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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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4 minutes ago, Annoymouse said:

Ashford said yesterday there is no legal obligation to isolate after a positive LFT, there is also no legal obligation to have a PCR test, so there is no harm in doing an LFT test.

If the test is positive they of course should then organise a PCR test but if they don’t want to/can’t isolate, the next best thing is minimise contact and wear a mask to save giving it to someone else, otherwise they’re part of the problem rather than part of the solution.

I'll have to put it to this person they way you did in your first paragraph. That said, I'm sure they'll do right in the end.

They're currently cooling off on their own - it's been an emotional day all-round for several reasons and this whole testing thing has just been one of those "proverbial straws". 

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7 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

I know very well what it’s like. Annonymouse covers the situation very well above. There is no need to LF test. Or even to isolate after a positive LF test. So why is this person risking being off work? In a worst case scenario (ie, you’re off work for 10 days since presumed infection after a + PCR test) then there is a daily in capacity benefit that can be claimed if the employer won’t pay sick pay. But regardless employers are paying sick pay if people test positive and have to isolate through no fault of their own.

As I said to Annonymouse above, it's been an emotional day for them for many reasons and this is the last thing they needed. I'm sure similar scenes have been playing out in family homes all round the island over the past few days. 

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Been out and about for a day and half ish now and due to go home tomorrow am. 
some observations, as a visitor, I’ve never seen the IOM so busy with locals out and about doing touristy things. well I say never, I remember the  1980s it was a bit like that in the summer. But last few years, arriving for TT or a summer hold here, it’s always been noticed that there’s as many trying to leave the island as arrive! 
so I hope in some ways the economy of the island is helped by more  money being spent at home, rather than abroad.  And on a sunny day like today, my God what a beautiful place it is. 

oh, and we actually quite like the Bee Gees statue! 
I hope they fix 111 and I hope the island can carry on dealing with Covid now it’s getting out there properly. 
I have no idea what we will face back in UK from tomorrow onwards. I’m a numbers guy by trade snd there is an inevitability as to where things will end up I think, just a case of how long. 

i reckon by end of august we will have 100k cases per day and 20k in hospital. And nhs is going to start to struggle them I reckon. 

uk November lockdown? If not, I can see one in new year again. 


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2 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

For their own peace of mind they probably need to be reminded of the actual rules that apply rather than worrying about scenarios which don’t apply. In most cases if you don’t have symptoms and you haven’t failed a PCR test you just crack on.

I never said they don't have symptoms. Mild head cold - hopefully.  

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44 minutes ago, Annoymouse said:

It’s to do with what time the snapshot is taken, it basically excludes any results returned between say 3pm-12, so when next updated any extra are excluded from today’s figures and get added onto yesterday’s total.

Except they're not - the previous day isn't amended, the extra cases are just lost and the media faithfully report that there are 'only' 101 new cases rather than 140.  These were in any case normally the figures for the previous day (ie midnight to midnight and the gap gave them time to get the figures confirmed and analysed.  But if they are reporting as at 3 pm then it should included all the cases since the previous 3 pm.

At best this is them doing something incompetently that they've had six months to practice getting right.  At worst it's trying to conceal the extent of the problem

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7 minutes ago, Pieman said:

Been out and about for a day and half ish now and due to go home tomorrow am. 
some observations, as a visitor, I’ve never seen the IOM so busy with locals out and about doing touristy things. well I say never, I remember the  1980s it was a bit like that in the summer. But last few years, arriving for TT or a summer hold here, it’s always been noticed that there’s as many trying to leave the island as arrive! 
so I hope in some ways the economy of the island is helped by more  money being spent at home, rather than abroad.  And on a sunny day like today, my God what a beautiful place it is. 

oh, and we actually quite like the Bee Gees statue! 
I hope they fix 111 and I hope the island can carry on dealing with Covid now it’s getting out there properly. 
I have no idea what we will face back in UK from tomorrow onwards. I’m a numbers guy by trade snd there is an inevitability as to where things will end up I think, just a case of how long. 

i reckon by end of august we will have 100k cases per day and 20k in hospital. And nhs is going to start to struggle them I reckon. 

uk November lockdown? If not, I can see one in new year again. 


I'm so pleased for you and your daughter that you were able to get out and about at last. Pity you didn't have more time. I hope she continues to be your bike-buddy even though she's growing up, and you get to do it again (sans isolation) soon. 

I hope your predictions are wrong, but I fear they're not. Ah well, good luck and stay safe. 

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21 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

I know very well what it’s like. Annonymouse covers the situation very well above. There is no need to LF test. Or even to isolate or seek a PCR after a positive LF test. So why is this person risking being off work? In a worst case scenario (ie, you’re off work for 10 days from presumed infection after a + PCR test) then there is a daily in capacity benefit that can be claimed if the employer won’t pay sick pay. But regardless most employers are paying sick pay if people test positive and have to isolate through no fault of their own. But I don’t really see why people bother getting tested now unless they’re showing symptoms 

This post here shows the huge divide on island in the impacts of 10 days inability to work.

Lots and lots of people don’t get sick pay.  Incapacity benefit is about £12 a day.  10 days unable to earn will leave a lot of people unable to feed their family or pay rent, put fuel in the car etc.

Remember a lot of these people are still paying off debts accrued in previous lockdowns.

