesn’t need to test or isolate regardless of symptoms or LFT result.

Edited by Annoymouse
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29 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

What's confusing me is the dashboard is saying it's an increase of only 32 on yesteday's figures.


Yesterday’s figures wrong presumably. 28 did seem low - 69 more likely, and tallies with the total. 

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1 minute ago, wrighty said:

Yesterday’s figures wrong presumably. 28 did seem low - 69 more likely, and tallies with the total. 

It’s to do with what time the snapshot is taken, it basically excludes any results returned between say 3pm-12, so when next updated any extra are excluded from today’s figures and get added onto yesterday’s total.



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1 hour ago, Zarley said:

I agree.

I'm currently dealing with a refusal to use a LFT where someone I'm close to is concerned, and it's quite difficult. They can't afford to be off work but yet they don't want to put anyone at risk either. 

Ashford said yesterday there is no legal obligation to isolate after a positive LFT, there is also no legal obligation to have a PCR test, so there is no harm in doing an LFT test.

If the test is positive they of course should then organise a PCR test but if they don’t want to/can’t isolate, the next best thing is minimise contact and wear a mask to save giving it to someone else, otherwise they’re part of the problem rather than part of the solution.

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17 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

How is it putting your family’s head at risk? In a worst case scenario it’s 10 days off work and if your boss won’t give you sick pay you can claim incapacity benefit from the DHSC. Not ideal. But it’s only a max of 10 days. Personally I don’t see why people who aren’t exhibiting symptoms bother with a test. I wouldn’t bother myself to be honest and LF tests are fairly unreliable anyway. 

If you don't know what it's like to live pay cheque to pay cheque, I don't know how to explain it to you without writing a book. 

And if you're a close contact who refuses to test to be sure even if you have no symptoms, then you're part of the problem. 

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