If you work somewhere that pays you for not turning up you are very, very lucky.  As difficult as that is for those in that fortunate situation to comprehend.


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Just now, Ramseyboi said:

This post here shows the huge divide on island in the impacts of 10 days inability to work.

Lots and lots of people don’t get sick pay.  Incapacity benefit is about £12 a day.  10 days unable to earn will leave a lot of people unable to feed their family or pay rent, put fuel in the car etc.

Remember a lot of these people are still paying off debts accrued in previous lockdowns.

If you work somewhere that pays you for not turning up you are very, very lucky.  As difficult as that is for those in that fortunate situation to comprehend.



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15 minutes ago, Pieman said:

Been out and about for a day and half ish now and due to go home tomorrow am. 
some observations, as a visitor, I’ve never seen the IOM so busy with locals out and about doing touristy things. well I say never, I remember the  1980s it was a bit like that in the summer. But last few years, arriving for TT or a summer hold here, it’s always been noticed that there’s as many trying to leave the island as arrive! 
so I hope in some ways the economy of the island is helped by more  money being spent at home, rather than abroad.  And on a sunny day like today, my God what a beautiful place it is. 

oh, and we actually quite like the Bee Gees statue! 
I hope they fix 111 and I hope the island can carry on dealing with Covid now it’s getting out there properly. 
I have no idea what we will face back in UK from tomorrow onwards. I’m a numbers guy by trade snd there is an inevitability as to where things will end up I think, just a case of how long. 

i reckon by end of august we will have 100k cases per day and 20k in hospital. And nhs is going to start to struggle them I reckon. 

uk November lockdown? If not, I can see one in new year again. 


Glad you could eventually have some holiday time.  Hurry back, you sound like exactly the kind of visitor we need.

Go well. 

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2 hours ago, Utah 01 said:

No, you have misinterpreted the situation.  The pandemic has provided the scenario in which to achieve a level of control never, ever foreseen in peacetime (in the absence irrational and illogical decision making but in the presence of global group-think).  You are quite correct in that the amount of electronic information we leave about ourselves is huge and, rest assured, 'the State' harvests a great deal of it.

The inescapable fact, whether you care to acknowledge it or not, but is documented in the government's own documents, clearly shows that the State has used coercion (take, for example, the threat of COVID passports in itself 'pour encourager les autres' or the deliberately changing of international travel rules to deter that activity) and has deliberately raised fear levels in its own population under the excuse of COVID.  Just consider the mental strife that has been imposed upon millions of our own citizens, some of whom are now petrified of ranging from their homes through 'fear'.  Having achieved this so easily (which has amazed the behavioral psychologists advising government) there is a grave danger these same methods can be used again, almost at will, for things a lot less serious than COVID.  For the past 16 months we have lived under government by diktat - there has been no democratic accountability.

Before last March we believed that these covert methods of control (the very fact that individuals are prepared to walk around with useless pieces of material strapped to their faces is as a result of 'control')  and drastic limitations upon individual freedoms, were to be found only in the realms of totalitarian states but the same methods used to control those populations have been liberally used here, supposedly the cradle of freedom and western democracy (nudge messaging, MSM compliance, media suppression and denigration of any dissenting views or opinions); indeed, even Facebook and Google have elevated themselves the arbiters of truth with their cancelling of anyone or thing that doesn't comply with their perceived 'truth' which, in the main, has been fully compliant with the US Government/WHO opinions and agenda.

Now, if you are happy to unquestioningly comply with every diktat issued by Downing Street or the town hall then that's your right.

BTW, if you think being referred to as a 'sheep' is insulting you've led a very sheltered life.  If you can lie in your bath and after a long soak are unable realise what 'they' have done to you over the past 16 months.  If you can't and/or not prepared to see it...............then baaa!

Let's suppose for a moment that you are actually correct and that this is all some nefarious state conspiracy to take away your freedom.

Why? And who? And some more why.

Don't you find it surprising that nothing has leaked about this dastardly plot to take away your freedom.

Isn't it more likely that this strange take on recent history only exists in your head?

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9 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

Most retail businesses to my certain knowledge are paying if you’ve had a PCR test that’s positive. Where they aren’t paying is where you’ve got a cough, think you might have covid, or are a close contact but haven’t been tested. I’m well aware of the impact of not working for 10 days but as I pointed out above that is only going to affect those who have failed a PCR test now. A LF test result is rather irrelevant. 

You don't live in the real world, do you. 

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1 minute ago, Zarley said:

You don't live in the real world, do you. 

Clearly not.

Unfortunately there are many who will never understand your dilemma and many more who would think it was ace to get a positive test and 10 more days at home in the sunny garden after all the time off they have already had on full pay.

Hope all works out for you. 

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9 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

Clearly not.

Unfortunately there are many who will never understand your dilemma and many more who would think it was ace to get a positive test and 10 more days at home in the sunny garden after all the time off they have already had on full pay.

Hope all works out for you. 

Thanks, but to be clear it's a family member in this dilemma,  not me. 

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9 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

One of us doesn’t live in the real world and it isn’t me. As I said there is no need for your friend to risk 10 days off by taking a LF test. Even if the LF test is positive it’s no longer a requirement to isolate or to seek a PCR test. 

It may not be a legal requirement, but it certainly is a requirement of social responsibility, and it's a moral issue as well. What makes it difficult is the financial aspect. 

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